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Peter Gorman designs creative, minimalist maps and sells prints of them. He‘s collected some together and, alongside his story of how all this came to be, put them in this book. I just loved it and I like his designs. This one is made up of book titles set in New York. He also has an intersections series for various cities and will create some by request. Here‘s his website: https://www.barelymaps.com

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Not a bad read so far, but I have to say I‘m unimpressed with this author‘s needless proliferation of sexist, ableist, and anti-asexual notions. For no reason, he took the time to repeat that a female geologist who had shown no romantic interests left this world with her cold, petrified heart in her collection. The sexuality of the men somehow hasn‘t come up. He also said of Smith‘s wife that she was a burden due to her ill health and…

Kenyazero … somehow didn‘t feel it was important to note (granted, I didn‘t look this woman up) that her other diagnosis of being ill with hyper-sexuality may have reflected more on the times and their view of women with interest in non-child-making sex than on her actual mental health. 1mo
Kenyazero @Clare-Dragonfly That‘s what I said! 1mo
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Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies | Andrew DeGraff, A.D. Jameson
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I am usually a little behind on new releases, but having just finished “Late Night With The Devil“ I have now watched the 5 movies released this year that I have anticipated the most. Below is my ranking of the 5, all of which I enjoyed:
*Dune 2 (This was one of my most anticipated movies of the year. It lived up to my expectations in every way possible & occasionally I think that I might even like it more than the original.)
*Immaculate (CONT)

vivastory (Initially I thought that this would be a poor man's Rosemary's Baby. It's not. It's definitely a religious horror movie & not for the faint of heart, but nothing in it is gratuitous & it shows that horror is as adept at tackling social issues as other genres).
*Civil War (This is one of my least favorite Alex Garland movies, but I still loved how the focus of this was on the journalists & although I have heard complaints that it was too CONT
vivastory vague regarding the politics involved, I can understand the reason why. I have been itching for a movie for a few years focusing on journalists & this movie scratched that itch)
*Monkey Man (I read an interview w/ Dev Patel saying that this was his most frustrating filmmaking experience. One thing that I appreciated about the movie was that it did not talk down to Western audiences, but the themes of religious extremists hijacking political CONT
vivastory movements was def easy to understand. Dev Patel was a pleasure to watch as always.
*Late Night With The Devil (The streaming sensation of the year. I enjoyed this comedy/horror film that had a bit more horror than comedy in it. Not sure if it will make my best of the year list but what I found most interesting was that it showed that there is mileage left in the found footage film genre.)
*Sidenote: I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the (CONT)
(edited) 2mo
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vivastory excellent “Dream Scenario“ starring Nicholas Cage & Julianne Nicholson. This was released last year but I only recently watched it. In my mind this is one of the best A24 movies that I have recently seen. Loved it! 2mo
TrishB My daughter was desperate to see Dune 2 and no one wanted to go. So she went on her own (first time- aged 22). It‘s now her new hobby. She thought it was amazing too. 2mo
batsy I enjoyed Monkey Man, too. I felt like he learned something from how to frame certain shots from being in Slumdog Millionaire (the city scenes). It was like a mix of that and John Wick with Indian politics held up to scrutiny. 2mo
vivastory @TrishB I love going to the movies with a friend but I also love going alone,, especially during the weekday. Glad that your daughter loved it! 2mo
vivastory @batsy That's a good comparison! It's always nice to get movies with a bit of a different perspective here. We can definitely use more of it. 2mo
JamieArc @TrishB I discovered going to movies alone at the age and loved it. I wish I did it more (and that my husband didn‘t want to tag along all the time 😂) 2mo
TrishB @JamieArc it can be very liberating! 2mo
Reggie Have you seen the Hell House LLCs? They released and new origins movie last Halloween that was found footage and holy shit that scared the crap out of me so much so that I had to turn it off and wait until the sun came out to finish it. Glad you liked Late Night. 2mo
vivastory @Reggie I have seen the first 2 & enjoyed them. I hadn't heard anything about the most recent one but will def check it out after yr recommendation! 2mo
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Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies | Andrew DeGraff, A.D. Jameson
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In no order:
*Laura Dern (What a filmography! Here are just a few of my favorites: Wild At Heart, Blue Velvet, Jurassic Park, The Master)
*Amy Adams (Some favorites: Arrival, Sharp Objects, Vice)
*For relatively new talent, no doubt my favorite is Lily Gladstone based off of her incredible performance in Killers of The Flower Moon (the first Native American to win a Golden Globe for Best Actress in Motion Picture Drama & the first to ever (CONT)

dabbe 🖤 all 3! Thanks for sharing! 💜🧡💜 2mo
vivastory nominated for the same category in the Oscars.
Honorable mentions-Scream Queens would be a tie between Samara Weaving (for the excellent Ready Or Not & the fantastic Mayhem with Steven Yeun) & Sigourney Weaver (just for Alien). Anna Karina (esp the collaborations w/ JP Belmondo), Tilda Swinton (gloriously weird), Toni Collette, Helena Bonham Carter etc
@dabbe #tlt
(edited) 2mo
ImperfectCJ Laura Dern! I love her! 2mo
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AmyG My favorite is Laura Dern in Enlightened…the HBO series. 2mo
vivastory @AmyG I'll check it out! I just recently renewed my HBO subscription. I watched 1 excellent series & 1 atrocious series lol. 2mo
vivastory @ImperfectCJ I need to check out White Lotus. I saw that she's in it 2mo
ImperfectCJ @vivastory I loved her in the 2019 Little Women and the Star Wars Episode VIII. And Mask, from waaay back 2mo
vivastory @ImperfectCJ I need to check out Little Women. I wanted to read it first. I tried to do so a couple of yrs ago & I just couldn't focus at the time. 2mo
Leftcoastzen Laura Dern has such a range! 2mo
Cathythoughts I‘m a Laura Dern fan too. 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Have always loved Amy Adams since Junebug almost 20 years ago! 2mo
Billypar @AmyG I'm watching Enlightened now - it's so good! I found out about it via Emily Nussbaum's book that I just finished. I've never seen a disappointing Laura Dern performance. I even enjoyed the weirdest one - Scott, have you seen Inland Empire? 2mo
AmyG @Billypar I am a huge Mike White fan….so of course I loved this series. I was sad it was only 2 seasons. 2mo
vivastory @Billypar I did see Inland Empire. I was lucky enough to see the two most recent David Lynch movies when they were first released in theatres. I def need to revisit Inland etc as I recall little of it. 2mo
Billypar It's no Mulholland Drive, but it does have the distinction of being the only movie to make me yell out loud during one of the surprising nightmarish parts (luckily I was at home and not at the theater 😱😆) 2mo
vivastory @Billypar No shame yelling out loud during a David Lynch movie. I remember that happening when I saw Mulholland Drive 😂 2mo
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Plotted: A Literary Atlas | Andrew DeGraff, Daniel Harmon
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I should have loved this book, and I had high hopes based on my previous experience with Cinemaps by the same artist/author. This one was disappointing because the books featured in the illustrations were overwhelmingly obscure. Even with an English degree, I found myself skipping about half of the books, since there were so many I hadn‘t even heard of and had no context for. Highlights were the “maps” of Pride & Prejudice and A Wrinkle in Time.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Well, I don't know what to say. I think it was the cover that drew me in first (so pretty), and the whole premise was really interesting, but then some major plot holes started to appear and I wasn't really satisfied with the ending. ☹️

tpixie That‘s disappointing…. 3mo
starlight97 @tpixie yeah 😔 3mo
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The Discworld Atlas | Terry Pratchett, The Discworld Emporium
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Dear #OokBOokClub-ers,

Here we go, my proposed schedule for our #Discworld re-read. I've included a few of the short stories and where to find them.

#SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

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The Discworld Atlas | Terry Pratchett, The Discworld Emporium
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Repost for @julesG

Dear #OokBOokClub-ers,

I am proposing a #Discworld re-read based on the above reading guide. #SirTerryPratchett himself suggested starting with Sourcery, so that's what I'd suggest too.

I can draw up a reading schedule.

Your thoughts?

Let me know if you want to be tagged in future postings.

#PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

julesG Thank you! 3mo
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The Discworld Atlas | Terry Pratchett, The Discworld Emporium
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Dear #OokBOokClub-ers,

I am proposing a #Discworld re-read based on the above reading guide. #SirTerryPratchett himself suggested starting with Sourcery, so that's what I'd suggest too.

I can draw up a reading schedule.

Your thoughts?

Let me know if you want to be tagged in future postings.

#PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

kwmg40 I‘m in! Thanks for hosting again! 3mo
TheSpineView I don't think I would read them all. However, it would be cool to pop in and out. 3mo
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julesG @TheSpineView that's absolutely fine. It's an option not an obligation. 😁 3mo
julesG @kwmg40 Great!!! 3mo
TheSpineView @julesG 😎😎😎 3mo
Soubhiville Wow that‘s confusing! I probably won‘t reread right now, but if you keep tagging me I might occasionally feel like picking up what you‘re reading. 🙂 3mo
BookmarkTavern Yes! I love this idea! 💖💖💖 3mo
rretzler Absolutely, I‘m trying to read them all for the first time, so a reread of some and an initial read for others is just what I need to keep me motivated and on track! Thanks for organizing! 3mo
peanutnine Could you tag me for this? I've always wanted to read Discworld but never know where to even begin. A readalong with y'all sounds perfect 3mo
julesG @rretzler @peanutnine Yeah! Glad to have you join us. 3mo
BookWrym Been meaning to get back to discworld for a while please tag me 😀 3mo
willaful Keep me tagged please! 3mo
julesG @BookWrym Glad to have you. 3mo
BarbaraJean I‘m definitely interested! I‘ve only read Mort and the Tiffany Aching books, so I‘d love to join a buddy read and work through Discworld more comprehensively. 3mo
julesG @BarbaraJean 🎉🎉 3mo
julesG @LitsyEvents - would you repost this please? 3mo
Marmie7 I would definitely be in for a few of them. I followed the last read-along but wasn't able to read them all. 3mo
Light_of_Aether I'm in! I read The Color of Magic for the first time in January and I'm excited to read more. 3mo
julesG @Marmie7 That's fine. Great to have you with us again. 3mo
julesG @Light_of_Aether Wonderful. I'll add you to the tag-list. 3mo
Balibee146 I'd be up for this looks fun .... I just reread Sourcery a few weeks ago though so I may skim read that to start with lol 3mo
julesG @Balibee146 🎊🎊 welcome aboard! 😊 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘ve not read any of these books so now seems like a great opportunity to do. Please add me to your list. 💜 3mo
julesG @Deblovestoread Will do! 3mo
Fortifiedbybooks I'm in! 😁 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh no, another series buddy read I'm very interested in! 😂 This is an author I've always meant to try but never have, so I think I'll jump in for the first couple of books and see if he is to my liking!! 3mo
julesG @TheAromaofBooks Yes, do join us. I hope you'll like the books. 3mo
Chrissyreadit I‘ve wanted to read these for the first time- so am going to start and see how it feels- so yes please tag me… 3mo
julesG @Chrissyreadit will do. We're reading Sourcery from April 8th and the discussion is from May 7th. 3mo
Lizpixie Yes please! Tag me as well🙌 Probably won‘t get to all but will definitely do the best I can. My dad and I both are huge Pratchett fans. 3mo
julesG @Lizpixie 🥳🥳 no need to do them all. Dip in whenever you like. 3mo
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This was interesting, but dated at this point- it was published in 2016. I read it for #FoodAndLit #SouthKorea but the Latin American chapter was my favorite.

Texreader Sounds really interesting 4mo
Kristy_K I have this sitting on my bookshelves still unread. Worth the read still or too irrelevant now? 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Kristy_K I think it‘s still worth the read since it wasn‘t too long, and gave some good history behind what‘s happening in the world today. I wish this author would update the book though. 4mo
Kristy_K @Bookwormjillk Thank you! 4mo
Catsandbooks How cool! 🙌🏼🇰🇷 4mo
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