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The Book of Latin American Cooking
The Book of Latin American Cooking | Elisabeth Lam Ortiz
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Never before has there been a cookbook that encompasses the whole world of Latin American cooking. Elisabeth Ortiz is the first to introduce to Americans the entire range of this splendid cuisine, selecting out the vast territory that stretches from Mexico to Chile the mast exciting foods of each region. She gives us full complement of dishes, from hors doeuvres to desserts, a feast of master recipes with hundreds of subtle variations that reflect the different cooking styles of South Americas rich coastal areas, high mountainous regions, and boundless fertile plains. Among the enticing appetizers are whims and fancies, the tiny filled tortillas from Mexico; from Colombia, crisp green plantain chips; from Ecuador, fresh bass seviche; from Guatemala, oyster seviche; from Chile and Argentina, hot, flaky turnovers, patties, and little pies, each succulently stuffed. For a fish course: red snapper in tangerine sauce from Brazil; escabeche, oil-and-vinegar-dressed fish from Peru; shad fillets in coconut milk from Colombia; or salt cod in chili and almond sauce from Mexico Among the meats and poultry: from Argentina, veal stew bakes in a huge squash; from Peru, fresh ham with ground annatto and cumin, as well as roast lamb and kid in creamed garlic and mint from Mexico, veal in pumpkin seed sauce; from Brazil, the exuberant national dish, feijoada, with its several meats (from hocks to pigs tails), black beans, and manioc meal; pickled chicken from Chile; drunken chicken from Argentina; and the moles (poultry sauced in chilies and chocolate) that are the glory of Mexican kitchens. Theres a fresh new array of vegetables dished to brighten the tablepeppers, tubers, greens, blossoms and beans. And salads of hearts of palms, Jerusalem artichokes, cactus (it comes in cans), and roosters beak (or familiarly, jcama). With her keen palate and wide knowledge of Latin American cookery, Mrs. Ortiz add to the savor of the recipes by tracing the culinary strains that make up the exciting amalgam of flavors Spanish, Portuguese, African, with hints of Middle Eastern influences, as the mingles with the indigenous cooking of Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations. For more than twenty years she has been unraveling the mysteries of the exotic culinary tradition, making fascination new discoveries as she explored all parts of South America, visiting marketplaces, talking to local cooks, and sampling the specialties of different regions. Here, then, is the harvest of that search the food itself, uncomplicated to prepare, tantalizing in its variety of flavors, fun to serve, and infinitely satisfying to savor; a whole new repertory of colorful dishes that will awaken even the most knowledgeable cooks to new delights.
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Ending the school year with a yummy lunch! Now off to do some fun summer reading!


BeansPage Check out #SyndellesSummerReading 😉 Would love to have you with us. 6y
Debiw781 @ReadOrDieRachel oh it was!! 😊 6y
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Debiw781 @TheReadingMermaid oh that looks like it could be fun! Thanks!! 6y
Gissy That is a tostón that is how we call it here in PR, tostones? 6y
Debiw781 @Gissy yes, Ginet called them tostones and Zaida said they were jibaritos (hope I spelled that right). Super yummy! I hope to visit PR again one day but am thankful I have a friend who will cook some of the yummy foods and share 😊 6y
Gissy @Debiw781 Buen Provecho! I use to buy them because I'm a terrible cook😬If you come to PR just let me know and we can meet! @BookishMarginalia and @WanderingBookaneer are moving to Florida. Happy for them🤗but sad because they are leaving😢😩But we have Litsy! 👍 6y
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Cookbooks selected, stacked, and ready for Thanksgiving cooking. In the foreground, my late Gramommy's recipe for Southern Pecan Pie, in her own hand.

queerbookreader Grandmothers have beautiful handwriting. I've got recipes from both of mine and seeing it written in their own writing makes the recipes so much more special 8y
Jenshootsweddings Ummmm I'm coming over 8y
britt_brooke Love this! Great photo, too. 📷💕 8y
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LeahBergen Love ❤️ 8y
HotMessJess Cook book porn 😘😘😘 8y
Zelma We have Mr. Z's grandmother's pecan pie recipe and it looks exactly like that: slightly faded, index card, hand-written. It is really good, too. 👍 8y
Christine So great! ❤️ (Always fun to see another Nourishing Traditions fan, though I am far from a Weston A. Price purist!) 8y
DebinHawaii Such a beautiful photo and I love your grandma's recipe--such a treasure to have! ❤️👍😀 8y
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