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Very Valentine
Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
16 posts | 23 read | 8 to read
In this contemporary family saga, the Angelini Shoe Company, makers of custom wedding shoes since 1903, is one of the last family businesses in Greenwich Village. On the brink of financial ruin, it falls to thirty-three-year-old Valentine Roncalli, the talented but unsuspecting apprentice, to bring her family's old-world craftsmanship into the twenty-first century. Juggling a romantic relationship with dashing chef Roman Falconi, her duty to her family, and a design competition for a prestigious department store, Valentine accompanies her grandmother and master artisan Teodora to Italy in the hope of finding inspiration. There, in Tuscany and on the Isle of Capri, she discovers her artistic voice and much more, turning her life around in ways she never expected.
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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I can‘t wait to see Very Valentine on Lifetime this Saturday!

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Picked this up from the bargain bin. Probably should have seen that as a sign

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani

Loved this book, was like ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding‘, but Italian. Reading Adriana Trigiani‘s books are like a enjoying a warm blanket with a glass of red wine after a long day at work. Love her books ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Starting a very timely book from one of my favorite authors. Some dark chocolate seemed only appropriate to eat alongside reading tonight

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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I always love the glamorous covers on the Trigiani books. This one was about a young woman who wants to help her grandmother continue the custom bridal shoe #bizness that is in jeopardy of closing. #nofemmeber

MicrobeMom I enjoyed this series! 6y
Billypar Nice! Love the vibrant colors 😍 6y
wen4blu This one is in my tbr pile on the nightstand. 6y
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Cinfhen I think there‘s another one that just came out (edited) 6y
Cinfhen I only read the first book but I remember enjoying the storyline 6y
DivineDiana @MicrobeMom I didn‘t even know it was a series! 6y
DivineDiana @wen4blu I didn‘t realize this was a series and actually read 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I just saw that! Looks good! 6y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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It was a dark and stormy night, and I finally had 10 minuets to sit down and read.

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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A good night for a romance

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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️💕 7y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Happy Valentines Day my fellow book lovers!

*Image from Pinterest

GypsyKat So cute and perfect! Happy Valentine‘s Day to you, too! 💗 7y
mrp27 @GypsyKat Thanks!! 7y
SandyW Perfect! Happy Valentine's Day to you and all the Littens! 💞 7y
Kalalalatja Awww 💕💕 7y
mrp27 @SandyW Thanks! 😘 7y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Happy Valentines Day, fellow Littens! Phase 1 of unwrapping my #CupidGoesPostal package. It appears @MaleficentTheBookDragon has gone above and beyond! Phase 2 will happen after the morning school run, when I've had more coffee. @BookishMarginalia

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Look what came today!!! Thank you @MaleficentTheBookDragon I can't wait to open it! Max approves too! And thanks again @BookishMarginalia for organizing. #CupidGoesPostal #ValentineBookExchange #dogsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐶 8y
Suzze Oooooh. Purple. And shiny. My two favorites! 8y
MaleficentBookDragon You're welcome! I hope you like everything. 8y
MaleficentBookDragon Oh, and it probably smells like a 🐈. That's why Max is so interested. (edited) 8y
Reviewsbylola 💘💘💘 8y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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So, I took my #CupidGoesPostal package to the UPS Store to mail, and I took pics before I sent it off, but for some reason they didn't show up on my phone😳 so I have to repost this old pic. I ended up with 3 books, 2 bookish gifts, and a valentine treat. It should arrive at its destination on 1/16. Hope my match enjoys! @BookishMarginalia

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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Starting to put my package together for the #ValentinesBookExchange! But I may need a bigger envelope...
#CupidGoesPostal @BookishMarginalia

BookishMarginalia You'd be surprised at how much fits into one of those! 8y
BibliophileMomma So cute! Someone is going to be so happy with that package 😀 8y
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Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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#somethingforsept #booksthatmademehungry: Very Valentine has great food descriptions and a few recipes from the story in the back. Savor the Moment and the Outlander series also have mouth watering food descriptions and Outlander inspired a great cookbook which I've posted before. Hatchet made me hungry because of his lack of food... For some reason reading about people who are hungry makes me want to eat. Anyone else feel that way?

Very Valentine | Adriana Trigiani
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This was my very first readathon #24in48. I had a blast but didn't make it😞 I can't wait to try again next time. I might be able to achieve since it will be winter and no outside distractions.

Smrloomis Wow, 16+ hours is really impressive! Congrats! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉 8y
Jlee745 Thank you😍😍😍 8y
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