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Smiley's People
Smiley's People: A George Smiley Novel | John le Carre
22 posts | 31 read | 14 to read
Featuring George Smiley, this New York Times bestseller is the third and final installment in the Karla Trilogy, from the author of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Tell Max that it concerns the SandmanA very junior agent answers Vladimirs call, but it could have been the Chief of the Circus himself. No one at the British Secret Service considers the old spy to be anything except a senile has-been who cant give up the gameuntil hes shot in the face at point-blank range. Although George Smiley (code name: Max) is officially retired, hes summoned to identify the body now bearing Moscow Centres bloody imprimatur. As he works to unearth his friends fatal secrets, Smiley heads inexorably toward one final reckoning with Karlahis dark grail.In Smileys People, master storyteller and New York Times bestselling author of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and Our Kind of Traitor John le Carr brings his acclaimed Karla Trilogy, to its unforgettable, spellbinding conclusion.With an introduction by the author.
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I‘ve been missing in action! My excuse.. a wonderful overseas holiday and spending lots of time in my garden. My reading high lights have been John Boyne and John Le Carre. I have just started War and Peace as I promised myself I would read it this year. Hope your all getting some reading time😊
#holidayreading #literature #crime #classics

erzascarletbookgasm That‘s a great stack! And lovely photos! 🩷 3mo
JenReadsAlot Great travels! I was in Prague past month! 3mo
CarolynM What lovely photos, Sally! Looks like you had a great time💕 3mo
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Tamra What a fantastic looking trip! I hope you like Small Mercies - I loved Mary Pat, as flawed as she is in it. 3mo
LeahBergen It looks like you‘ve been having some great travels!! 3mo
Freespirit Hi @CarolynM @erzascarletbookgasm @JenReadsAlot @Tamra @LeahBergen hello friends…I‘ve had a wonderful trip to see temples in Greece, churches in Italy, ancient cities in Montenegro and Croatia, bridges in London and symphonies in Prague. I love best that I can read about these places now and remember my travels❤️ 3mo
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I‘d forgotten how this one ended. This is the final book in the Karla Trilogy, Karla being George Smiley‘s nemesis and counterpart in Moscow Center. Intricately plotted, Smiley‘s People is another brilliant slow burn spy novel. Michael Jayston‘s audio narration is fantastic. Best of all, there‘s a long scene with Connie and even though she‘s a rather tragic figure, she‘s my favorite character of the trilogy.

DGRachel Note: I do not recommend listening unless you‘ve already read the story in print. At least for me, I find the mind wanders with audio too much and Le Carré requires focus. 3y
Oblomov26 Amazing end to an almost perfect spy story. The revenge of Smiley but at what cost? How much of your morality is it valid to sacrifice for revenge? 3y
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Third in the "Karla Trilogy" (though Karla, aka The Sandman is more of a looming non-presence, Smiley's dark opposite than a character in his own right) this has Smiley dragged from retirement to smooth over the assassination of an aged "asset" on Hampstead Heath. Smiley being Smiley, he is not prepared to let matters drop just so as to not make waves, and embarks on an investigation which eventually ties all the loose ends together. Superb.

Vansa Excellent book. And equally ExCELLENT TV adaptation, available on YouTube! One of the rare ones where the TV version is as good as the book. 4y
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RIP “How much of our human feeling can we dispense with in the name of freedom, would you say, before we cease to feel either human or free?"

- John Le Carre, Legacy of Spies


In my time, Peter Guillam, I've seen Whitehall skirts go up and come down again. I've listened to all the excellent argument for doing nothing, and reaped the consequent frightful harvest. I've watched people hop up and down and call it progress. I've seen good men go to the wall and the idiots get promoted with a dazzling regularity. All I'm left with is me and thirty-odd years of cold war without the option.

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A really old book and an awesome bookmark my coworker got me.

sudi That bookmark is beautiful 😍 4y
Ruthiella John le Carre is amazing. 4y
veritysalter I adore John le Carre books, especially the Karla trilogy. 4y
Karkar Love the bookmark 😍😍😍 4y
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Saw these beautiful editions at the British Library Bookshop and immediately thought of you @DGRachel ! 😻

DGRachel British. Library. Bookshop. I‘ve never heard three words strung together that made my heart sing like those. 😂😂 4y
DGRachel P. S. Those covers are really cool. 😍 4y
Mitch @DGRachel Add it to your list! 👍🏼 4y
veritysalter I love those covers (and John le Carré‘s books) , I need a trip to London. 4y
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George Smiley is taken out of retirement to investigate the murder of a former Estonian general. This leads him to his long time adversary Karla, the spy master of the secretive communist spy agency. Considered the end of the Karla trilogy, Smiley sees how much they are both a like. 8/10: not James Bond but a more thoughtful spy novel. I like the idea that spies are actually sad boring people. 😂


This author is a very well spoken and obviously well-written guy. I love to read his work. And they are works. He is addictive. I recommend every book he's written. Take care fellow readers. We are a dying breed...

walryan5 Does anyone read JA Jance? 6y
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While I loved the mountains, flowers, gondolas and trains... Visiting Switzerland with spies is not the best way to be a tourist! I am now on my way to Italy! #Reading1001 #1001Books#Switzerland #audiobook #backpackEurope

walryan5 Awesome! 6y
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I am visiting Switzerland with Cold War spies! #Reading1001 #1001books #audiobook #Switzerland #backpackEurope

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Grand, white-knuckled finale of The Karla Trilogy. Good show!

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#hallowhoareyou @Gyldholm thanks for the tag @batsy
1) 46
2) I‘m the 4th daughter, the one who goes on quests. Plus a little brother #sidekick
3) 2 beautiful ratbags
4) Woman in White
5) I couldn‘t choose!
6) 😍
7) Crisp
8) I‘m the smiliest person in the room but I‘m having the darkest conversations
9) own cats but love other people‘s dogs
10) all of em
11) tagged book. I‘m one of Litsy‘s extroverts (just!)
12) @kspenmoll @CarolynM @Jeg

batsy I love 2 and 8 ❤️ 7y
Centique @batsy thanks lovely 😘😋💕 7y
RohitSawant 💜 2 & 8 too! 7y
Centique Thanks @rohit-sawant 💕👋 7y
kspenmoll Love #2, #sidekick- I was my brother‘s- he was 18 older than Me & I was velcroed to him. Thanks for the tag! (edited) 7y
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New year means new challenge. My favorite part of making the board is trying to make the challenges sound like Jeopardy categories. #readharder2018 #bookriot

rather_be_reading i love this!! 6y
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My third reading was the most successful yet, not least because I read my parents' beat-up mass market paperback. Looking forward to (re)reading more JLC in the new year!

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Fassbender 😍😍

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The life of a spy is #complicated. This probably wasn't what Avril was talking about when she sang "but you've become/somebody else 'round everyone else/you're watching your back like you can't relax", but it totally works for me. ?


Cinfhen 🎵You're tryin' to be cool
You look like a fool to me🎶
Cinfhen Works for me, too❣️ 7y
DGRachel @Cinfhen Yay! I really wanted to find something for your challenge. I've felt guilty for not playing. 😱 7y
Cinfhen Awww, thanks! I'm just happy whenever someone jumps in & plays along😘 There are just sooooo many daily challenges, it's hard to keep up! 7y
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#anditsaugust #augustgrrrl #complicated #addiction
Ive gone with two smiley books- i need to acquire the missing ones and reread in anticipation of the new book. Complicated and smiley and karla are addicted to bringing each other down, if you add in smileys addiction to his errant wife lady ann, and of course the cigarette lighter, i think i can get into both threads.

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I've never done anything as official as #joiningafanclub but I consider myself a fan of a lot of different authors, bands, musicals, and films. Here are just a few. #junetunz

Embellembell Hamilton ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
TrishB The Cure and Depeche Mode love them 💟 We played The Cure Friday I'm in Love when I walked down the aisle 💝 (it was a Friday!). 7y
DGRachel @TrishB OMG, I love that so much!!! 💖💖💖 7y
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TrishB We're not very traditional 😀 (we had The Addams Family theme coming out!!) 7y
Debiw781 Loved The Cure and Depeche Mode 7y
EvieBee Gosh. I have been to every DM concert since the 00s. Love them! And The Cure. 7y
Hooked_on_books Depeche Mode!!!!!!! 7y
Rachbb3 Depeche Mode ❤❤ My favorite. 7y
batsy The Cure and Depeche Mode, two of my all-time favs 🙌 7y
Cinfhen Depeche Mode 🙌🏻and that's awesome @TrishB 💞💞💞 7y
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New level Carre novel announced! The headlines seem a bit misleading, it appears that it is Peter Guillam, not Smiley, who is back, but I'm still excited. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/39194013

DeborahSmall He's signing editions for Goldsboro books ❤️ 8y
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I know I already posted one for today, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to give a shout out to another subtle villain - Karla - Moscow's super spy and George Smiley's nemesis. The best villains are tough to identify or hate, especially when you take the time to try to understand their motivation. Even then, one person's villain is often another person's hero. #favevillain #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

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After a lifetime of inventing cover stories for every occasion, he still found it impossible to talk his way out of a dinner invitation.

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