One of the most disturbing books I‘ve ever read.
Is this suppose to be satire? It if is, maybe I'd give it a better review. But It wasn't clear to me and half way through the book it just seemed that it crossed the line into ridiculousness. Once I felt the book went there, it was really hard for me to enjoy it or look forward to finishing it.
This was my first experience reading Chuck Palahnuik and much like the women of this world, I‘m hooked. The detail in this book created a bizarre scene that only added to the quality of satire. A complicated look at feminism and sexuality.
1. Beautiful You (not quite finished but of the books I‘ve read, this is definitely my fave)
2. Cross Her Heart
3. Daisy Jones and the Six
#thursdaysurvey @laurenslibrary
4. Goodreads I set 30...I‘m only at 6 so not doing great by any means...looking forward to some summer reading 😎
I wonder if this is part of the satire...
Honestly, if you don't love Palahniuk's satirical view on the world, you're doing something wrong. His writing, while definitely smut, conveys such deep truths about the human condition. You either love him or hate him and if you hate him, you're wrong.
Dang this book is weird 😂😂
Lol, this one is a doozy that would have made any crazy Bond villain with hopes of world domination proud. You start off with a line of female sexual stimulant products so good, that they cause women to abandon the normalcy of life. Then think of all the repercussions. Chuck, as usual, gives us plenty to think about while making us laugh uncomfortably and say WTF!!!!!
Sorry its a day late. I had a very hard weekend. And up to tonight, I was pretty sad until....I picked up Beautiful You. Chuck uses the vagina as a device to make a point, a lot of them. Only half way through and the amount of vaginal action is Over. The. Top. I respect women, there's actually a feminist story in here, and the uncomfortable laughs are aplenty. As a gay man , vaginas aren't my thing. But they made me feel better. #thankvaginas
Just finished this one and WOW! Apocalyptic marketing possibilities of female pleasure! 😳😳😳 this book is very intense and stirs real fears into just watching commercials.
Well over 1/2 way through. This book is insane!! If your heart and stomach can take the shock then read it! Holy 😱! I expected it to be a jaw dropping experience because that is what Palahniuk has mastered . But dear gawd! I can not wait to see how this ends!
Not for the faint of heart but another exquisite read by the man who who defines the term shock value
The unexpected autograph is always the best. This just arrived in my #bookcase.club subscription box.
Jaw dropping on several occasions. Reminded me of his earlier work. Loved the twists and turns this book took.
Sex witch, nanorobots, downfall of society...this is a unique read...that should probably not be read/discussed in polite company...people will think you are insane. 😂 Always the sign of a good Chuck P. book. Lol
Image from http://www.ilprimatonazionale.it/cultura/beautiful-you-palahniuk-32578/
My favorite time of the week is here...when the hubs has an appt and I get to read! *dances*
He has 2 this week so that's double the fun.
Time to see where this book goes...it already has me all: 😱😏😯😦😔😳😬😱🤔
It's like 50 shades of grey with his business being in woman's pleasure toys. They are so good woman are dehydrating themselves and dying. Not to mention causing riots and man hating. #mostweirdbookiveverread I wtf'd pretty much through the whole damn thing! #muchlove #guiltypleasures #palaniukiscrazy #thisphotosaysalot
Another appt for the hubs, another hour to read for me!
90pages in! Woot!
It's roped me in since page one. 😊 Glad can find some time to read.
Sick toddler fell asleep on the way to my husband's VA appt (one that I don't need to be in!) so that means this stressed out #caregiver gets to read and listen to tunes in the car. Soooooooo need this!!!
To the book! 👆🏼
I dominantly really like Palahniuk's stuff. I find it just the right amount of gritty and believable that it makes me see the world differently and question things just a little more each time I read one of his works. However I'm not sure what is up with this one. He just seems to be hitting the reader over the head with satire to the point that the whole book kind of becomes simply ridiculous by the end.
My favorite #indiebookstore is The Last Bookstore in downtown Los Angeles on Spring Street. It's housed in an old bank building complete with vault, art gallery, music, book tunnel, various genre rooms, and the deeply satisfying rainbow shelves of the used book room. Gah! 💚💚💚🌟 #getindie
So. Weird. I spent most of the book wondering what Palahniuk's creative/ story-writing process is like...Somehow he takes a bizarre idea, such as achieving world domination via sex toys, and makes it work. I kept reading because I wanted to know what happened, but it's a little "out there" for me.
Just about to start this one. Palahniuk is always...interesting!