I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection. No description. No explanation. Some will be old. Some will be new. Don't judge me. I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
Original idea of- @StaceyKondla @cortg
Courtesy tags for @Trashcanman @Catherine_Willoughby
#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz
1. Tagged, translated from Norwegian
2. My degree was in medieval languages so that involved quite a lot of languages and very different forms of literature! I did Old and Middle English and bits of Welsh, Scots, Latin and Saxon which was fantastic I was very lucky to get to learn them. I‘m currently learning modern Italian but it‘s going very slow
3. Japanese, I love Japanese novels but the language is haaard
Trying to get back into posting regularly! I‘m stuck in a hospital waiting room all day (long story, not coronavirus and not me that‘s unwell) which is quite stressful but does translate to a lot of reading time at least! This book is so weird it gives me something to focus on when I‘m anxious which is wonderful
"The inner box unpacks the outer at the same time as the outer box unpacks the inner. The solitaire is a family curse, there is always a joker to see through the delusion." Two parts of the Joker Game that used to hang on my bedroom wall. @Buechersuechtling reminded me of Jostein Gaarder and all of his weirdass books, Solitaire Mystery being my favourite.
Thanks to @BookishMe I jumped on the “I-spy”-train. So, as assigned, #iSpy a book with a door on the cover.
Quite soon after I was nudged I had a rough idea of which book could work but I was surprised how easy it indeed has been for me. ☺️
Who is spying a book with a name in its title, @Angeles ❓
1) a YA book, but one of the best books anyway. The solitaire is a family curse. The outer box contains the inner box at the same time as the inner box contains the outer box.
2) shape-shifting
3) sagittarius
4) buy new sneakers, drink coffee, rest my ankle. Take inventory of my plant pots. Have cramps.
5) okay
#friyayintro @howjessreads
It‘s finally under 90 degrees...
My really alltime favorite book deserves an own special place ✨🙃✨
I forgot to mention this one - I read the whole thing on my flight to NYC. It was ok, but not my fave. Probably wouldn't have finished bc I don't really like magical metaphors, but it's for book club. :)
Sofie'nin Dünyası ile birlikte okuyunca bana yazarın döndürüp döndürüp aynı hikayeyi aynı düşünceyi aynı felsefeyi okuyucuya aktardığını hissettirdi.
Öyle yerler vardı ki cümleler neredeyse birebir aynıydı.
Felsefeyi hiç sıkmadan aktarmasını ve düşündürmesini sevdim yazarın ama tek bir düşünce yapısı etrafında dönmesinden hoşlanmadım. #kitap #book #read
"I am a character in a fairy tale, bursting with life." Yes!