#WinterGames Team #ReadNosedReindeer Found these on my phone and realized I never posted them for points! +91 @Clwojick
#WinterGames Team #ReadNosedReindeer Found these on my phone and realized I never posted them for points! +91 @Clwojick
I guess I've been living under a rock but I just happened to find out about the #BookFitnessChallenge today and just in time for #BFCr3 the form let me sign up so hopefully I'm still good 🙃 thanks for doing this @wanderinglynn this is a great idea. 👟📚
I know I'm late, but I've been away again. Hopefully I'm back now!
1. The Magic Christmas (Sweet Valley Twins) I loved that book @JenlovesJT47
2. Having Thanksgiving and Christmas with my aunt and cousins since my parents passed away. I don't really see my family the rest of the year.
3. Muppet Christmas Carol, Grinch
4. All of it!
It‘s more like Thursday Tidbits b/c my butt has been dragging this week.
1. Nonfiction
2. Neither really. I saw the 3 original Star Wars movies as a kid but that‘s it.
3. This is like Sophie‘s Choice. I need both.
4. Neither
5. Anyone who wants to play!
Am I late to the party or are there others out there who don‘t know? If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can borrow one book a month from the Kindle Owner‘s Lending Library. I just borrowed a 3 book box set. No due date, Keep as long as you like, but you can‘t borrow another book until you return the one you have, and you are limited to one per month. Pretty sweet perk of being a Kindle owner and Prime member!
My August #TBR includes these and a few from my kindle including: A Wrinkle in Time and The Doll Collection and 2 audio, Baby Teeth and Dr. Sleep. I took my cue from another litten who spent a month finishing off all of her partly read books. I will have to leave space for library holds that come in, but I'm so easily distracted by shiny new releases I put something in reading aside to dive into those. Not in August!