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Some croissants before getting back to cleaning. Sneaking in a little reading too. A book I was bored with suddenly took an interesting turn, which is always a good thing.

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Ending the school year with a yummy lunch! Now off to do some fun summer reading!


BeansPage Check out #SyndellesSummerReading 😉 Would love to have you with us. 6y
Debiw781 @ReadOrDieRachel oh it was!! 😊 6y
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Debiw781 @TheReadingMermaid oh that looks like it could be fun! Thanks!! 6y
Gissy That is a tostón that is how we call it here in PR, tostones? 6y
Debiw781 @Gissy yes, Ginet called them tostones and Zaida said they were jibaritos (hope I spelled that right). Super yummy! I hope to visit PR again one day but am thankful I have a friend who will cook some of the yummy foods and share 😊 6y
Gissy @Debiw781 Buen Provecho! I use to buy them because I'm a terrible cook😬If you come to PR just let me know and we can meet! @BookishMarginalia and @WanderingBookaneer are moving to Florida. Happy for them🤗but sad because they are leaving😢😩But we have Litsy! 👍 6y
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My favorite of the #yummy #cookies. Eating the last of my stash while catching up on reading and NetGalley reviews.


Celebrating Cookies | Leisure Arts
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Look at the #yummy #cookies they had at one of my schools today!


AlaMich Yum!! 😋 6y
Suet624 Yummy! 6y
Debiw781 @AlaMich @Suet624 They are SO good! They sent me home with a bagful 😊 6y
Gissy Mmmmm😋 6y
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Love that my coworker shares her leftover/reject cookies with our office! He's still perfect to me 😊


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My brother won't see this so I can post a sample of the absolutely adorable #cookies I got him for #Christmas!

Rachel.Rencher Those are so cute! 7y
LorieL Wow! 7y
AmyG Cowboys? They‘re amazing. (edited) 7y
Debiw781 @Rachel.Rencher @LorieL @AmyG Thanks! My friend did an amazing job on them and my brother loved them! 7y
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Chocolate Reality | Steena Holmes
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All this Halloween candy and what I'm really craving is my chocolate melting cake (Mickey Moused) from #cruising


DebinHawaii That looks so good! 😋 7y
CouronneDhiver I recognize that dessert and I cannot wait to order one when I sail in December. 🍰🍰🍰 Yummy! 7y
Debiw781 @DebinHawaii it's the best!! 😊 @CouronneDhiver I think I ate it every night😳 Enjoy!!! 7y
CouronneDhiver Ha! A girl has got to live a little 😉 Nothing wrong with that 7y
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The Food of Vietnam | Luke Nguyen
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My tasty lunch from yesterday. I managed to get in a little kindle reading time too.


Out to Lunch | Stacey Ballis
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So great to get out today and eat lunch at a restaurant without waiting in line forever. Someone described our experience here in Florida like this:I feel like we're living in Disney World. It's hot! There's a long line for everything! We just don't get any fun rides."
#hurricane #irma #aftermath #tastytreats

Graciouswarriorprincess Aww, hugs!! I hope it gets better soon! 7y
Gezemice Yumm! Glad to hear things are getting better. 7y
suvata Our power just came on tonight so things are looking up for us. 7y
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Debiw781 @suvata Yay!! Best. Thing. Ever! 7y
Debiw781 @Gezemice @Graciouswarriorprincess it's definitely getting better. 😊It's just a slow rebuilding process 7y
Bostonmomx2 That looks delish 7y
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Yesterday's #tastytreats and perfect for #bonappetit


Cinfhen That looks delish 😋 7y
Debiw781 @Cinfhen Oh it was!! 7y
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