This afternoon Minerva‘s hanging out in her box nest. She‘s sleeping now while I read and try not to disturb her lol #catsofLitsy
This afternoon Minerva‘s hanging out in her box nest. She‘s sleeping now while I read and try not to disturb her lol #catsofLitsy
Trying to get some books together to take in to a used bookstore & Minerva‘s being helpful 🤦♀️🙄 #NotHelpful #CatwithBooks #CatsofLitsy
June 21th. Time to open the 📦 i've looked upon with a smile for days. It made my day brighter. Thanks to @TheLudicReader for the wonderful box. Thanks to @BookishMarginalia for a great start of summer. Also, ludicreader you have made my cat's day, week, probably month. 😉
Cat in box. Need I say more?! 🤣💜
This dude... Always trying to fit in when he should be trying to think outside the box.