Excellent ya read abt being uprooted because of Katrina. Good book for any kid who is having changes. Photo is not related to the book. Just cute. We call this milk drunk. She isn‘t asleep just completely sated.
Excellent ya read abt being uprooted because of Katrina. Good book for any kid who is having changes. Photo is not related to the book. Just cute. We call this milk drunk. She isn‘t asleep just completely sated.
#AlltheBooksof2017 Challenge - The gorgeous, bold watercolors, the brush lettering ... Between Two Skies wins it for me for Favorite Book Cover of 2017 #bulletjournal #bujo #bulletjournallover #bujolover #bookishbujo #bujopage #bujochallenge #seasonsreadings2017
Day 12: Favorite Book Title Font - Anything & everything "brush" style is my thing! #septinbooks17 #bookstagram #brushlettering #covercrush #booklover
Between Two Skies is a beautifully descriptive story about a young girl longing for her homeland. O'Sullivan's lush writing about the displacement of Louisiana's people & the resilience of their culture will resonate with readers, especially those who lived through the aftermath of Katrina. Katrina may have been strong, but the people of Louisiana are stronger. This book will be cherished most by those who love Louisiana & our way of life here.
Day 6: Favorite Reading Beverage - Have to drink my coffee before I can even think about reading! #septinbooks17 #bookstagram #coffeelife #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #betweentwoskies #louisianalife #louisianalove #bookchallenge #septemberbookchallenge #booklover
Day 5: Hardcover Book Love - Personally, I try to only read hardcovers if possible bc I bend up paperbacks too easily. Anyways, I'm loving my hardcover copy of "Between Two Skies" so far! #septinbooks17 #bookstagram #booksandsunsets #katrina #hurricanekatrina #louisianalove #bayoulife
Day 1: Anticipated September Read - It's hurricane season, and "Between Two Skies" is a Katrina story. It's on my immediate TBR list. "Bayou Perdu, a tiny fishing town way, way down in Louisiana, is home to sixteen-year-old Evangeline Riley, who loves her simple bayou life, but then the storm comes & everything changes ..." #septinbooks17 #katrina #louisianalife #louisianalove #bookstagram #katrinastories #hurricanekatrina #betweentwoskies
My husband game me the Once Upon a Bookclub Box in May for Mother's Day. This box is so neat because you open a certain gift once you get to the page number on the package. The last gift was a gumbo mix and it was so much fun to make! It went perfectly with the book. Between Two Skies was such a great read!! #onceuponabookclubbox #betweentwoskies
There were heavy elements in the story, but there was also a solid sense of a family, a sprinkling of young love, and so much delicious food. Reading this book made me hungry for food I've never tasted in my life ?
I so glad I got it as part of my @onceuponabookclubbox I loved pulling out the wrapped gifts as I read and holding pieces of the story in my hand.
Use "NOVELPAIRING" to save 10% off your first subscription. #subscriptionbox #bookbox
I loved Evangeline as a main character and was rooting for her and her family in this bittersweet story of creating a life worth living in the face of tragedy.
This book was the May pick for the YA Once Upon A Book Club box, a full unboxing is available on TheJoyfulPen.com
Dear, Joanne O' Sullivan, you had me at your opening story 😍😍😍
Between Two Skies 5⭐️- a story of Evangeline and her family's survival during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The story was a vivid depiction of a true survivor of natural calamities, the struggle to adapt to new refuge or the struggle to accept the remnants of the past.
Here's my full unboxing of @onceuponabookclubbox MAY YA box. 5⭐️ box as well
"Old leaves fall so the new can come in; there is a season for everything." The YA book for the May OUABC box was wonderful; a sweet story set in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. ???
"In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer." -Camus
The storm changed everything
If this book was about any other culture I probably would have put it down after the first chapter. But I AM living this book right now. Cajun girl living in Atlanta. It made me homesick in a very good way. Evangeline is also one of my favorite poems so....it was a perfect story for a gumbo loving heart. ❤️
This little baby is one I'm excited to read because it's set in my home state! Makes for a little homesickness. A lot of my friends were displaced from Hurricane Katrina so it should be pretty relatable. #louisiana #home #homesick #betweentwoskies #joanneosullivan #youngadult #teen #fiction #between2skies #NOLA #litsyAtoZ #letterB