“I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches”
“I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches”
If I suffer at this typewriter think how I'd feel among the lettuce-pickers of Salinas?
I think of the men I've known in factories with no way to get out -
Choking while living
Choking while laughing at Bob Hope or Lucille Ball while 2 or 3 children beat tennis balls against the walls.
Some suicides are never recorded.
#PoetryChallenge2018 for August.
Citlalli: “The title might be misleading. I don't think Bukowski is having a bad time. He writes about his experience with women, but also reflects on his feelings about mankind. I like the poem 'The Crunch'. It‘s about how we all have wounds, but we don't want to understand the wounds other people have. Having empathy can be difficult. It‘s been over a year that a book has made me cry, but this poem did it.” #MexicoCity
I've finished two of the three Bukowski books I own, now to read the biggest. Can't wait to read more of his amazing poetry 😍 #CharlesBukowski #poetry #favoritepoet
there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
the hands of a clock.
people so tired
either by love or no love.
#CharlesBukowski #LoveIsADogFromHell #thecrunch
there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
the hands of a clock.
people so tired
either by love or no love.
people just are not good to each other
one on one.
the rich are not good to the rich
the poor are not good to the poor.
we are afraid.
our educational system tells us
that we can all be
big-ass winners.
it hasn't told us
about the gutters
or the suicides.
Style is the answer to everything
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing
To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it
To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art
Bullfighting can be an art
Boxing can be an art
Loving can be an art
Opening a can of sardines can be an art
Not many have style
Not many can keep style
I have seen dogs with more style than men,
although not many dogs have style
some people never go crazy.
me, sometimes I'll lie down behind the couch
for 3 or 4 days.
they'll find me there.
it's Cherub, they'll say, and
they pour wine down my throat
rub my chest
sprinkle me with oils.
then, I'll rise with a roar,
curse them and the universe
as I send them scattering over the
I'll feel much better,
sit down to toast and eggs...
some people never go crazy.
what truly horrible lives
they must lead.
Happy birthday, old man. 💕
A fancy new imported edition. Bukowski doesn't come cheap. Irony?