#TheEmperorsNewClothes #LilithJuly
Sorry everyone
@KarenUK @Cinfhen
#TheEmperorsNewClothes #LilithJuly
Sorry everyone
@KarenUK @Cinfhen
It‘s supposed to be funny but, damn, is it depressing. These are his words! All gross and contradictory.
Also, I didn‘t understand the meaning behind all the illustrations. I don‘t think my brain works with political cartoons.
It‘s worth a borrow if you think you can find the humor.
Humble Bundle anyone.
The graphic novels pictured above are in the 'pay $18 or more' tier.
Question of the day - Ever have anyone use reading as an intended insult in a political debate? Back story- I posted an opinion @ Jerusalem. In response, a friend who is very pro Trump made this comment. It was very clear from the context of the entire conversation that it was not intended as a joke.
My daughter read this to us in her Donald Trump voice, sniffles and all. We were cracking up! The pictures are hilarious. Took about 20 minutes or so from cover to cover but made some great entertainment. Here are a couple examples.
Brought 4 movies and a book home from the library. The kids pounced on the book immediately, reading aloud and laughing at Trump's pathetic tweets over the years. This is going to be fun! "We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf." October 14 2014 3:35pm
I do believe I'm going to need to see this one!