I'm absolutely obsessed with this book! I devoured it in one sitting and I feel like I learned so much!
I'm absolutely obsessed with this book! I devoured it in one sitting and I feel like I learned so much!
This book is the perfect summer read! The characters are all unique and interesting, the writing is really good, and the romance feels authentic. This book centers on the importance of family, friends, and home. As a Californian forced to move to a state with no ocean, I especially related to this character and her story.
This Beatlemaniac is absolutely loving all the references to the Beatles in this book.
This book is freaking adorable. Perfect for fans of romance.
This book is excellent. I love the world building and the character development. Can't wait to see what happens next in this world.
I love this book so much but be warned: it's really sad.
This is a great book, but it can be really emotionally difficult to read.
Adorable romance and a gorgeous Italian setting. It's the perfect summer read.
I really liked this book, even though it's pretty cliche. Baz is my bae.
This book is ridiculously pretentious. Plus, it's super boring and way too long.
Definitely the best book Maas has written so far. I can only hope Book 3 is this good!
I can't stand this book. It's gross and offensive on so many levels. The whole thing smacks of disgusting stereotypes. You're much better off reading something else.
The writing is lush and beautiful, the romance is to die for, and the setting is so fresh in the YA fantasy scene. Plus, there is a talking demon donkey.
This memoir had me alternating between bawling and cracking up. This book is a must-read for anyone questioning the very real and human impact immigration policies have on people in America.
One of my all-time favorite poetry books. These poems seriously rocked my world. If you think you don't like poetry, think again. This book will change your life.
This book is incredible. It's so funny and yet so heartbreaking at the same time. Definitely one of the most important reads of this generation.