Like Shakespeare, Carlin is meant to heard not read.
It's like a transcript of his stand-up shows and I'm glad to have it on hand; but the words mean nothing without the man.
Like Shakespeare, Carlin is meant to heard not read.
It's like a transcript of his stand-up shows and I'm glad to have it on hand; but the words mean nothing without the man.
Time to remove this from #MountTBR and actually read it 📖
7 covers you love for 7 days
I went to this book signing years ago when it first came out at the Union Square Barnes & Noble in NYC. Immediately after, I went to a bar to return something to a bartender friend. Some religious nutjob at the bar saw the book and said, "I read that book. Read Matthew 6:3. It'll keep you honest." I said, "It must not have worked for you. This book came out today." #7covers7days
I think the warning labels on alcoholic beverages are too bland. They should be more vivid. Here is one I would suggest: "Alcohol will turn you into the same asshole your father was.
I went to the book signing for this book at the Union Square Barnes & Noble in NYC. Afterward, I went to a bar to return something to a friend. A religious lunatic standing at the bar saw the title and must have been offended, because he said, "Read Matthew 6:3. It will keep you honest." I responded, "Really? Well maybe you need to reread that passage because this book literally came out today. By the way, lying is a sin." Then I walked away.
Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.
Day 20 of #augustphotochallenge is funny books. Here's a little stack of some that have amused me over the years...I've loaned out my copy of Shrill, or it would be here, too. 😃