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Llama Llama Nighty-night
Llama Llama Nighty-night | Anna Dewdney
4 posts | 4 read
A young llama follows the same bedtime routine every night.
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I love how this girls love of reading has started at such a young age... she would much rather have a bunch of books than a bunch of toys!!! I look forward to the many memories we will make over books!!

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Last night I was asked about book huggers. So I took some pics. It's like a book sleeve except it stays on the book while you read. For me, my books get dirty while I read them not while they are in my bag. This is a teen/adult size (I also do a kids/teen size). They are made to carry any thickness of book. This one is pictured with a relatively normal sized book: Meddling Kids.

The black and is NOT in this hugger, I just used it for the words

cobwebmoth Love it! 6y
CKlube That‘s so cool! Did you design them? 6y
LibrarianRyan @CKlube yes. Third times the charm. My first two work, and are really cute, but showed me what not to do. 6y
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InLibrisVeritas This is such an awesome idea! Brings me back to the days where we had book covers for our text books in school. Though those were for morale I think 🙃 6y
alisiakae I love this!! 6y
BethM So cute! 6y
LiteraryinPA This is so clever and beautiful! Thanks for showing us! 6y
LeahBergen How wonderful! 6y
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Look what came in today. I was surprised. I forgot it was only a state Holiday (Lincoln's Birthday). It says it's from Alicia.

The box is split open. When I got it. Should I open and make sure everything is there? Or wait til Wednesday.


Gissy Don't be naughty, behave yourself! 😉😂 7y
LibrarianRyan @Gissy but. But. But. I m worried something might be open. 😉😌😜 7y
Gissy @LibrarianRyan Excuses😂 7y
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Bookladylinda 😂😂 7y
Avanders 💘💘💜💘💘 7y
Avanders Hi your Secret Cupid wanted us to let you know it's safe to open the box and check on things because everything is wrapped! S/he didn't want to ruin the surprise just yet... ☺️ 7y
LibrarianRyan @Avanders thanks!! I'm going to try and hold out to midnight. 7y
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I forgot to post this one - this out current favorite #rockabye bedtime book. All of the llama llama books are so sweet. The drawing you can see in the background is my son‘s rendition of Winnie the Pooh - which also make wonderful bedtime stories. #decdays

Cinfhen Awwww, sweetest drawings 💙💜💙I'm still searching for the perfect Hamsa ( I haven't forgotten) 7y
Blaire @Cinfhen thank you!! And thank you - you‘re so thoughtful. 😌💖 7y
Cathythoughts Your sons drawing are adorable 💕 7y
Blaire @Cathythoughts thanks! He‘s really into it these days. 7y
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