The crazy family is back in force! This one was fun and the murderer was a bit unexpected!
The crazy family is back in force! This one was fun and the murderer was a bit unexpected!
🦉 Owlcrate day is the best day. No spoilers, but I am very happy with this month's box. 🦉
This is the first book in the Meg Langslow series and introduces some, but not all, of her huge and quirky family. It‘s also the first one I‘ve listened to instead of read. The books use 1st person narration, which makes it odd, given that Meg is around 30, that the producers of the audiobook would choose a reader who sounds like an old lady. The story is interesting enough though.
Wasn‘t much in this month except for an Expecto Patronum beanie (summer here unfortunately!) a Winter Is Here lip balm, a lembas bread soap from Geeky Clean I believe, a wooden Grishaverse pin & a notebook with a Sarah.J.Maas quote in the cover.Plus the book of course with an “exclusive” cover where the only difference is it‘s purple shading on the title instead of the blue/green on the original (which I actually prefer honestly).Not a great month