I forgot I ordered this book so today was like a mini-Christmas!
#SevenPointMindTraining #DilgoKhyentseRinpoche #meditation #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism
I forgot I ordered this book so today was like a mini-Christmas!
#SevenPointMindTraining #DilgoKhyentseRinpoche #meditation #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism
I need to read Men Explain Things To Me for the feminist book club I'm in (although I wanted to read it anyway). I've been putting it off because of holidays and errands and travel and just life things happening. Buuutttt... I just got a calendar reminder that the club meets tomorrow at noon! Whoops! Thank goodness the book isn't too long. 😓
"...remember that you can retain your humanity if you continue to be humane."
This entire story feels eerily predictive considering current events. But this line is something I want to remember, always; apocalypse or not.
"If you let go of the pursuit of happiness, what would you do? To put it a bit more dramatically, suppose you were told that, no matter what you did, you would never be happy. Never. What would you do with your life?"
I'm only 30-some pages into The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald and I am already captivated! It's been a while since I've read a book that was purely delightful, but I think this one may be just that.
“If we do something over and over again, it becomes normal. If we see the same thing over and over again, it becomes normal. If only boys are made class monitor, then at some point we will all think, even if unconsciously, that the class monitor has to be a boy. If we keep seeing only men as heads of corporations, it starts to seem ‘natural‘ that only men should be heads of corporations."
My birthday haul: The American Plague by Molly Caldwell Crosby, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald, The Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor by Masamune Shirow, and The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer.
#HappyBirthdayToMe #BookHaul
"You'll be a punching bag." I smiled and replied, "Punch away."
Hillary has always been pretty tough. But I think her time as Secretary of State really tempered her into solid steel. The hard knocks of diplomacy!
But her point here, that to have any kind of productive dialogue, you have to listen is so important! Even if you don't like what the other side is saying, you must listen.
My #reading nook, complete with requisite #cat (and #Deadpool pillow). (Next to the pillow is also a Deadpool blanket.) Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton is laying on the side table but got cropped out. 😔
#IsisTheCat #catsandbooks #mycomfyspot #myreadingspot #readingchair
My first #BookOfTheMonthClub pick is The Wangs vs. the World by Jade Chang. I also added The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (yes, I know I'm behind the times) to my box. I can't wait to #read them!
#booknerd #bibliophile #fiction
My copy of Devil Sent the Rain by Lisa Turner arrived today! It's a mystery that takes place in Memphis, TN and involves old southern families and old southern money. I'm almost 1/4 through it already. It's turned out to be a pretty fast read so far. I'm looking forward to talking about it at the next Smart Bitches Book Club - Memphis Chapter meeting on Sat., Oct 29, at 11 AM. (Find us on meetup.com or msg me for the deets.)