Listening to The Holiday soundtrack as I write this review—North Pole was adorably cute! ❤️❄️#approximatelyyours #hollyxdanny #theholiday #northpole #holidayread
Listening to The Holiday soundtrack as I write this review—North Pole was adorably cute! ❤️❄️#approximatelyyours #hollyxdanny #theholiday #northpole #holidayread
Anna, her career abandoned, was now ready to converse. ‘In La Fille Mal Gardée, which is a most beautiful ballet, she hangs exactly in this way from the shoulder of the hero, very soft and . . . limp, you know, like a cloth and at the same time she does little battements with her feet. It is in Act Three and very moving; you will like it very much.‘ ‘Shall I, my love?‘ said Rupert, dabbing gently at her eyes and nose.
"We don't say we're sorry." #crookedkingdom #sixofcrows #inej #jesper #kaz #sorrynotsorry #words
I waited almost a month so I could read this at the beach. I am so in love with Katie McGarry's characters and #ThunderRoad in particular. So glad to finally read Chevy and Violet's story, and even get glimpses of Breanna and Razor! ☺️❤️ #longwayhome #ChevyxViolet #Aruba #beachread
Some people have comfort food, I have comfort books 🔥🏹#HungerGames #home #love #OTP
They stare back at me, frozen, but even though I could read their entire world in their faces, none of them were looking that closely at me.
On a Katie McGarry kick and nearly SQUEEEED out loud at this #WalktheEdge reference! (Ps this was a good little snippet from #EchoxNoah's world😊)
So cool to see #Litsy represented at #BrooklynBookFestival! Always fun to talk books 😋 #BKLovesLitsy
My very first copy of #TheHungerGames is coming apart and I'm oddly satisfied by that #booklove #teamdogears #usedandproud
🔥🔥 Was a little iffy about Charlie at first, but Kasie West brought the heat and every moment with C and Braden made me squirm with anticipation #onthefence #pteradactylsinmystomach #summerreading #vacay
Heart-fluttering goodness. Lara Jean may need to be taken in doses, and the plot wasn't as clear and driven as the first book, but this story consumed me. And that title just holds its own special something ❤️. So glad I gave it a chance! #psistillloveyou #jennyhan #loveislove #truth
Jenny Han can make the most quirky, normal moments so endearing and sweet ☺️ #larajeanxpeterk #mochadonuts #cuteandquirky #psistillloveyou
Didn't expect much, & especially after Part II I was prepared for disappointment. But the last 20 pages brought on the waterworks, moving me in a way that put everything in perspective. Reading the Afterword, that's exactly the message Allegra Jordan wanted. Well played, Allegra, well played.
When you finish a book and just have to stare at your shelves to figure out the next one...😳 #bookaddict #amreading #girlonthetrain #whatnext
"He‘s dressed all in black, his arm muscles tense and stretching his T-shirt. The black drill sergeant cap is pulled down low over his face, covering his eyes in shadows."
This scene just...?. So vivid for me #ritesofpassage #drill #sergeant #stamm #militarylife (Photo cred: #SabtheBookEater)
So excited to be part of this book's process...was my first THE ONE💙. Review to come! #ififixyou #amreading #litlife