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Unbroken Brain
Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction | Maia Szalavitz
More people than ever before see themselves as addicted to, or recovering from, addiction, whether it be alcohol or drugs, prescription meds, sex, gambling, porn, or the internet. But despite the unprecedented attention, our understanding of addiction is trapped in unfounded 20th century ideas, addiction as a crime or as brain disease, and in equally outdated treatment. Challenging both the idea of the addict's "broken brain" and the notion of a simple "addictive personality,"Unbroken Brain offers a radical and groundbreaking new perspective, arguing that addictions are learning disorders and shows how seeing the condition this way can untangle our current debates over treatment, prevention and policy. Like autistic traits, addictive behaviors fall on a spectrum -- and they can be a normal response to an extreme situation. By illustrating what addiction is, and is not, the book illustrates how timing, history, family, peers, culture and chemicals come together to create both illness and recovery- and why there is no "addictive personality" or single treatment that works for all. Combining Maia Szalavitz's personal story with a distillation of more than 25 years of science and research,Unbroken Brain provides a paradigm-shifting approach to thinking about addiction.
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Upside. My director gave everyone at work a book to read and 2 days off to read it.
Downside. I have to read this book. 😆 (I hate reading work-related stuff. 🙈)

Blueberry Good reviews. Goodreads has it at 4.18 stars. It must be job related? 1y
merelybookish @Blueberry Yes, job-related. I work at a center that serves women who have addictions. 1y
Prairiegirl_reading I‘m with you. I struggle with assigned reading too. This does sound interesting, but I don‘t work with people with addictions. 1y
Tamra Definitely a catch 22! 1y
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I would never know where I am in this book without @xicanti, which would be a shame because I'm learning a lot! It's making me think more deeply about learning and cognition issues and making me think about my own struggles with attention, memory, and addictive behaviors in a whole new light.

xicanti I'm glad Bookmark Maude has helped. 6y
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In my humble opinion, the description on the cover of this fascinating, well written and educational book is apt. I firmly believe that the autobiographical aspects of this story belonged in the book. When discussing a subject like addiction, you can study it all you want, but you will never truly understand until you have been there. The research gives me hope. And a greater understanding of a subject I find fascinating. #nonfiction #addiction

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There have been many inspiring and educational passages in this book, but this one truly is important. I am of the opinion that if this message is taken to heart, a lot would change both in the broken war on drugs, and the (far from perfect) treatment system that is now in place. What is even more important is that this is supported by research and literature. #currentlyreading #nonfiction #endthestigma #harmreduction

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And now for something a little bit different. Am I ready for this subject matter, again? I am not so sure. But it is a deeply fascinating and important one to me, so we shall see. #currentlyreading

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Maybe so, but based on my experiences with friends, I don't necessarily find this to be true. This is not the most well written book I've ever read. Interesting, but it should've been a memoir.

cathysaid I don't think I agree either. It is a true statement for some, but it totally discounts the disease of addiction! 8y
LauraBeth I've known mentally healthy people with great jobs and great relationships who did drugs "recreationally" or "socially" who ended up doing crap that was stronger and moved to doing it all of the time. All it takes is an addictive personality - not necessarily a hole within yourself. My dad told me early on that because addiction is so rampant in my family - I needed to steer clear of drugs and alcohol - it was the best advice I've ever received 8y
Megabooks @cathysaid She's trying to make the argument that addiction is a learning disability, which is an interesting idea, but she's not backing up her claims well. 8y
Megabooks @LauraBeth Yes! I have a childhood friend that had a great 6 figure job, a serious girlfriend, a house, but he was prescribed OxyContin and got addicted. Switched over to heroin and has been in trouble ever since! I'm not putting much stock in this author's ideas. 8y
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This book is kind of reading like "convenient theories for the author about addiction." ? It's interesting, but a lot of the "facts" about addiction are thrown arounds as cherry picked numbers without attribution. So far, I'm not impressed. I feel the author would have been better served writing a memoir rather than trying to generalize. We'll see...

saresmoore I've found that a lot of this type of book tend to lean personal reflection. I suppose that doesn't sell as well as self-help, though. Lots of overpromise and underdeliver. 8y
Karen_V Cherry picking sources is one of my biggest pet peeves 😠 8y
Megabooks @saresmoore That's the feeling I'm getting. Drink is a similar type of book that is much better done than this one. 8y
Megabooks @Karen_V I know! I hate it 😡😡 8y
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I made my #audible sale choices! If you're a member, check it out. The nonfiction choices are especially good, IMO. 😃👍🏻


bookishbunny Oh, there are some good ones. Good things there are a couple of days left so I can narrow down the list! 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Oh yes! I was just about to make my selections. Then decided to see if the most expensive one is on Hoopla and it is. Now it's in my library. Back to the drawing board. 8y
Megabooks @Donna_sBookMinute Which one is on Hoopla, if you don't mind the question? 8y
Megabooks @bookishbunny Yes! I couldn't wait, though. 😉 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Sorry @Ebooksandcooks -- I'm just seeing this. The title I found on Hoopla is, "Assault and Pepper." And the cover reminds me so much of a spice shop I frequent. Yes, if it's a title I don't just have to own, I'll check the library. That keeps costs down, as well as eliminates storage considerations. 8y
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this book is everything