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Hand Me a Dr Pepper, Please
Hand Me a Dr Pepper, Please: A Fresh Look at the Issue of Christians and Social Drinking | Randy Shuler
6 posts
You're going out to dinner with friends. The waiter asks what you'd like to drink: beer, wine, or a soda. What do you choose? In today's culture, much of the Christian community doesn't think twice about social drinking. For a growing number of Christians, there are plenty of instances in the Bible that seem to condone the consumption of alcohol, especially wine. Wait! Before dismissing the issue, you might stop to reconsider. Are there differences in how our cultures view drinking? Are we aware of the potential hazards alcohol poses for so many in our culture? Is it liberty to drink a beverage of choice or a license to follow a culture fascinated with alcohol? In this thought-provoking work, Randy Shuler provides ten reasons for choosing not to drink and presents a crucial understanding of alcohol in the Bible. Through research, reason, Scripture, and personal experiences, Randy challenges the reader to give serious thought to an issue once taboo in much of the Christian community. So take time to reconsider this important lifestyle choice. Who knows? The next time your waiter asks what you'd like to drink, you too may say, 'Hand Me a Dr Pepper, Please.'
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#autumnplease #favefalldrink #Scarathlon #skeletoncrew

I don't drink warm beverages, so here's my favorite fall drink 😅

@eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Emilymdxn

Eggs 👨🏼‍⚕️ 🌶️ 🤗 (edited) 10mo
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Every good reading session needs to be accomplished by a Dr Pepper. If it from the soda fountain in Waco - make with syrup and seltzer even better! #roadtrip

Blaire Seems like such a fun trip! 5y
Crazeedi When I was young, I would stop at soda fountain on way home from school, and I always had a 5 cent cherry coke fountain drink, there nothing like it, that taste is no where in bottles or cans 5y
Mitch @Crazeedi agreed! It tastes so different. The cane sugar maybe. We went to an old fountain shop yesterday - hoping for a chocolate malt , but it was closed for renovations. It looked amazing though. Nothing had changed since it was built in the ‘50‘s. 5y
Crazeedi @Mitch aww!a shame! Fountain malts shakes are the best too! Oh my, what memories...❤ 5y
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I must confess to be a bit addicted to Dr Pepper- it pairs well with both non fiction and fiction reads! 🤣

Had great fun in Waco today - the home of Dr P.

Eyelit I‘ve been to that museum - it‘s pretty nifty! Did you stay for one of the baking/cooking demonstrations? 5y
Mitch @Eyelit we didn‘t sadly - we did have drinks at the fountain though! 5y
CoffeeNBooks Dr. Pepper is my favorite!! 5y
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Mitch @CoffeeNBooks mine too 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
LeahBergen You look great! ❤️❤️ 5y
Cathythoughts Great picture 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Soubhiville I‘m glad to see it was warm enough for a T-shirt and sandals. I hope you have good weather today! We‘re looking at warm but cloudy. 5y
Mitch @LeahBergen ahh - thank you 😘 5y
Mitch @Cathythoughts thank you x 5y
Mitch @Soubhiville we saw the sun for the afternoon and ate tacos with the sun on our faces. Sadly today - cloudy! 5y
Flaneurette looks like fun! love the pic!
DGRachel It‘s my favorite soda! 5y
Mitch @DGRachel the fountain version made with syrup and seltzer was really nice ! 👍🏼 5y
DGRachel That sounds divine! 5y
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Chelsea.Poole Dr. Pepper!! 👍🏻 7y
Bookzombie Dr. Pepper with 🦄! 7y
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TheBookAddict Don't tempt me!!! 😖😫😭 I stopped drinking pop 2 months ago. 7y
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I've been falling behind in my reading lately, so I decided that 52 ounces of caffeinated deliciousness is necessary tonight. #NoSleepTillBookless

CindyMyLifeIsLit Wow! Now THAT'S a soda!! 7y
monkeygirlsmama Caseys! One of the last times we were in IL, visiting some of dh's family, he wanted to drive by and show me one of his childhood homes. Except when we got to where it should be, there, instead, was a shiny, new Caseys. 😹😹😹😹He was not impressed. 😜 7y
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