My #JolabokaflodSwap24 was also delivered today! Thanks, Wendy (not sure of your Litsy handle!) can‘t wait until Christmas Eve! These packages are already staring at me across the room!
My #JolabokaflodSwap24 was also delivered today! Thanks, Wendy (not sure of your Litsy handle!) can‘t wait until Christmas Eve! These packages are already staring at me across the room!
Lots of mail today! I got my #NaughtyListHolidaySwap today - now having to wait to open this is going to be tough! #NLHS
@Marmie7 do you have dogs? My dog is looooving how this package smells 😂
All in all I found this book a little misleading and was hoping for more of the “terror” in the “50 Terrifying Yuletide Tales from Around the World” cover description. It was fairly repetitive, but if you think of it as an introduction to winter/yule lore it‘s not a bad book. There are 50 entries, many with an illustration but they‘re all a broad summary lacking many details.
Cuddling up with the baby boy doing some evening reading. About 40 pages in, hoping it‘ll pick up soon.
Sending out my #NaughtyListHolidaySwap tomorrow afternoon! Took a stab at some things I thought my match might like and chose 4 random books from their TBR list because I wasn‘t sure what their vibes were and want to make sure this gets there in time in case of any USPS mail delays this time of year! Can‘t wait to see their reaction though. ☺️📚🎄
Getting ready to drop some bookish and holiday mail off at the post this afternoon. 🎄❄️📚✨
Sent out my #LittleChristmasSwap today! Was really cool to be matched with someone from my own state but also wanted to get a jump on the holiday mail because the USPS can get crazy this time of year! Can‘t wait until they get to open it.
@bookish_wookish #LCS
“But what many people don't know is that the Christmas ghost story was a staple of late Victorian holiday tales, and people loved to read and listen to scary stories of ghosts and haunt-ings set during the chilliest days of the year. The cold weather, the gloomy fog, the bare trees, the snow-covered ground...all of these made for fertile imagery for tales of spooks and delight.” pg 56
I am a creepy but bright and shiny festive person around Christmas. I just started a Krampus/christmas/yule tattoo sleeve. Super pumped - but I also love the bright and shiny happy parts of Christmas too!
#naughtylistholidayswap #NLHS
Adding to my TBR list - shhh don‘t tell my boyfriend I got more books. 😉
All the winter holidays are coming up! So EXCITED - even though it was almost 80 degrees today in NOVEMBER! So excited for a holiday swap!
Go check out our host @bookish_wookish to sign up/for more info!
Wow-factor achieved for YA. I had a hard time getting through parts of this without being emotional.
Hoping to get these 3 finished or mostly finished this week! Creepy for Halloween and then Blake Crouch is one of my favorites.
#blakecrouch #run #stitches #junjiito #scarybookofchristmaslore
Black Crouch hits another out of the park, this book was captivating and super immersive, I could hardly put it down during my New Mexico vacation this year.
I had no idea Trevor Noah wrote children‘s books! It‘s so cute!
Swear I‘ll finish this “light/short” read tonight, 40 pages down and about 30-ish to go!
Am currently playing Hades II in pre-release so it‘s really cool to be able to tie a lot of these mythical creatures to the games and the God‘s they are associated with!
#mythicalcreatures #folklore #hades #videogames
Such a beautiful cover! 😍
#arc #goodreadsgiveaway
What a beautiful edition of Golding‘s classic Lord of the Flies. This was one of my favorite reads in HS.
#classiclit #bannedbooks #ego
I should be taking my midterm but instead I‘m reading creepy Christmas and Yuletide stories gearing up for my Krampus/Christmas sleeve next weekend.
#folklore #christmas #yuletide #creepy #lore
I think I‘ve been reading this book on and off since May…and it‘s now October. 👀😂 I‘ve read a couple other books between then and now and still have only made it 100 pages into this. I do honestly love how it‘s written - it tells you a little about the mythical creature and then it tells you about the legend around it.
#mythicalcreature #cryptid #legends #folklore #magic
This is the book that came home with me from Alice‘s Haunted Little Bookshop - I wish I could post more than one pic in a post because the illustrations are beautiful. Guess I‘ll have to post some of my favorites as I make my way through these pages!
#cryptids #folklore #horror #legends #mythology
Might have found my favorite new bookstore. This is called Alice‘s Little Haunted Bookshop in Mystic, CT they have a wide collection of spooky, unsettling, dark and enticing books and stories to choose from . It‘s connected through a looking glass window to Alice in the Village, an Alice and Wonderland themed tea shop.
#aliceslittlehauntedbookshop #aliceinthevillage #spooky #bookstore #mysticCT
Great end of the season beach day, much needed relaxing and reading before getting covered in all that soft sand from the warm ocean breeze.
Loooook at how B-E-A-U-TIFUL this cover is. 😍
#goodreadswinner #goodreadsgiveaway
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME - believe it or not, these were the only books I got for Christmas. I‘m so happy.
So I liked this book, it was good and I can understand why a lot of people said this was captivating and really stuck with them. I imagine that if this book had been out in 2018 it would have swallowed me whole. But I didn‘t really feel like it was as profound as it could have been and while it was good, it was a little lacking for me.
3.5/5 ⭐️
Ahhhh. Need to finish #MidnightLibrary so I can start this. Finalllllyyyyyyy. Also can we talk about now upset I am that it arrived damaged!? 😭🫠
Trying to get a jump start on my 2023 reading goals now that I‘ll be stuck at home on COVID quarantine again to start this year. 🤒 Third times a charm.
#readinggoals #quarantine #covidreading #pulitzerprize
Another #GoodreadsGiveaway headed my way, can‘t wait to settle in and read more now that the cooler weather is seeping into the New England air.
Finally starting my November #DownTheRabbitHolrBookBox
Not sure why it took me months to finish this book, it was great though. I love how all the stories fit together at the end, although, it was pretty graphic/violent at times. I almost wished it talked more about the news ever talking about the photographer (no spoiler).
So I got my first #DownTheRabbitHoleBookBox a few weeks ago. Finally taking the time to dive into this book and open the little gifts that go along with the reading. 50 pages in so far, I know I won‘t be able to put this book down later. 😍
Just pre-ordered this in a hardcover. It‘s been SO long since I‘ve posted on here and so long since I‘ve read anything new from Winterson. It‘s a good time to be alive friends.
Is it ridiculous that I pre-ordered this and haven‘t read it yet? But since I‘m on such a Maas kick I figured I would dive into this world next. 😏
First, thank heavens this was such a large book. We‘ve had to wait so long. Second, I loved it. Annoyed by Nesta most of the book, honestly, I wanted so much more for her, all that power and such a little pay off. Also...what was the item masked item with smoke from her vision? Hmm.
FINALLLYYYYY. I feel like I‘ve been waiting forever for this, it‘s so thick too. 😍😍📚
I loved the Numina series that Holmberg wrote and so far this is off to a promising start. 😍
Really loving this so far, her writing style reminds me a lot of Liane Moriarty which I‘m a big fan of. Spending the rest of the evening reading and procrastinating my chores because it‘s negative degrees up here in MA. (Shh don‘t tell)
YAAASSSSSS! Just put my pre-order in. Really can‘t wait to get this in the mail come April. 😍
Can we just take a break and look at the beautiful Centennial Editions we have here?
This book is so beautiful, I can‘t wait to read this. I was so happy it got here yesterday morning. 😍
Alright guys, this book isn‘t on here yet but I preordered it todayyyy. March can‘t come soon enough. 😍😝😎 #RuleofWolves
Not a bad book, but if biographic books aren‘t your think I wouldn‘t suggest it. Because I started it...I‘ll probably finish it, but this is one of those started to read because my ex loved this book kind of situations 😂
Can‘t wait to check this one out on my kindle, another #GoodreadsGiveaway for the win.
Another #GoodreadsGiveaway for the TBR shelf :)
Really haven‘t updated in a proper amount of time, going to be spamming y‘all with my recent Goodreads Giveaway wins!