Almost done! Enjoying this one 😊
Almost done! Enjoying this one 😊
I don‘t know how there is no cover. Amazing story and in depth story telling.
A difficult but important listen
I am afraid I won‘t finish it before it‘s due back and I‘m sure someone else will want it 😩
My mom saw the play, then read the book. Now she wants me to determine what happened to the two ‘missing‘ characters. I don‘t know about anyone else, but my track record of solving AC (the OG) mysteries is not good!
Amazing book! The five canonical victims of Jack the Ripper, as people. Women, wives, mothers... all they were allowed to be in Victorian London.
Introverting in my bedroom with this book! ❤️
My best friend painted this for me for my 40th birthday. I smile every time I walk by it
The whole book is full of lovely little phrases like this one...
This might have one if the strangest stories I‘ve read. But I kind of liked it!
I ran out of steam on Flavia several books ago. But here is another book narrated by Jane Entwhistle 😊
Less than $2 a day, and statistically, this is your water, transportation, cooking and food.
So I read this book, and while I‘m admittedly reading another book while my husband is watching the show, I can‘t follow what is happening. Did they take that many liberties?! #netflix
Need something a little lighter!
I‘m suspicious of people that brand themselves to begin with, and I suspect that she‘s perpetuating the problem she claims to hate - simply by running a lifestyle blog for women - but it had some good tidbits, so I‘m a solid so-so on this one
Finished on the airplane... I brought 3 books and a loaded Kindle on this trip...
Maybe it‘s the fact that it‘s nearly 2 AM and I just spent 6 hours at Haunted Halloween at Universal Studios - but this strikes me as funny...
Eleanor thinks ‘concretely‘ a lot...
This one didn‘t seem as slow as The Song of Achilles, but I can‘t say just why... Also, #100 of 2019
You should read this!
Because they‘ve lost their meaningful social and economic opportunity
This book is so. hard. to. read. But SO SO SO necessary
I have no idea what to think about this book.
Code Girls and preseason football 😊 After arriving home late from a work trip,
It‘s just what I need
A quick listen on time!
Does anyone know if this is the end of a trilogy or just an installment in a series?
Not a fan of TV/Movie covers, but I‘m enjoying what‘s inside!
Still working on this one... had to switch to print, someone else wanted the audio! #greatamericanreads #pbs #pbsgreatamericanreads
If the print book has diagrams, you should read it instead of listen...
I liked this book - the narrator was really good - but had some issues with what I saw as one major character inconsistency: May never really addresses the issue of multiple wives. Not in the way I would have expected from her character. Just me?
So. Good.
It‘s finally under 90 degrees...
Guys. There‘s a reason this is already one of 2018 best reads of the year...