It was good enough but not great
Life-changing book.
This is a great read for basketball fans. A light snack while also providing a phenomenal inside look at some of the games all-time great players and personalities.
This book was pretty enjoyable. It was a light read with some good humor. It would have been a 🤟🏻 (Pick) had it been a little shorter (his hundred years are really covered) or a little less predictable. I am not mad I read it, I just wish it was a little better.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It‘s very long, and some parts are slow and seem redundant. But it‘s a pretty captivating story, and I was hooked for the last half.
I also love the supporting role of NYC as a character. A lot of great gems about the city, for those of us that love NYC.
Can't wait! Because I can relate:
Thrillingly for his admirers, it is a coda of sorts to “The Spy Who Came In From the Cold” (1963), the third of his two dozen novels and the one that for many readers serves as the gateway drug to full-blown le Carré addiction.
I loved this book. A long and winding read, but it held my attention throughout. I loved this for many reasons - the story of a man's search and work on self-discipline and improvement; the look into Japanese history and culture; the action; learning about the samurai. I highly recommend this book if any is that interests you.
He stopped along the way to look at several well-known temples, and at each of them he bowed and said two prayers. One was: “Please protect my sister from harm.” The other was: “Please test the lowly Musashi with hardship. Let him become the greatest swordsman in the land, or let him die.”
Very funny book. Great to get into when you want a light snack.
I just thought this book was average. Perhaps it suffered from very high expectations because it came so recommended from so many people. I liked it fine, but definitely didn't love it.
Fantastic book. Absolutely loved it. Brought back great memories of moving to NYC in the early 2000's. And so much inside scoop on the scene at the time. Highly recommend this book.
LOVING this book so far. If you love music and NYC, you'll love this book.
Just read it! If you like startups, business, biographies, or good stories, you'll like this book. I highly recommend it.
A few chapters in and the only reason I'm putting this book down is to go for a run.
I liked this book a lot. It dragged for a bit, and I thought it took getting used to the style of writing and structure of the book, both of which were pretty unique. But the story was very compelling and made the book a very worthwhile read.
I am enjoying this book, but it's kind of dragging at the same time.
This is a helluva first chapter
Has anyone noticed that Harry can be a bit of a shithead?
Millions and millions of kids are right - this is a good book!
Incredible subject - Popov was the inspiration for James Bond, after all. But parts of the book were a little flat. It was a good book overall, and well worth reading for a good look into espionage in WWII. There were parts that could have been better, so I just can't give it my strongest recommendation.
“What are you going to do, then?" I asked. "To smoke,” he answered. “It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won‘t speak to me for fifty minutes.” - My #SummerofSherlock continues. You have to appreciate someone who values so highly the importance of Me Time. And I'm looking forward to adding "three pipe problem" to my vocabulary. #threepipeproblem
Another fun read from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There are so many great lines in his works. Mystery, suspense, humor, twists, and solutions - everything I want in a summer read. #SummerofSherlock #lightsnack
An inside look into what it's like to follow a passion and open a restaurant. While I do think she glossed over some things that lead to the restaurant's success (she had a widely-read food blog, a monthly column in Bon Appetit, many connections in food media), she does accurately capture the physical work, stress, and mental challenges accompanied with getting a restaurant off the ground.
The first novel about Sherlock Holmes is a treat. This is a great introduction to the man of Baker Street. A great, quick read, I highly recommend this book.
“Which is it to-day?” I asked,—“ morphine or cocaine?” He raised his eyes languidly from the old black-letter volume which he had opened. “It is cocaine,” he said,—“ a seven-per-cent solution. Would you care to try it?”
This book was a long, boring slog. It seemed to be a series of Things Happening rather than a cohesive plot. Sure, it shed light on some of the horrors of the American west and settlement, but I could have gotten that from a history book. I can't recommend this at all.
Will something please fricken happen? PLEASE.
Ok, this is kind of dragging. I'm not not into it, but it takes some effort to get through pages.
One of the most powerful books I've ever read. This isn't a phrase I use lightly, but it was and is a life-changing book. Just read it again for the second time and am already looking forward to reading it again. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
Finally getting around to this, about 10 years after my friend's recommendation. Only just getting into it, but so far, so good.
Sick burn, Mssr. Dumas! "On the contrary, he was paying the meal the compliment one would expect from a man who has been condemned for four or five months to suffer Italian cooking (which is among the worst in the world)."
Hello, old friend. It's been too long.
Eh. Finally got done with this beast. I liked it. But the fact that it look a long time to get into plus I don't know how I feel about it now that I'm done might mean this is going to be a pan? Will have to let it marinate before final judgement.
Brief history my ass. #STILLreading
Saw this article today and it makes me want to read the book even more. http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/how-a-brief-history-of-seven-killings-embodies-...
Couldn't get into this one at all. A couple hundred pages into it and nothing happened yet. Feel like I'm missing something here cause it's a "classic" but it just wasn't my cup of tea.
I love the message of this book. A tale about losing one's way and trying to find it again. Great to pick up again every couple of years.
I read this book in high school and thought it was meh. Pretty boring. But I hate communism much more now so am wondering if I should give it another go?
Loved this book. Fast-paced read that's a mix of mystery, love, literature, and history in Barcelona.
After a lifetime of inventing cover stories for every occasion, he still found it impossible to talk his way out of a dinner invitation.
Great book! It's about the mob, the FBI, the Kennedy's, and Cuba in the late 1950s/early 1960s. This one really pulled me in and I had a hard time putting it down.