"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined."
#restinpeace #tonimorrison
"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined."
#restinpeace #tonimorrison
If you aren't sure who to follow for random, eclectic photos go ahead and follow me over on Instagram! (She_is.the_arrow) I'd love to discuss books and follow you back! ☺️ Happy Wednesday everyone. 🥳
I liked this book, honestly I did. And I'm all for cliffhanger endings, but this goes too far. I NEED CLOSURE. That being said, it kept me on my toes. Each plot twist could be traced to a hint given in the pages prior so nothing seemed contrived. First time reading this author and would definitely pick up another of his books. 4/5🌟 #ericrickstad #canaries
I binge read this book today. Surprisingly this was my first time and I don't know if I'm entirely upset I didn't have to read it in school. I don't know if I would've appreciated it as much as I do now. I guess that's kind of a point made in the book itself, experiences inform thoughts. 7/5🌟
The beginning is gripping, the middle lulls, and the ending redeems. This book was definitely a rollercoaster, and not something I'd usually pick up to read as I don't usually enjoy a "kids save the world" type story, but this wasn't quite that. Dry is an eye-opening tale of not taking everyday amenities for granted. 3/5?
Happy Easter! I'm enjoying this beautiful spring day sitting out in the sunshine, reading, and sipping this Donut Shop coffee shot. How is your Sunday going?
Caroline Kepnes' sequel to "You" was about everything I could ask for. A few times here and there I wish one thing had happened or another hadn't, but Kepnes is published and I'm not.? 5?for sure. I'm curious for people who like Joe, you're not alone, why you do? I want to write a paper about Joe being an anti-hero and am curious what people's thoughts are. Let me know! #freejoe #hiddenbodies #you #whatdououthink
I'm giving this a #canteven because I can't even stand to put it down. Caroline Kepnes is a genius in her style and the creation of #joegoldberg I have about 100 more pages to go, so unless the ending is trash this already is a 5 🌟 in my mind
I've always wanted to read this novel, but when I found out Toni Morrison's real name is Chloe aka my name it bumped it to the top of my list. 😂 #beloved #ToniMorrison #imanarcissist
So I just started this last night and by the 15th page I was already unsettled. We (at least I) tend to take certain things for granted, and this book makes you think about what a world running out of water would be like. So far, so good. #dontletthetitlefoolyou #dry
"Sometimes the people who knock you down never turn once to look."
I have to admit that #Netflix was the reason I bought this book, but you don't even need that as an excuse. I devoured this book! #You was a hell of a way to kick of my first full novel read in #2019. #stephenking was right to say it was "hypnotic and scary....totally original," and the main character even bashes King halfway through the novel. Please read it you won't be disappointed. 9/10 ?
My mom just sent me a Buzzfeed quiz for who your classic author soulmate would be...I got Chekhov. Very awkward considering Chekhov is my ex's favorite author! Who do you think your classic author soulmate would be?! Take the quiz and let me know! 😂 https://www.buzzfeed.com/dianabruk/which-classic-author-is-your-soulmate
King gripped me from page one of this twisted thriller like most of his other novels, however at about the midway point I began to lose interest as the chapters became somewhat repetitive. I still have mixed feelings, but definitely not one of the best King novels out there.