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Hunger Like No Other (Promotion, Off-Price)
Hunger Like No Other (Promotion, Off-Price) | Kresley Cole
In New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Kresley Cole's sizzling series, a fierce werewolf and a bewitching vampire become unlikely soul mates whose passion will test the boundaries of life and death. After enduring years of torture from the vampire horde, Lachlain MacRieve, leader of the Lykae Clan, is enraged to find the predestined mate he's waited millennia for is a vampire. Or partly one. Emmaline Troy is a small, ethereal half Valkyrie/half vampire, who somehow begins to soothe the fury burning within him. Sheltered Emmaline finally sets out to uncover the truth about her deceased parents--until a powerful Lykae claims her as his mate and forces her back to his ancestral Scottish castle. There, her fear of the Lykae--and their notorious dark desires--ebbs as he begins a slow, wicked seduction to sate her own dark cravings. Yet when an ancient evil from her past resurfaces, will their desire deepen into a love that can bring a proud warrior to his knees and turn a gentle beauty into the fighter she was born to be?
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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I found the absolute best listing I have ever seen on a local FB marketplace group I am a member of. I am half tempted to hit her up for some paranormal romances haha. Mostly I keep those selections in my kindle and don‘t need real copies 😂👻🧟‍♀️♥️ #paranormalromance

Saknicole Also the book I tagged was the first on google when I searched paranormal romance 😂 3y
Kimberlone 🤣🤣🤣 3y
BookmarksTheSpot A Hunger Like No Other. 🤣 3y
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Hunger Like No Other | Kresley Cole
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This cover is odd but eye catching at the same time 😆 a gift from a women who gives me any of her read books. Seriously a good problem. 🤪
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #metalonthecover

Dark Love | Kresley Cole
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Eggs Dark! 🖤❤️🖤 3y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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9 of 20 #20Series20Days

Here's another paranormal romance series that I adore. There's currently 17 in the series and I'm sorta patiently waiting for Munro, the 18th book. I re-read the whole series while listening to the Fated Mates podcast and it just cemented my love of all things Kresley Cole writes.

Andrew65 Looks good. (edited) 4y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole

Listening to Fated Mates (the show I read this book for) and 1) they read the while series?! I will probably listen but I CANNOT follow there (especially with no library support) and 2) comparing this book to Moonstruck is RUDE
#mywife #myhand

khooliha (Moonstruck is great, is what I'm saying) 4y
khooliha Saying that -everyone- got into romance because they love alpha males? Deeply presumptive. 4y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole

This book is amazing in that when I think of why I don't read paranormal romances I think of every aspect of this book without having read it. It called across the void of time to me with it's terrible takes on tropes that could maybe(????) be fun. 2006 is a helluva drug.

khooliha Half star for the hero getting cucked by the moon 4y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole

I cannot tell if the Lore politics in this world are supposed to be taken seriously because they have an Amazing Race? One that isn't televised??

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole

All this magical racism is WILD, everything about this book is WILD

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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I guess I shouldn't be shocked that this baffling book has made the baffling decision of namechecking this baffling sequel #baffle

khooliha Get right with your werewolf god! Lon-don! Lon-don! Lon-don! 4y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole

So far the thing this book is teaching me is why I avoid paranormals now, and why I avoided romance in general for so long. Wow, this dude SUCKS

khooliha And so far, not in a fun way! If this were from the library and not purchased (on sale, thank goodness) I would have bailed already. 4y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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Meanwhile, the last of my trilogy of trying romance novel podcasts. Weirdly, despite my love of both horror/monsters and romance novels, I'm not a big paranormal romance person.

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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I‘m about to be real blunt right now. Lachlain is a rapist. I hate the guy, I don‘t care how many little cute things you make him do, when it came down to the sex, he was a freaking rapist. EVERYTHING he did was against Emma‘s wishes he repeatedly did what he wanted with her body. Emma had great character growth from a quiet scared girl to a badass, who stands up for herself! If this was released today I couldn‘t see this spinning a whole series.

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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I like it as much as I hated it. Simply cannot get pass the way Lachlain treated Emma. As well as her family who won‘t listen to her. But I still enjoy it when Emma fights back. I read this for a book club. And I will continue the series cos there‘s so many unanswered questions. #paranormalromance #series

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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Great paranormal romance

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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I‘m wrapping up this today. I can not express how much I‘m enjoying it so far. Especially knowing I can listen to the podcast readalong once I‘m done! #romance #litsyromance

hipney A found this podcast too. So glad I did loving the book 6y
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Hunger Like No Other | Kresley Cole
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@sarahmaclean has a new podcast working its way through the Immortals After Dark series. I enjoyed this (my first paranormal romance) enough to continue on, but yeah, there is definitely some problematic stuff going on here. Maclean and podcast mate Jen Prokop delve into that a bit speaking about how the author wanted the hero to be problematic and experience a change, but still I was super uncomfortable with a good bit of this.

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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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Peri and I stopped by the library today to do the book drops since we are closed for the holiday. I picked up this book to re-read along with Sarah MacLean and Jen Prokop's Immortals After Dark podcast. #romantsy

Podcast website - https://fatedmates.net/

CoverToCoverGirl Love that series! I‘ll check out the podcast too! 6y
nitalibrarian @CoverToCoverGirl I listened to the introduction episode and I think it's going to be a great podcast. And great excuse to read the whole series again. 😉 6y
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Buen día gente linda!
Terminado libro #13
Sed de amor de Kresley Cole
Es linda historia de amor fantástica! Ella es muy insegura para la mezcla de razas que y el por Dios, decidido, posesivo, celoso y todo lo que se pueda pensar de un hombre lobo.
La introducción me pareció un poco larga y el descenlace muy rápido y corto.
Las descripciones de los paisajes y edificios, no muy detallada pero la justa para el libro.


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Empezando libro #13
Sed de amor de Kresley Cole
Lachlain MacRieve, jefe del clan licántropo, lleva siglos sometido a infames torturas en las catacumbas de París a manos de la horda vampírica. Ahora, por fin, ha encontrado un motivo para escapar de su cautiverio: la mujer a la que ha buscado durante mil años está muy cerca, y a despertado en él buen deseo salvaje e incontenible. Cuando cae en sus brazos descubre horrorizado que ella, su alma gemela

A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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My favorite paranormal romance series - and book 1 is on sale! Join me in my obsession 😍 #romantsy #paranormalromance

Dragon It's on sale at iBook store but it's listed as book 2 ? Strange, but I'm going to download it as it's a great price. Thanks 😀 7y
Lauren_reading @Dragon there's a short story in another book that comes first, but isn't necessary to understand the series (but is worth reading) 😀 7y
Dragon Thanks @LaurenReads that explains it 👍 7y
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A Hunger Like No other | Kresley Cole
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How do I choose a favorite?!?! Here are 4 romances (my favorite genre) that I love...out of hundreds 😀 📚 The Prize, Julie Garwood 📚Say No to Joe?, Lori Foster 📚 Dark Lover, JR Ward 📚 A Hunger Like No Other, Kresley Cole #augustofpages #alltimefavorites #bookphotochallenge #romance

Jenni_Capps JR Ward ❤️❤️ 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 The Prize!! Loved that one. Read it over 20 years ago at the recommendation of another elementary school mother. Think we were talking about it as we set up Teacher Appreciation Lunch. Anyway, I went on to read other by Garwood that were fun. My favorite of hers is 8y
MrsV Loves me some JR Ward 8y
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