“Right from the start, I was attracted to the underlying theme of losing one‘s self in another reality.”
Just started reading this, and going in totally blind. Fingers crossed I enjoy this 🤞🏻
#shortstories #anthology
“Right from the start, I was attracted to the underlying theme of losing one‘s self in another reality.”
Just started reading this, and going in totally blind. Fingers crossed I enjoy this 🤞🏻
#shortstories #anthology
I‘m not too sure how I feel about this. The Alchemist was an incredible read. But Brida was, ‘meh‘. The most interesting part of this is the religious references. Though even then, the religious part of the novel is skewed and unsure in of itself. The relationship with the magus is almost perverted which is disturbing in the teacher/student aspect - considering the age gap.
#paulocoelho #Portuguesewriting #brida
“Even a stopped clock is right twice a day”
#paulocoelho #Portuguese #thealchemist #fiction #blue
I absolutely love all things spiritual/philosophy based, as well as book stores (obviously)
Where are your favourite places to fulfil your bookish desires?
#books #spirituality #atheism #biology #richarddawkins
“It was not the passion that was new to her, it was the yearning adoration... She feared her adoration, yet she would not at once fight against it”
#dhlawrence #classics #bannedbooks #ladychatteleyslover
I‘ve been on and off reading Sleeping Beauties, I‘m not too sure on how to feel about it as of yet. Sometimes I‘m desperate to read it, then other times I‘m not interested at all. Anyone read this? And how did you find it in all?
#stephenking #sleepingbeauties #horror #women
Absolutely adored this! Luckily I went into it blind of the plot, characters and overall themes so it made for a completely enjoyable and exciting reading experience completely different to what I expected! 100% recommend this to anyone looking for a relatively short spine-chilling read!
#stephenking #petsematary #horror #taxidermy #thriller
Sorry for being inactive, I‘m definitely going to be more active and post much much more on here!
Anyway, so reading The Green Mile was an enthralling experience. Despite having watched the film, it didn‘t prohibit this novel from being a complete page turner thanks to Stephen Kings writing! If you‘d like to read my full review then check out my blog post
Another pick! I‘ve done well to be reading books I‘ve entirely adored so far!
Min has been killed on every even birthday, murdered horrifically and waking the next day in the same opening without even a scratch. Hiding the pain of experiencing her own murders, as well as being in a financially struggling household, Min is trying to figure out her life, as well as waiting to find out whether the world around her is going to be obliterated.
Legendary was an amazing second novel. Massive thank you and congrats to Stephanie Garber on her debut series and ability to weave such a magical tale! I might review this at some point soon!
If you‘re looking for modern novels with similarities to the magic of The Night Circus, then this is for you🖤
#stephaniegarber #legendary #fantasy #ya #caraval #magic
This book was an insightful and comedic, page-turning retelling of Shakespeare‘s infamous Hamlet, with a pinch of inspiration from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time!
Check out my spoiler-free review!
#blog #matthaig #YA #youngadult #hamlet #shakespeare #prose #novel
Memories was such a lovely collection of poems to read. Personally, I would recommend Lang Leav to people who wish to delve into poetry that‘s accessible for all. It melted my heart, and the mix of poetry and prose was a nice idea and the flow of Leav‘s work was really smooth.
#LangLeav #memories #love #valentines #poetry #cute
An all time favourite, itself known and loved for its poetic style and concoction of passion, cynicism and humour.
#lolita #vladimirnabokov
Despite the Chinese whispers of a novel that's tough to read, one that's so sad and emotional utter strength is needed in order to maintain your own sanity. But Sylvia Plath writes through the autobiographical voice of Esther, who undoubtedly has issues regarding feminism and mental health. This novel was poetic beyond words and a brilliant read.
#sylviaplath #plath #thebelljar
This was beautifully produced to say the least. I was apprehensive to read a "youtuber" book, but Will Darbyshire created a thoughtful, inclusive project that brings together people, love and technology in a seamless and precious collection of letters, emails, words and poems written by an expanse of people. Couldn't recommend this enough for a short and sweet read perfect for any slump!
#poetry #thismodernlove #contemporary
This novella was short, but not necessarily so sweet for me. Despite being short, the pace wasn't one I expect in a fantasy novella. Alongside this, whilst being a companion novel to an existing fantasy novel, some world building would have been great but missed the mark a little. However the illustrations and writing style had the potential for something much more beautiful.
#fantasy #summerreads #novella #short
To the stars who listen - and the dreams that are answered
Throwback picture of my first tattoo dedicated to one of my favourite novels
#stephenking #thedarkhalf #booktattoo #tattoo
"There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic."
#fiction #beautiful #thethirteenthtale
I was really excited for this, but I think my expectations didn't match up to the reality unfortunately, still a good read nonetheless
#thetalentedmrripley #fiction #disappointed
Poetry is like food for the mind
#amandalovelace #poetry #contemporarypoetry
Today was a really good book buying day!💁🏻
#philosophy #mythology #witches #language #classics
I'm excited to start this! Despite being kinda spoiled by a stupid persons "review" on YouTube which gave no warning about spoilers :))
Anyway, I feel like this is up my alley?
#thetalentedmrripley #patriciahighsmith #reading #currently reading #vintage
This was such a brilliant book, I adored Chief and the ending absolutely warmed my heart despite the heartbreaking moments!💖
#oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #kenkesey
My reading hasn't been so great so far this year in all honesty, but I'm really enjoying One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest regardless 📚