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Kalter Mond
Kalter Mond: Thriller | Giles Blunt
9 posts | 7 read | 7 to read
Ein bizarrer Ritualmord schockiert die Polizei von Algonquin Bay: In einer mit rtselhaften Zeichen versehenen Hhle in den Wldern wird die verstmmelte Leiche eines Unbekannten gefunden. Fe, Hnde und Kopf sind abgetrennt worden und verschwunden. Detective John Cardinal und seine Kollegin Lise Delorme tappen zunchst im Dunkeln, doch dann fhrt eine Spur zu Red Bear, einem mysterisen indianischen Schamanen, der mit einer gefrchteten Gang im Bunde zu sein scheint ... Kalter Mond von Giles Blunt: Spannung pur im eBook!
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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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The third in the series. I am reading them in parallel to the TV show. The book was great! I love Cardinal and Delorme together (and the actors who portray them have great chemistry). Cardinal's relationship with his wife is explored some more. The show diverged somewhat from the book but I didn't mind.
#LitsyAtoZ #B #BookishMarginalia

Shemac77 I quite enjoy this series. Just started watching the tv show. And hoping it‘s half as good as the books! 7y
No_One @Shemac77 To me, there are some major differences, but it does not detract from the story. I like them both! 7y
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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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Not in any order, but I'm doing this in 2018!
- by Author's last name. 😊📚📚📚

Andrew65 Have you signed up for the #LitsyAtoZ Challenge which is doing exactly the same thing? 7y
No_One @Andrew65 no I have not! How do I sign up? 7y
Andrew65 @No_One It is being led by @BookishMarginalia but this is the link to sign up. I am doing it by first word of book title using audiobooks. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11Js-QR96f7RZSO_UP-r77Bwx5wHlIev93w7JSDnVm8M/vie... (edited) 7y
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No_One @Andrew65 thank you so much! I had no idea there was an official sign-up! I‘m signing up ASAP. 🙂 Happy New Year! 7y
Andrew65 Happy New Year, and best of luck with it. 7y
No_One @Andrew65 👍🏼 7y
ArcticDwarf By author or book title? 7y
No_One @ArcticDwarf I am doing it by author last name. In no particular order. 🙂 7y
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Kalter Mond: Thriller | Giles Blunt
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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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I'm enjoying this series more and more. There's a heaviness to the mood I enjoy immensely. Blunt captures the feeling of Canada in all its glory; be it blackfly season or the bitter cold and desolation of winter. Plus the characters are just fun to read.


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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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Clouds are beautiful tonight. Summer nights rule.


Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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Another day in my "office". Reading between calls/en route to posts.


Tonton Added to stack but then I read your earlier assessment... 7y
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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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Blackfly Season | Giles Blunt
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I like reading books set in the places I visit so I opted for this trashy murder mystery set in Northern Ontario. Unfortunately it was really overwritten, with a tell-don't-show style, and the notable POC character is a mystical serial killer. Ugh. It started out fun trashy but didn't carry itself.

SaraFair Gorgeous setting! 8y
Bookish_B I'm sorry the book was a pan, but what a pretty view! 😍 8y
moranadatter Great view! 8y
Readaholics Beautiful! I hate black flies! It's awful to have bitey bugs flying around. Heck we already have to worry about bees. 8y
Lizpixie What a beautiful place! I'd love to sit out there with a pot of tea, read in the sun and listen to the water. Heaven! 8y
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