It‘s been a long time since I read contemporary poetry. I thoroughly enjoyed this collection put together by Ferlinghetti in 2001. Lots of Ginsberg, Kerouac, and lots of translations. A whole bunch of names I didn‘t know.
I picked my copy up at Ferlinghetti‘s store, City Lights, in San Francisco. And I read it in a bunch of 15 minute sittings. (It made a nice filler as i waited for my morning coffee to cool.)
A couple weeks ago I visited the landmark that is City Lights Bookstore on Columbus Avenue in San Francisco. Well, it‘s been a long time since I‘ve read poetry (well, from more recently than Shakespeare). But I‘ve picked this up a few times now and I‘ve enjoyed it. I think I‘m actually reading it.
Happy Indy Bookstore Day from City Lights in San Francisco!!!!
This was in Kerouac Alley outside City Lights Bookstore
#bookteestotespinsandswag Grabbed the first bag I saw .All the buttons except United Farm Workers Nixon came from the same trade show.Red,white and blue,Colbert‘s first book .Cody‘s Books 😢Post it notes ,matches from Black Sparrow Press .Postcard map from the incomparable City Lights Books !Just has to put Nixon in there, such a cool button! #Riotgrams
#LitsyPoetry365 Day 205 - "Midnight Barcelona Metro" by Cristina Rossi
And that finishes the poetry from this anthology-I hope you enjoyed it!
Our Hall & Oates concert for tonight was postponed so on to Plan B! Impromptu trip to City Lights. #staycation
#LitsyPoetry365 Day 194 - "We Rise on Sun Beams and Fall in the Night" by Allen Ginsberg
#LitsyPoetry365 Day 186 - "After the Publication of Under the Volcano" by Malcolm Lowry
#LitsyPoetry365 Day 176 - "While the Sun Still Spends His Fabulous Money" by Kenneth Patchen