Some croissants before getting back to cleaning. Sneaking in a little reading too. A book I was bored with suddenly took an interesting turn, which is always a good thing.
Some croissants before getting back to cleaning. Sneaking in a little reading too. A book I was bored with suddenly took an interesting turn, which is always a good thing.
Ending the school year with a yummy lunch! Now off to do some fun summer reading!
My favorite of the #yummy #cookies. Eating the last of my stash while catching up on reading and NetGalley reviews.
Love that my coworker shares her leftover/reject cookies with our office! He's still perfect to me 😊
My brother won't see this so I can post a sample of the absolutely adorable #cookies I got him for #Christmas!
All this Halloween candy and what I'm really craving is my chocolate melting cake (Mickey Moused) from #cruising
My tasty lunch from yesterday. I managed to get in a little kindle reading time too.
So great to get out today and eat lunch at a restaurant without waiting in line forever. Someone described our experience here in Florida like this:I feel like we're living in Disney World. It's hot! There's a long line for everything! We just don't get any fun rides."
#hurricane #irma #aftermath #tastytreats