#howfarillgo (ok, will be going) for the #readingretreat next year! It'll take some time for me to arrive! #maymoviemagic
@Cinfhen @rohit-sawant
#howfarillgo (ok, will be going) for the #readingretreat next year! It'll take some time for me to arrive! #maymoviemagic
@Cinfhen @rohit-sawant
It‘s been a dream is mine to come here for so long. It‘s the private library of William Gladstone, the only Prime Minister to have an official library and the only residential library in the UK. I‘m here for 3 days living in the library with 24 he access. It‘s BEAUTIFUL! #livinginthelibrary #quietpleaseimreading
My heart aflutters upon entering a room with books. The houses and other places that are the most congenial and glowing with warmth are the ones with the most books. I have always experienced this direct correlation, and I attempt to fill my own abode with such bound friends as I can manage. 😊👍🏻🤓