Today's #bookmail is Kushiel's Avatar. The final book in this trilogy came out in paperback this week. Now I have the set! Well of the first trilogy anyway.
Day 4 of #7days7covers.
A few years back, Tor partnered with a now-defunct book tracking app to give members digital copies of all the books they already owned in print. I leaped on it—and since Tor‘s ebooks don‘t have DRM, I replaced some of the North American covers with ones I liked better. (I‘m apparently the only Litten who dislikes John Jude Palencar‘s art.) I think this is the UK cover.
@Jas16 is having a giveaway to celebrate a Litfluence milestone! Congratulations! 🎊🎉🎈
I would love to go to a signing with Jacqueline Carey! I own a couple of her signed books, but only because I ordered them that way. I would love to meet her and tell her how much I love her work!
Good morning Litsy! First challenge for day 2 of #24in48 is #FavoriteSeries! What a hard choice! I LOVE chunky fantasy series.
Jacqueline Carey is my most read, so I‘m going with the first Kushiel trilogy. Incredibly sexy, kind of dark, wrought with intrigue and adventure and loss and love, these are my perfect books! The main character is bisexual, polyamorous, and derives pleasure from pain. And she‘s god chosen. 🥰😍 So good!
Re-reading the Kushiel Series 👌🏽 May not be everyone‘s cup of tea. I myself am in awe of the world she (Jacqueline Carey) paints with words.
I love all of JC‘s Terre D‘Ange books, but this, the culmination of the first trilogy, is my very favorite.
Congrats @melyndarae , and thanks for the #mels3kgiveaway!
It‘s really hard for me to choose a favorite trilogy. I love fantasy trilogies! But I‘ll choose Jacqueline Carey‘s first Kushiel set. Phedre and Joselin and their adventures and the intrigue are delicious and shocking.
(These also work for #powerandthepassion for #marchintooz)
My #litsyavatar is of me when I first got my favorite workout shirt.
I was eyeing it at the BookRiot store for awhile, but my boyfriend told me it was silly. Unknown to me at the time, he said it since he already bought it for me and wanted it to be a surprise. ❤️
At first I couldn't think of a character that embodied the traits of #Dracula so I was going to go with my favourite vampires instead. Then I remembered The Mahrkagir from the last Kushiel Trilogy book. He was proud to be the so-called vessel of his god, and primal and predatory. He was cruel and loved violence and to take the life from people.
#MonsterMadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
I believe this is one of my favorite books I have ever read! I loved everything about it! So good!!
About to start!!! So excited!
@Liberty #FunFriday, this ending! This series! This is my favorite in the first Kushiel series, it's dark and terrifying and still beautiful.