I don‘t know who made this but I love it. It just warms the heart doesn‘t it?!
I‘m going to collect and share favorite bookish quotes/memes/ posts I find around the Internet on my litsy. (I don‘t own this one, not sure who made it. Found on Facebook) #bookish #quotes #books #bookworms #bookquotes
Due to this book I am convinced we should read, read, read! Finished this wonderful book yesterday. It was one of those books I really wanted to finish but I didn‘t want it to end. The pace was slow however, as most classics are. I never watched the movie & don‘t plan to let it destroy the book for me either 😆. I realized many movies must‘ve been inspired by scenes from this book. #aroundtheworldin80days #julesverne #classics
Anne of Green Gables, First book of 2020 finished! I liked the book better than the Netflix show. #thebookisbetter #thebookwasbetter #Anneofgreengables #AnnewithanE
I finally Finished Little Women. Such a wonderful story. I definitely recommend picking it up. #Littlewomen
Little Women is my latest current read. I hope to finish it before 2020 and before the new movie comes out. #littlewomen
I don‘t regret buying this book and hope to read Tim Marshall‘s other titles! The chapter on China was very informative and much needed considering China‘s fast growing Economy, the Belt and Road initiative, the occupation of Xinjiang and the recently leaked documents about the Chinese Concentration Camps in East Turkistan. #prisonersofgeography
I finally read To Kill a Mockingbird. When I was reading the first page I realized from the first few lines that I had tried reading this book a long time ago... I must've stopped too early and never got around to finishing it. This book has many good moral lessons and as for Atticus Finch... What can I say???? Such a wonderful Character.
Wild ride, Crazy story. A look into corruption like never seen before. I'd give this book 5 stars if it wasn't for the filthy parts, If I had a hard copy I'd mark them out with a Black Marker. 😂 My innocent self will not tolerate such things 😂.
I won't be reading a Crime Novel for a long time.
It was well written, the Author always seemed to find the right words.
PS: I know The Godfather is a famous movie; I've never watched.
I just finished George Orwell's Animal Farm. I read 1984 a few months ago. How did you feel about this book? I wish somebody mentioned to read it back in College when Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was required reading. I was this close to not reading the appendices, It's a good idea to read not only if you haven't made the allegorical connection of the story to the Russian revolution but also because it gives an idea of the kind of writer GO was
This is my current read & first Litsy. It got off to a good start. Some chapters were more interesting than chapters. I felt other chapters had facts I considered irrelevant as far as the title of the book & country are concerned. I have the blue cover edition. Sometimes I just stare at how pretty the book is. I can't wait to finish it. I would definitely recommend picking it up. This is a book to read to discover what the media does not cover.