Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state🎵
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state🎵
Tyson is a great science communicator, as always.
One of the books that influenced my current work-in-progress is Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson, so I decided to go through his earlier book with Donald Goldsmith called Origins to see if anything there might offer more inspiration before my recent writing trip to the Porches. Honestly, it turned out to be more of a refresher of what I got from the other book but still good stuff. #science #origins #AmWriting
#audiowalk time with Neil deGrasse Tyson! At this time tomorrow I'll be in sunny Florida on vacation ❤️❤️
Finished my audiobook on the way home from work today. It's a pretty interesting overview of the big theories in astrophysics. The first chapter was almost verbatim Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. Once we got past that, Origins goes deeper into the major theories and hypotheses. All in all an interesting read.
It's my favorite (read: most hated) time of the year - apartment inspection! Which means a giant spring cleaning for me today. I'm listening to my audiobook and reevaluating my life choices.
And since I‘m on a roll with my science daily posts, I‘ll have to go with 14 billion years for Nov 14th for #NovemberByTheNumbers
A NDT book read by someone other than NDT?!?!? Inconceivable!!! What a dirty trick😫
Book 11 in #BooksToReadDuringATrumpPresidency... Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution.
Because we should understand where we came from and what's at stake.
2016, Book 45 "Self-centeredness bred into our bones by our evolution and experience on Earth has led us naturally to focus on local events and phenomena in the retelling of most origin stories. However, every advance in our knowledge of the cosmos has revealed that we live on a cosmic speck of dust, orbiting a mediocre star in the far suburbs of a common sort of galaxy, among a hundred billion galaxies in the universe."
Rainy bus journey with a book. :)