This had with all the feels. The setting was described so vividly. The characters were swoon worthy. It was entrancing from the start. Super happy I found the second book but decided to find the first one to read.
This had with all the feels. The setting was described so vividly. The characters were swoon worthy. It was entrancing from the start. Super happy I found the second book but decided to find the first one to read.
Despite being well-written and coming together very nicely at the end, I couldn‘t connect with these characters until 3/4 through. Foodie details were wasted on me. Couple was way too good-looking. Just not my cup of tea.
I enjoyed Carla Laureano‘s previous series The MacDonald Family Trilogy so it was with enthusiasm I cracked open The Saturday Night Supper Club. I wasn‘t disappointed, the characters are well thought out and easy to relate to and the pace is swift.
It‘s five out of five for me, I read it almost in one sitting hungry to hear the end!
February was another good reading month for me, and I finished 36 books, all fiction.
6 print books
25 audiobooks
5 ebooks
#FebStats #FebruaryFavorites #ReadingResolutions #HeartsAndHardcovers