Not my favorite! Would you consider this a classic?
Not my favorite! Would you consider this a classic?
It would be interesting if this translation were a direct translation of old English (Norse) to modern as opposed to its current form which has added context in the translation. I am wondering if there is a translation which is directly to modern with historical notes as a guide.
I finally conquered the lit crit section! Overall I enjoyed reading the poem and the contexts but man was the lit crit dry. There was some fascinating stuff in there but all together it was kind of overwhelming and made me want to put off finishing it.
Callie decided to get up close and personal as I read today. I think I finally have gotten her to stay to the side rather than right in my face.
My youngest ‘s first college semester classes has some interesting readings 😍! He‘s also taking Latin. One of his classes has only 4 students.
Leaving tomorrow for Parents Weekend and can‘t wait to see him and celebrate my birthday there (and hoping he‘s not having too much of an The Secret History experience there — because also, his work study job is in the Classics Department 😂) !
After reading García & Rubín‘s graphic novel version, I realized what I found disappointing about it: the absence of poetic language. So I immediately downloaded (from Hoopla) the #audiobook of Seamus Heaney reading his #translation. What a pleasure it is to hear this epic in his smooth cadence, and expressions like “world candle” for sun, “terror monger” for monster, and “house of her flesh” for body. ?
"Time and again, when the goblets passed and seasoned fighters got flushed with beer they would pledge themselves to protect Heorot and wait for Grendel with whetted swords. But when dawn broke and day crept in over each empty, blood-spattered bench, the floor of the mead-hall where they had feasted would be slick with slaughter."
Grendel, the Burninator? Meh, close enough.
#herebedragons #photoadaynov16