happy halloween!
happy halloween!
Saw the NYT article, interested in reading this new book
today's beach reading
“Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.”
@Kaitlyn, finished it today. I guess it was a sign to read it, since you found it and brought it into the office :)
Connie, saw this at The Strand this weekend, said its for the Murakami lover, so thought of you. BTW, if you can read the small type -- his previous book has a interesting title, "Salmonella Men on Planet Porno". :)
The Sketchbook Project is the world's largest library of artists' books. The collection is on view at The Brooklyn Public Library. Next time you're in Williamsburg take a look, you may be inspired to create your own sketchbook for the collection ;)
ha, ha thought this was pretty funny -- He is little. He is Prince. ;)
This Sunday at 4pm, a reading of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas and candle lit procession to Clement Clarke Moore's graves site at the church‘s cemetery.
Ron Howard's Melville inspired movie opened this weekend. But it seems Hunger Games is killing it.
Now reading. sorry Todd, had to bail on Steve Jobs
CAT LIT #1: Is there really a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker living on a boat with Pi Patel - a feline figment of the imagination or true tale of survival?
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." (the first Apple 1, wow how far they've come since then)
Starting to read today today, interesting in the introduction the author, mentions that the only change Jobs made to this book was the cover, not what he wrote. Jobs designed the cover -- all in the marketing and presentation of course :)
picked up this cool keychain of one of my favorite books yesterday.