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All He Has Left | Chad Zunker
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“All He Has Left” is a thrilling, quick read. I was intrigued by the premise: Jake Slater‘s wife dies in a hit-and-run accident, but a year later, another family member is murdered and another one is kidnapped, so was it really an “accident” after all? The pacing of this book is quick: it is full of action and devoid of slow parts that detract from the story. It was an easy and fun afternoon read. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

Time After Time: A Novel | Lisa Grunwald
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I was thinking tonight about how no one in the world has ever read the exact same list of books as you have. Your “read” pile is uniquely yours. It‘s the set of books that has specifically shaped you — only you. Your “read” pile is as unique as your fingerprint. It‘s a list of characters, titles, authors, and quotes that have built who you are. It‘s a beautiful thing, isn‘t it?

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Oh this one might be the best first line ever:




julesG Interesting. 😂😂 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @julesG Right?! I also literally JUST started it, so I can‘t even give it context yet haha. 2y
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There is no bigger fan of the library than I, and so I really wanted to love this book. But it was just missing … something. I did want to read on to discover who the thief was, but this book was missing the magic of so many books that take place in libraries.

kspenmoll I never finished it; lost interest! 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @kspenmoll I definitely found myself doing some major skimming in parts! 2y
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Anxious People: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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1. Clare Mackintosh! I love her books. Really, I‘d love a meeting with her, Ruth Ware, and Lisa Jewell. The big three!

2. “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman is my most recommended book of the past year.

3. Donuts! 🍩


Eggs I‘m with you totally on #1 - haven‘t read Clare yet but one is on my shelf👏🏻📚🥰 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @Eggs “I Let You Go” is my favorite one of hers! 2y
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The Favorite Child | Cathryn Grant
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Prior to this novel, I had never read a book by Cathryn Grant before. I was intrigued by the title, cover, and premise. A little “Rosemary‘s Baby,” a little “Gaslight,” and a lot of family dysfunction are the hallmarks of this suspenseful novel. I kept guessing and second guessing myself throughout: who was telling the truth? Did we have a reliable narrator? Who is sane and who isn‘t? Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

The Murder Rule | Dervla McTiernan
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You have to decide if you‘re willing to suspend some belief to just read a story or not. I think if you know anything about the law, you should skip this one. I don‘t really (unless a true crime fan counts!), but there were a lot of things regarding the law school, courtroom, and legal processes that seemed a but farfetched, even to me. …

Full review at Goodreads (Anna Kraft).

Thank you to the publisher and Goodreads for the ARC!

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This is the sequel to Jewell‘s “The Family Upstairs.” I am sometimes wary of sequels, but this one definitely did not disappoint! This continues the stories of the Lamb and Thomsen children, who are still suffering the effects of their traumatic childhoods. This reveals how far they are willing to go to keep secrets buried. Make sure you read “The Family Upstairs” first!

Thank you to Goodreads and the publisher (and Lisa Jewell!) for the ARC!

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Can Fredrik Backman do no wrong?!

I ADORE his books. I‘ve read “My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She‘s Sorry,” “Britt-Marie was Here,” “Beartown,” “Us Against You,” “Anxious People,” and now “A Man Called Ove.” He just writes with such a lovely, funny, gut wrenching style. If you are just looking for a *good* book, get one of these.

My favorite is “Anxious People.”

IuliaC I totally agree, great author! I loved "Anxious People" too! 2y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I would have to say Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth from “Persuasion.” That letter he writes her — “I am half agony, half hope” — swoon!

Fun fact: at my wedding reception, instead of being numbered, my tables were labeled with the names of famous literary couples! So guests sat at the Elizabeth and Darcy table, the Scarlett and Rhett table, etc. ❤️


sprainedbrain What a cool idea for your wedding reception! 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @sprainedbrain Thank you! It was so much fun! Definitely fit my personality! 2y
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When I was a child, I read the Great Illustrated Classics (remember those?) version of “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” and I‘ve wanted to go to Iceland ever since!


DrexEdit My family had a ton of Classics Illustrated comics when I was young. I loved them. I just posted about them the other day, because I am pretty sure for most “classic“ literature I only have the comic version of in my head! 😄 Have I “read“ the Count of Monte Cristo? Um. . . Yes!? 😂 I have not read Journey to the Center of the Earth, comic book or otherwise, but Iceland would be a very cool place to visit! 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @DrexEdit We had this box of about a dozen little paperback illustrated classics! I‘m the same way, I have “read” several of the classics … in this version! 😂 2y
FeatherV Capri, after reading red sails to Capri as a kid 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @FeatherV I‘d love to go there too! 2y
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His & Hers | Alice Feeney
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“Patience is the answer to so many of life‘s questions.”

A couple weeks ago I read my first-ever book by this author, and now, reading the second, I noticed that this same line is in both books! I wonder if it‘s in all her books. Anyone know?

LiteraryinLawrence Whoa, good eyes! 2y
HappilyEverKrafter @LiteraryinLawrence I really liked the line, so I wrote it down! So when I saw it again today, I was like … wait a minute! 2y
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I judge books by their covers 100000%! I don‘t know how not to. Haha. When there are a million books at the library, sometimes covers are the easiest way to get drawn in. Or if I‘m reading a recommended books list, my eyes get drawn to covers of books that look intriguing. That‘s how I found my current read!


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You know those books where you finish and you‘re just sad because you want to stay with the characters, the setting, the story? This was one of those for me! I stumbled upon it in my local library while looking for books by an author with same last name, and I am so glad I did! It was just lovely.

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The Paris Apartment | Lucy Foley
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#funfriYAY is back! Last year was a tough one for me, and I had to let some things go, even my favorite things like Litsy! But now I‘m back!

There are a lot of great-looking books coming out this year, but a few I‘m really excited about are “The Paris Apartment” by Lucy Foley, “The Book of Cold Cases” by Simone St. James, and “The Long Weekend” by Gilly MacMillan.

The.Great.Catsby I literally just added all the books mentioned to my TBR. They all look so good! 3y
HappilyEverKrafter @The.Great.Catsby I love all three authors and am so excited! 3y
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1. Just finished “Not a Happy Family” by Shari Lapena and about to start “The Wife Upstairs” by Rachel Hawkins.

2. Cold with a wintry mix. I live in metro Atlanta, and this is not common here.

3. Drink coffee and sit by the fire!


CBee Good to “see” you back! ♥️ Was just watching the weather - y‘all are getting some snow! 3y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee It‘s so great to be back! Thank you! ❤️And oh my gosh, yes, we sure did! And it melted just as fast. 😩 3y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter of course it did 🤦‍♀️ That‘s the South for ya. 3y
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“In alcohol‘s defense, I‘ve done some equally stupid things while completely sober.”


“Patience is the answer to so many of life‘s questions.”


“Silence cannot be misquoted.”

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The Reading List: A Novel | Sara Nisha Adams
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“Books always change as the person who reads them changes too.”


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I am not a foster parent, although I am incredibly interested in being so in the future and want to support friends who already are. Here‘s what I can tell you: even if you are not a foster parent, this book will teach you, convict you, and inspire you to better love everyone in your life, especially those who are hard to love. It‘ll make you a better human. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Reading List: A Novel | Sara Nisha Adams
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📚I don‘t have a specific goal, just to always be reading and always be reading something I enjoy. Life‘s too short to read boring books!

🖊 I use a word of the year generator to discover my word of the year, and this year our family got “surrender.” Lots to think on!

📖 I‘m starting the year by reading “The Reading List,” and I love it so far! I love that I‘m starting the year by reading a book about books!

@MoonWitch94 #thoughtfulthursday

One by One | Ruth Ware
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1. Not my favorite by Ruth Ware, but really, can she do anything wrong?!

2. A personal goal I have is to write more on my website and start an Instagram account to encourage mothers. A lot of the past year I spent pregnant and sick and just trying to survive, and now I feel a little more settled and energized.

3. Good friends!


Eggs Great goal and gratitude 🙏🏻 👏🏻 🥰 3y
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In the fall of 2020, I was getting things done: reading books, engaging with fellow readers on Litsy, doing lots of writing on my website. Then I got pregnant with my second child and was sick and then exhausted and then surviving. But now that my little guy is 6 months old, I finally feel just a little bit on top of things again, including my TBR pile and my writing plans. I‘m so happy to be back on Litsy! 📚❤️

BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome back! 💙 3y
HappilyEverKrafter @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you so much! I love this community! 3y
Nebklvr Yeah!! Happy reading!! 3y
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AkashaVampie Yay!!! Good to have u back. Mothering can be exhausting and hard. 3y
Ruthiella Welcome back! 😃 3y
AmyG Welcome back. We are always here. 3y
HappilyEverKrafter You all are all so kind! I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY! ❤️ 3y
DaveGreen7777 Welcome back to Litsy! 😀📚 3y
Chelsea.Poole Oh I love (and miss!) that - warm bundle under a muslin blankie keeping me company while reading a book - feeling! Enjoy ♥️ 3y
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Margarettown | Gabrielle Zevin
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“In life, Jane reflected, the most interesting things tend to happen when you are on your way to do something else.”

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Reading a good book about murder that recommends other good books about murder … life doesn‘t get much better!

RaeLovesToRead Strangers on a train was amazing! Not a mystery, but a wonderful suspense novel ❤ 3y
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Young Jane Young | Gabrielle Zevin
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After reading “The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” and just a couple chapters of “Young Jane Young,” I am convinced that Gabrielle Zevin writes characters better than pretty much anyone!

LeslieO I loved both of those. I heard she has a new book coming out. 3y
HappilyEverKrafter @LeslieO Oh that is awesome news! 3y
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Crave | Tracy Wolff
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Thank you SO MUCH @JenlovesJT47 !!! I love the coloring book, candy, and bookmark, and I have been DYING to read “Crave” since a former student of mine told me about it a few weeks ago! I never buy books — strictly library — and I am like the millionth person on the hold list for this, so I am PUMPED!!! What a great surprise!


JenlovesJT47 Yay I hope you enjoy it! 🤗 4y
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Death in the Family | Tessa Wegert
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Thank you so much @Sace for the card and this great bookmark! Can‘t wait to start using it when I begin my #LMPBC #Round10 #GroupG book this weekend! 😊

CBee 😁♥️ thanks for mine too, @Sace - I love it! Hopefully you got my return card by now. And how are you after Zeta? @HappilyEverKrafter did y‘all get any weather? 4y
Sace @CBee @HappilyEverKrafter Glad you liked it. Y'all are gonna be so disappointed when I send my books because it's book and that's it 😂 4y
CBee @Sace oh hush 😂 The book is the most important thing anyway. Though I‘m about to do another book purge soon and y‘all might find yourselves with some extra reads 😁😂 4y
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Sace @CBee 🤣 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee We got some pretty bad storms, but luckily our power was only out for a few minutes. The worst we had was an internet outage for a few hours. You okay too? 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter we‘re good! Our power was out for about 18 hours 😳 but no damage! That wind was scary though! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee The wind was crazy! I‘m sorry your power was out so long, but I‘m glad everything turned out okay! 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter all‘s well! Could‘ve been much worse! 4y
robinb So sorry, Sara, I thought I had thanked you for my card and pretty bookmark! 😱 My mind is on lockdown. 🤭 So sweet of you! 😘 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I got my #allhallowsreadswap package last night! Thank you so much, @JenlovesJT47 I can‘t wait to open it tomorrow! 🎃👻🍁

JenlovesJT47 Yay! 🤗 4y
tracey38 Love your BOO pillow! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @tracey38 Thanks! Old Target special! 4y
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The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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1. Watching football and giving out candy!

2. I don‘t really buy books, but I would say my auto-library check out list is Clare Mackintosh, Ruth Ware, and Tana French.

3. Definitely The Sun Down Motel!


ImperfectCJ Tana French is an auto-checkout for me, too. I forgot to list her...and need to request her latest from the library! 4y
Eggs Ruth Ware! Tana French! Simone St James! ❤️them all! Thanks for playing 👏🏻🎃📚🍁🧡 4y
DarkMina ❤️ Tana French! 4y
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The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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It‘s always a great feeling when you know from the dedication that a book is for you!

Sargar114 This dedication is the single reason I picked it up. I didn‘t disappoint! Enjoy your read! 4y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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It‘s impossible to pick just one, so my big three are

Anne Elliot
Ramona Quimby
Kristy Thomas


DAB 😻 4y
inthegreensandblues Great picks! 💜 4y
CBee Ramona 😍😍😍 4y
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🎃 I always did as a child, but I haven‘t in years. Maybe it‘s time to change that because I always enjoyed it!

🧡🤍 This is our first year having both, and I like them together!

📖 I think all of Edgar Allan Poe‘s works are spooky!


MoonWitch94 EAP poem “The Telltale Heart” terrified me the first time I read it & saw it performed. Thanks for playing 🎃🖤🕸🕷 4y
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📚 I really just did not get what people saw in “Where the Crawdads Sing.”

🦁I‘d love to read “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” in an old-fashioned wardrobe!

🍫 DEFINITELY chocolate!


Eggs Great responses❣️ Thanks for joining in 🍫📚🤗 4y
jordan_lent54 1. The Shadow Hunters series. I‘ve tried so hard to get into this series and I just can‘t get through the first book. I don‘t know...it just doesn‘t do it for me. 2. I‘m still convinced the owl just got lost on the way to deliver my Hogwarts letter. 3. Neither...vanilla...I know I know shoot me but I‘m not a huge caramel or chocolate fan...unless it‘s M&Ms (edited) 4y
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The Candy Witch | Steven Kroll
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1. My grandmother made me several costumes, but I especially liked the princess dress she made me as well as the Raggedy Ann costume she made!

2. I loved The Candy Witch, and now I love sharing it with my son!


TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🧡🎃 4y
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The Most Dangerous Game | Richard Connell
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Week 4 of #TheMidnightSociety begins today! This week we‘re reading Richard Connell‘s unbelievable tale of terror — and my favorite short story — “The Most Dangerous Game.” Hope you‘ll join us at www.theannakraft.com!

One Night Gone (Original) | Tara Laskowski
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1. Really enjoyed this one!

2. Psychological thriller for sure!

3. Would you believe I‘ve never read any of Stephen King‘s novels?! 😬


SheReadsAndWrites Yes! I believe it. Because I haven't either. 😬 I love his books in writing. He's just so brilliant. But I am a HUGE scaredy cat. I know I couldn't read his stuff. I've been told that Under The Dome is a good one of his that isn't too scary. 4y
SheReadsAndWrites Book *on* writing 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @SheReadsAndWrites I‘ve read On Writing and also his teleplay called Sorry, Right Number but never his novels! Thanks for suggesting that one! I‘ll have to check it out! 4y
BookmarkTavern Another here that hasn‘t read any King. My sister despairs of me! 😂 Thank you for sharing! 4y
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👩‍👧One of my favorite book moms is Marmee from Little Women. And incidentally, Marmee is the grandmother name my mom chose for herself when my first son was born last year! I also love Mrs. Quimby from the Ramona books and Mrs. Thomas from the Baby-sitters Club books.


Sparklemn I 💙 Mrs Weasley from Harry Potter 4y
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Left Fur Dead | J. M. Griffin
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My worlds are colliding! My #LMPBC #Round9 #groupw book arrived, and so did my #LMPBC #Round10 #groupg book! Excited to read both!

suvata That‘s what I call fun! Happy reading. 4y
robinb Enjoy!! 4y
Roary47 I love how loved it looks now 💛😍 4y
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📚 The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay

✏️ Sinister

🍽 Leftover (me too, @MoonWitch94 !) applesauce pork loin from last night


i_just_need_caffeine I'm not a fan of the word crepuscular (of, resembling, or relating to twilight). It's too similar to the word pustular, which definitely creeps me out. 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @i_just_need_caffeine Yeah that definitely sounds gross! 🤢 4y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🎃🍂📖 4y
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1. I never played a sport; I was a dancer. But my favorite sport is college football, and my team is the West Virginia University Mountaineers. My great-grandparents loved them, my grandparents love them, my parents love them, I love them, and I‘m teaching my 14-month-old to love them too! 💛💙💛💙

2. We got some really great news this week, and for that I am very thankful!


Cosmos_Moon Glad for your good news! Happy Thursday 🥰 4y
tracey38 I was a dancer, too! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @tracey38 It‘s always with you! Dancing is in your blood, I think! 4y
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The Monkey's Paw | W. W. Jacobs
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The theme of #becarefulwhatyouwishfor is a universal one, and perhaps you have some examples from your own life that prove this to be true. I'm sure we can all also think of a few other stories we've read or seen that show what a disaster wishing can sometimes be.
I‘m hosting a discussion on “The Monkey‘s Paw” at www.theannakraft.com today!

#themidnightsociety #spookystories #scarystories

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This is one of the best books I‘ve read in a while. Highly recommend if you‘re looking for an uplifting, beautifully written novel. I‘m dying to work at The Printed Letter Bookshop!

MsMelissa I really enjoyed this one, too 😊 4y
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My favorite Halloween movies are Psycho 🔪 and It‘s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! 🎃 So similar, I know. 😂


Eggs Great photos and responses-thx for joining in 📚🎃🤗 4y
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The Best of Mystery | Alfred Hitchcock
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🎃 Yes! We do both. We have some Halloween decorations we‘ll take down after Halloween, and some fall decorations we leave up through Thanksgiving.

📚 Also yes! I pull out several themed books and put them on a little table in the library. This year it‘s Alfred Hitchcock‘s The Best of Mystery, the novel Psycho, and the play Dial M for Murder.

Fun questions today!


TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🧡🎃 4y
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“You know, the human race gets an awful lot of flak, but really, most of the time, people are just going around, being quietly, silently, utterly amazing.”

I thought this was so beautiful and SO TRUE. And we tend to forget it a lot of the time.

CaffeineAndCandy ❤❤❤ 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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This package is going out today to my #AllHallowsReadSwap buddy! I hope you love what I chose, new friend! 🎃👻🧙


inthegreensandblues That quote 😬🖤 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @inthegreensandblues I KNOW! I love it! 😂 4y
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I Let You Go | Clare Mackintosh
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Clare Mackintosh just announced her new book! Man, I can‘t wait. I‘ve been a huge fan of hers since that masterpiece “I Let You Go.” Sooooooo excited!!!

Reviewsbylola I‘ve been chasing the high of I Let You Go ever since I‘ve read it! I haven‘t liked her other books quite as much, but maybe this will be the one. 🤞🏻 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Okay @robinb @CBee @Sace — Here are my choices for #LMPBC #round10 #groupg ... take two! 😂 I have endless mysteries I want to read, so if these don‘t look good, I‘ll keep going! 😊📚

suvata I just added THE SUNDOWN MOTEL to my TBR (edited) 4y
robinb Any of these are great! Good choices!! 👍👍 4y
CBee Ooooo, my vote would be for Death in the Family. But I‘ll go with whatever! 😁 4y
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CBee @suvata @HappilyEverKrafter I‘ve read The Sun Down Motel - oh so good!! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee @robinb @Sace — Death in the Family drew me in when it was described as being like Agatha Christie! If that one works for @Sace I‘ll go with it! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee I‘ve been so excited about it for a while! Glad to hear you liked it! 4y
Sace Sounds good to me! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @robinb @CBee @Sace — It‘s decided! Can‘t wait to start reading 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter woot!! 😁 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter @robinb @Sace how do y‘all mark up your books? Do you write on the actual pages, or use post its or something like that? 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee I‘ve only done one other round, but I wrote in the books, using a pen and a highlighter. One person in my group didn‘t like writing in books, so she sent a little notebook around with her book, and for her book we wrote in that instead. Mine and the two others we all wrote in. 4y
Sace I've only done one other round and we just wrote in our books. I am fine with my books being written in. I tend to prefer a black pen. Can I go ahead and claim that color? @CBee @HappilyEverKrafter @robinb 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter okay cool! I am okay with writing in them, or I might use post its (smaller ones so as not to obscure anything). But, I‘m not sure yet! I‘ll write in green pen, most likely. @Sace feel free to take black! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee I‘m totally fine with writing in my book and will respect what everyone else wants done with theirs! 😊 Can I take pink? I always seem to have a pink pen and a pink highlighter at the ready! @robinb @Sace 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter fine by me!! 😁 4y
robinb I‘ve always written in the book as well, but I know some who haven‘t. I‘ll pick blue! 💙 4y
CBee @robinb I love that we‘ve all chosen pen colors - this is going to be fun! It‘s really given me a boost this week ❤️ @HappilyEverKrafter @Sace 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @CBee Same thing here. This is the kind of community we all need right now, and the fact that we‘re doing something we all love is even better! 4y
robinb It‘s always fun to be exposed to different writing styles, time periods, etc. I‘ve discovered some fabulous authors from participating...and new friends. 😊💕 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter I agree! So excited 😊😊 4y
CBee @robinb I played it safe and chose the mysteries group, but hopefully I‘ll branch out a little next go round 😁 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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@robinb @CBee @Sace — Check out these four, and let me know what you think! I went with two contemporary choices and two more classic ones. All four of these are on my TBR list, so I‘m happy with any! If you don‘t like any of these, I can come up with more! 📚

#LMPBC #Round10 #GroupG #mysteries

robinb These all sound good. 😊 Could you check the length on Anatomy of a Murder and Magpie Murders? I think Amazon has those over 400 pages (but sometimes they‘re off). 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @robinb Oh yeah, great call, I didn‘t even think about that. 🙄 I think you‘re right, they‘re both over 400. I‘ll just keep those two on my TBR for some other time! @CBee & @Sace — either of the other two sound good, or shall I come up with two more? Happy either way! 4y
Sace I'm honestly happen with whatever you want. 😁 I'm glad @robinb thought about length! I'll take that in to consideration too! I'll get some choices posted this weekend. 4y
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Sace *happy 4y
CBee Maybe two more? But not if it‘s too much trouble 😁 @HappilyEverKrafter (edited) 4y
HappilyEverKrafter I‘ll get you guys two more, no problem! 😊 4y
CBee @HappilyEverKrafter 😁😁😁 4y
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Spring Brides: A Year of Weddings Novella Collection | Rachel Hauck, Lenora Worth, Meg Moseley
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This is a good question for this book because it‘s three stories in one. One takes place in Brighton, England; another in Louisiana; and the third in Atlanta. I live outside Atlanta, so I‘ve been there, but I‘ve never been to Brighton or Louisiana, and I‘d love to see both!
