Gonna read this next by Caroline Kepnes #carolinekepnes #hiddenbodies
Gonna read this next by Caroline Kepnes #carolinekepnes #hiddenbodies
Update: Hoping to read/listen to this one before the second season of You comes out December 26th. So far I‘m enjoying it, but I‘m remembering how much graphic sexual details are in these books and I‘m starting to get over Joe‘s obsessiveness. That said the narrator really captures Joe‘s character. Have you read this one? Did you enjoy it as much as the first book?
#you #carolinekepnes #thriller #suspense #youseason2 #netflix #hiddenbodies
Caroline Kepnes' sequel to "You" was about everything I could ask for. A few times here and there I wish one thing had happened or another hadn't, but Kepnes is published and I'm not.? 5?for sure. I'm curious for people who like Joe, you're not alone, why you do? I want to write a paper about Joe being an anti-hero and am curious what people's thoughts are. Let me know! #freejoe #hiddenbodies #you #whatdououthink
Normally I can't read a book after I've already seen the movie/show it's based on, but I made an exception for You and binged through it faster than the #Netflix show. Now I'm off to pour through #HiddenBodies.
#audiobook #audible
I was so excited when I saw there was a sequel to You (which I LOVED!), but this just didn‘t feel like the Joe I came to hate that I loved in the first book. Everything worked out entirely too easily and his creep factor wasn‘t what it was. I‘m sad to say it, but I was highly disappointed #hiddenbodies
The absolute normalcy with which Joe discusses his invariable psychoses is fascinating. Enjoying this one just as much as the first. #hiddenbodies #kepnes