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Have a Nice Guilt Trip
Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
5 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
A latest essay collection by the mother-daughter duo of Meet Me at Emotional Baggage Claim follows Lisa's haphazard puppy-training adventures while Francesca navigates the pitfalls of dating actual men. 75,000 first printing.
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Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
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Settling into these books of essays by this mother/daughter duo always makes me happy. I think this was my fourth book with none read in order of publishing. Their ability to laugh at themselves is refreshing . Mother Mary had passed in my previous reads but she is still with them, nearly 90, and feisty as ever when this one was written.

#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

IuliaC Nice review and lovely photo! 🤩 3y
marleed Thanks. While reading this, I had that Papa-bear suitcase out in the middle of my closet floor loading up summer-wear for the next 5 months. With the 50 pound airport limit that bag was house bound and useless before I realized this seasonal use. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
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Ok, these books have been staring at me from my #TBR #stack for too long. So, #MakeMeReadIt in #November 😁


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Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
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I only have one more of thier audiobooks that I am listening to and I may go through withdrawal when it is done! I haven't laughed this much reading or listening to books in a long time, it makes my commute and my computer time that much more enjoyable!

Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
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Lisa Scottoline is a local author whom I have had the pleasure of meeting on numerous occasions. Recently, she has partnered with her daughter to write humorous books together. Lisa also writes a column for the Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer, but sometimes turns it over to her daughter. Until her mother's death, she would also share funny stories about her mother in the column. #maybookflowers #booksaboutmothers

Captivatedbybooks Your a philly peep me too! 7y
DivineDiana @Captivatedbybooks Yes! Hello Neighbor! I'm out in the suburbs! 7y
ValerieAndBooks I enjoy her column, just picked up one of her novels, it's still waiting in my TBR! 7y
DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks Her mysteries are fast reads with a lot of local flavor! 7y
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Have a Nice Guilt Trip | Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella
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I think the eye-roll emoji sums this up best. 🙄🙄🙄
Vapid and annoying.

The best part is that no one in my library book club particularly enjoyed it - usually I'm the odd one out for my opinion, but not this time!

I took this pic at the top of the stairs on my route to the library. I'll always love how close I am to the library!

minkyb 😟 7y
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