July haul - I actually managed to read half of these this month so I‘m pretty pleases 😊📚
July haul - I actually managed to read half of these this month so I‘m pretty pleases 😊📚
Calling all YA fans. You NEED to read this wonderful, magical ghost story. All. The. Stars. ✨
#readingresolutions #BookHeart @Jess7
And finally, #BookMail Pt14 is the last of the day🎉 The Endsister is about the large Outhwaite family. Living in a small town in Australia, they‘re happy living surrounded by trees & possums. Then they get a letter, they‘ve inherited a large house in England, so they pack everything up & move across the world. But they‘re now sharing their home with two ghosts who tell them to never open the attic door. Huzzah!🎉Now I get to pick one to read.
Well this was amazing!
A large Australian rural family is uprooted when they inherit an old house in London. The setup for the ghost story sounds cliche, but this story is fresh and I found it astonishingly affecting (I was weeping by page 170, which rarely happens). There are multiple PoV, yet it feels coherent. Russon's insight into the emotional life of young children is profound and I will be remembering Sibbi for quite some time.
I have done some shorter reviews, books published between Jan and March this year. All the ones above, in fact. On my blog, https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/new-release-reviews-january-to-... #blogging #trishtalkstexts #reviews #loveozya