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We Are All Made of Molecules
We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen
There s so much to love about this story . . . but what grabbed me the most is the humor. Christopher Paul Curtis, winner of the Newbery Medal Award-winning author Susin Nielsen has created two narrators who will steal your heart and make you laugh out loud. Thirteen-year-old Stewart is academically brilliant but socially clueless. Fourteen-year-old Ashley is the undisputed It girl in her class, but her grades stink. Their worlds are about to collide when Stewart and his dad move in with Ashley and her mom. Stewart is trying to be 89.9 percent happy about it, but Ashley is 110 percent horrified. She already has to hide the real reason her dad moved out; Spewart " "could further threaten her position at the top of the social ladder. They are complete opposites. And yet, they have one thing in common: they like everyone else are made of molecules. Praise for Susin Nielsen Nielsen is a wonderful writer, smart, engaging, entertaining. "CM "magazine"" Nielsen has real talent for comedy, zoning in on just the right level of snark. " Kirkus Reviews"""What Other Authors Are Saying Susin Nielsen is one of the best writers working today. In "We Are All Made of Molecules, " her astonishing ability to combine insight, tenderness, poignancy, and uproarious humor is in full flower. Susin Nielsen is a genius, and kids and adults alike will adore this book. Susan Juby, author of "The Truth Commission" My, my, my what a skilled, gifted writer Susin is! I was laughing so hard and unexpectedly that my wife asked if I was reading something "I d" written. I m embarrassed to think I d laugh at my own stuff like that. Now, tell me: Who do I write to join the Susin Nielsen fan club? Christopher Paul Curtis, Newbery Medal winning author of "Bud, Not Buddy" and "The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963""
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This was such a beautiful book about acceptance and being a kid. It was almost like Mean Girls was mixed with The Big Bang Theory in some ways with a super smart, socially awkward boy and a very popular and beautiful and somewhat mean girl who come together in an unexpected way. I loved the story and the characters and the way the author took serious topics and made them relatable. This is a must read for young adults and everyone.

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nikole sopal
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This book hit me in just the right spots to indicate what the characters are feeing. It was a fantastic read for my age level, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a great read.

nikole sopal
We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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I am on page 120 of this book and have developed the characters personality more.Ashley is a your 14 year old girl who is trying to impress everyone is her sight,especially boys.Stewart is a young gentleman who doesn‘t care what people think of him,his only goal is to stay on the right track while still gripping on to everything he has from his mother existence.Leonard,Stewart‘s dad,definitely misses his wife but is trying to put her in the past.

nikole sopal
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This book reminds me of my cousin when her parents divorced and had to get a new little sister. Just likes Ashley in the book.The struggles Ashley went through and how she thinks the whole world is against her reminds me of my cousins story.

nikole sopal
We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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This book is about a boy who is moving in with his new step-mom after a tragedy has struck his family and has a new sister named Ashley. Ashley does not find him as charming as everyone else does



I didn‘t like this book. The blurb on the hardcover copy promises a book that is “hilarious”, but it has an immature sense of humour (like calling the protagonist “Spewart” instead of Stewart) that I doubt anyone will find funny. It wasn‘t a very memorable read and it just did not stick out to me.

MrsBabki Love the honesty! 2y
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I have read this book before but I don‘t remember everything about it, but I remember really liking this book, so I‘m reading it again. I have only got two chapters in, but I am already loving it. I love how the author writes each chapter from each characters perspective.

MrsBabki She is one of my top authors. I love her work. You should try other titles by her. You won‘t be disappointed. 3y
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Charming YA told from two alternating viewpoints of teenagers from a recently blended family. Smart,socially awkward Stewart and mean girl Ashley are forced to adapt to new family and school situations. It deals with family, loss, bullying, and sexual assault, but the overall tone is very amusing. The two narrators are very funny, usually unintentionally, and even though the mean girl is really unlikeable, she shows the most emotional growth.

LiteraryinLawrence I really liked this one! This author was new to me and I went on to read a few more of her books. 3y
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When a Stewart‘s mom dies and Ashley‘s dad is gay they find each other through there parents they might just have to live with each others differences Stewart‘s smarts and Ashley‘s popularity.


So far, this book for me was a really cool adventure. I really enjoyed listening to both characters and what each of them think of moving in together and daily struggles. I think that even though I‘m only half way into the book, it gives good, interesting story line.


We Are All Made of Molecules is a realist fiction book by Susan Nielsen. The book is about a thirteen-year-old boy, Stewart Inkster, who‘s dad moves in with fourteen-year-old Ashley Anderson‘s mom. They are opposites but share one thing in common:they are all made of molecules. I enjoyed this book because it is in alternating voices so you get to hear both sides of the story. This is a great book for teens and I really recommend reading this book.

CambriaBell27 This book sounds good! I might read it 4y
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It‘s a pretty good book so far, it‘s just not my kinda book in my words “its ok✨✨”

xara221 Damn...🦆 4y
Marcywashere Xara sh 4y
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I really like this author, who I discovered this week. This is the second book I read. I like her plotting and character development. The only drawback in this book for me was that I HATED one of the 2 kids who was narrating, Ashley. I think we were supposed to, and the author did a good job with her voice. But it still got my blood boiling! Overall, I recommend this story about love, loss, a blended family, and how to deal with a bully.

We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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This was a really awesome book! It really got in my feels so I just wanted to read and read and read! I love how raw and real it is, you can relate even if you haven‘t been through the things they talk about. I loved the ending how the author didn‘t explain a lot about them becoming closer but we got it and knew it was finally happening. So glad I picked this one! 9/10

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#3 I really really enjoyed this book. I recommend it 9.5 out of 10. It is a realistic fiction and it feels so real, like your actually in the book. It‘s a mixed story from the perspective of Ashely and Stewart both of them are very explanatory through out the book. I recommend this book to people who like drama.

MissYaremcio Great review Asha! I was left wanting more of the summary, but it looks so good! 5y
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I listened to most of this book in the car on Saturday. Now I'm reading the rest of it at school.

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Stewart is a, academically brilliant but socially clue less, 13 year old. 14 year old Ashley is the un-disputed It girl in her class, but her grades stink. Stewart and his dad move in with Ashley and her mom, after Stewart‘s mom dies, and Ashley‘s parents get divorced. Ashley does not like Stewart, at all. If you like books with family drama and humour, this is the book for you. I feel the tone of this book is hilarious and deeply moving.

Cfischbuch Nice work on the review, this is one of my favourites and definitely my favourite of this author. Have you tried anything else by her? 5y
MissYaremcio Great review Macey!! You hit all the right points! 5y
Macey.ct @Cfischbuch not yet, I‘m still reading this book. But I will definitely be reading more of her books. 5y
MrsBabki I love Susan Nielsen books! Favorite author for sure! Great job! 5y
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We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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#MayMovieMagic Day 11: #ModernLove is depicted in this YA novel which provides a portrait of your post-modern, non-traditional family set-up. It could have resulted as a total caricature or a mere sketch with the token gay character, yet it has a lived-in truth to it that burns with authenticity and is funny as hell. I can not count how many times I was in stitches just reading certain passages from the book. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-c6D

Cinfhen Oohhh, I‘m always looking for LOL reads!!! #stacked 5y
RohitSawant Sounds fun! 5y
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We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund

We Are All Made of Molecules is about two teenagers who go threw life problems like everyone. Stewart is smart but isnt good at social skills, Ashley is popular with everyone except her teachers. These two have nothing in common except they, like everyone else have molecules. I rate this book 7/10

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A moving & funny Cdn #YA #audiobook told from the perspectives of two VERY different characters who have become step-siblings: Stewart, a sweet neurodivergent 13-year-old nerd and Ashley, a superficial 14-year-old caught up in mean girl culture. While Stewart is instantly lovable, Ashley is pretty awful (although still empathetic). But she's also the character who grows the most as the story deals with parental death, sexual assault, & a gay dad.

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Omg this poor adorable kid Stewart wearing a tie with smiley faces on it to the first day of grade eight that he thinks it will make him look approachable. Stewart they are gonna eat you alive!! #CanLit #AwesomeAudiobooks

Erinsuereads Your name is cracking me up. 🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌 6y
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TLDR: A young boy gains a sister and step mother thanks to his widower father‘s relationship, and finds new personal strengths.

nuerodivergent character done well
Good writing

Obvious points in the plot

While this book‘s plot is somewhat derivative the characters are appealing. #ya #yalit #contemporaryfiction

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We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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#Audiobookoftheday, or probably of the next two days, back on #libby thanks to #BAnQ being functional again. Yup, I really need a story to focus, it's kinda ridiculous.

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The writing is very immature, more like how 8 year olds would talk, not how the 13 and 14 year old main characters should have sounded. The subject matter was very mature though. I know some people think this is for middle grades but I think this would be too mature for them. I enjoyed this, it was a fast read as I just started the book this morning 😉

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Started this today!

We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund

Susan Nielsen is a master at entertaining, humorous middle grade fiction. She doesn't avoid tough subjects but handles them with a light and frequently humorous touch. Recommended!

We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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#beyourself #junetunz after all we're all made of star ⭐️ dust.

Dragon Thanks @monkeygirlsmama 😀🐉 7y
Cinfhen Clever too 🎉✨💘👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Dragon Thanks @Cinfhen 😀🐉 7y
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Feels so good when you enjoy a book right from the start

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What a cute book! Excellent message. Definite recommend buy for school libraries! Deals with realistic issues.
The only criticism I have is how young Stewart's point of view sounds considering the very adult situations that occurs in the book. It reads like a middle school book, but with YA topics. But maybe I'm old fashioned and this is how life is these days! Kids do grow up faster than they used to.

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Road trippin' with the kiddos always means we knock back an audio book or two. We weren't sure if we were going to like this one at first, but after inhaling the story's molecules, it grew on us.

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I read this in 24 hours, a super fast read. It has it all, pop culture, humour, teen drama, adult drama. 👍🏼

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I went to the library today. It's one of my favorite places. Now I'm going to have to bribe myself with a chunk of reading time later on today. Cleaning my place is not nearly as exciting as reading! 📚

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Picked this out and started reading it at work today thanks to Overdrive. Loving it so far even though I kinda feel like I know what's gonna happen.

We Are All Made of Molecules | Susin Nielsen-Fernlund
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Bought We Are All Made of Molecules today. The cover looks so pretty and I need to buy small books to fit in my luggage to take home.


I don't think it's gross. I think it's kind of beautiful. Everything, and everyone, is interconnected.


The humor of this book with beautiful I love every minute of reading it. And just actual storyline brought it to gather it pulled the whole story and turned it into something that's been done before and something totally new. I sincerely hope that people should read this and enjoy it.

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One of my favourite reads this year. Made me laugh out loud several times. I love Stewart. We Are All Made Of Molecules. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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A wonderful, heartwarming, and humourous read about some pretty serious topics (bullying, homophobia, and grief are all discussed). The story is effectively told from the point of view of two very quirky and unique protagonists. Plus, a cat named Schrodinger was an added bonus! I loved this book!

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One of the main characters keeps confusing the words emancipated and unconstipated. I think I'm gonna like this book!