This edition of Always and Forever, Lara Jean includes recipes in the back of the book, so I tried one of them out!
I also made a blog post about how it went!
This edition of Always and Forever, Lara Jean includes recipes in the back of the book, so I tried one of them out!
I also made a blog post about how it went!
I made some chocolate chip cookies, and I just had to get a picture of them with To All the Boys I‘ve Loved Before! 🍪💖
I really like this picture 💖
Here‘s my TBR for August! If you want to find out how I chose to read these books, then check out my blog post about it!
Here are the links to my July wrap up and haul blog posts!
July Wrap Up: https://fuzzybookworm.wordpress.com/2018/08/02/july-2018-wrap-up/
July Book Haul: https://fuzzybookworm.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/july-2018-book-haul/
I‘m really excited to read all of the new books that I bought!
Today I published a blog post about some books that I think really lived up to the hype around them! Here‘s the link: https://fuzzybookworm.wordpress.com/2018/07/31/top-ten-tuesday-popular-books-tha...
I‘m about to start reading Obsidio! I‘m excited to finally read it, but I don‘t want this series to end!!
Sneak peek at this month‘s book haul! Keep an eye out for my blog post at the end of this month if you want to see all of the books I‘ve bought in July!
I posted a review on Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys on my blog! Here‘s the link: https://fuzzybookworm.wordpress.com/2018/07/19/book-review-salt-to-the-sea-by-ru...
Mini review for Three Dark Crowns:
This book was good enough; it has an interesting plot, the characters were intriguing, and the writing was so easy to read! But most of the book was boring. A lot of the story was just setting up for the sequel, and it didn‘t get interesting until around 80% into the book. But I guess it did it‘s job, because I really want to read the next book now!
3/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hey everyone! 👋 I‘m back on Litsy! I‘m hoping to remember to post on here at least once a week (but hopefully more)!
Here‘s what I‘m currently reading! Has anyone else read this book? If so, what did you think of it?
#book #ya #youngadult #fantasy
I just posted my review for The Belles on my blog! I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it! I gave it 3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I just started reading The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton! I'm loving it so far!
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
I'm back! I kinda forgot about Litsy, but I'm going to try to post more often on here!
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3.5 stars
This book is okay... It was exciting to get a backstory for Phasma, but I think the way that the story was told made it kind of boring for me. But I would still recommend it to big Star Wars fans who want to know more about Captain Phasma!
My review for An Enchantment of Ravens is up on my blog!
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Just found this really old picture on my camera roll.. I still haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of Tower of Dawn! 😥 Hopefully I will soon, though; I've heard so many great things about it!
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding is definitely one of the best middle grade novels I've read! It's a fun, quick read that's perfect for Halloween! I know it's a middle grade, but it should appeal to anyone excited for the fall season! 🎃 I'm counting down the days until the sequel! 4/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I changed my theme over on Instagram, so I'll be posting the rest of my purple themed pictures on here!
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Currently reading 📖
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
Happy book birthday to Wonder Woman: Warbringer!
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A new review for Six of Crows is up on my blog! The link is in my bio 💕💕
I feel like I accidentally made the review less of a review and it's more of me just fangirling! 😂😂😂 This is one of my favorite books ever! 📚🖤
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
The unexpected everything is one of my # 1 favorite contemporary books! Since there are dogs in the story, I decided to take a picture of it with my dog! He's not very cooperative when it comes to bookish pictures! 😂🐶
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
Another book that I bought the other day. This one was only $5! I haven't read it yet, but I've heard great things about it!
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
I did a little used book shopping yesterday and picked up this book for $4! It's one of my favorites in the Giver quartet!
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At first, I gave this book an overall rating of 4 stars, but now I feel like it's more of a 3.5. The stories are a hit or miss. I loved some of them, but hated some of them! My favorites are the ones by Cindy Pon, Victoria Schwab, and Marissa Meyer! You can read my full review on my blog-- the link is on my profile!
I loved Illuminae SO much! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book! 4.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I finally bought this book today!!! Super excited to read it! 🖤
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
Sneak peek at a photo shoot I just did for bookstagram! If you'd like to see the whole picture, follow me on Instagram! I'll be posting it sometime next week. ❤️
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
I'm currently reading Because You Love to Hate Me. I just finished reading the 6th story in the book. I've really liked most of the stories so far! 🖤
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd
I finished reading Shadow and Bone a few days ago! I really liked it. It's nothing that I haven't seen before in YA fantasy, but it's still such a good book! I give it 4/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's very hard for me to find a book in the contemporary genre that I truly enjoy, but I've loved every book in this series by Jenny Han! This was a great conclusion to Lara Jean's story, and even though it's my least favorite in the trilogy, I still really liked it. The romance was sweet and cute, and I really loved how the story is about adjusting to changes. ❤️ I give this one 4 stars. I might be posting a full review on my blog soon!
My first post on Litsy! ❤️ This app seems like the perfect combination of bookstagram and Goodreads!
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