Every spring I wait for this cherry tree to bloom in our front yard. It puts on a glorious show for about 2-3 weeks. And I think, how lucky are we to live in a world that offers glimpses of beauty like this? 🥰
Every spring I wait for this cherry tree to bloom in our front yard. It puts on a glorious show for about 2-3 weeks. And I think, how lucky are we to live in a world that offers glimpses of beauty like this? 🥰
Not impressed with CloudLibrary. I had borrowed Glorious, by Jeff Guinn, but hadn‘t yet got around to it. Thought about starting it today, opened the app and discovered the book was gone. Had the book been mysteriously returned? No! The book was deleted entirely from the library‘s collection! No alert, no nothing. 😠
This one is ultimately a pick for me, tho I had a little trouble deciding that. It has a pretty typical plot: small town in a territory has trouble with big businessman who wants to take over; outsider shows up and finds himself helping out. The writing is a little clunky at times. It's full of misogyny and casual racism, and there is a charactery with a learning disability who is misused. That was all bothersome. But I honestly enjoyed the read.
This is not book related but my son just showed me such an awesome video....#GoldenYears #Glorious😀watch it, it'll make you smile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrLroFa0AI&sns=em