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L'effetto farfalla
L'effetto farfalla: Il quinto caso della Sezione Q | Jussi Adler-Olsen
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Il quinto caso della Sezione Q Marco ha solo quindici anni ma non ha mai avuto uninfanzia. cresciuto in una banda di criminali il cui capo, il cinico e violento Zola, lo obbliga a unesistenza squallida fatta di accattonaggio e piccoli furti. Ma non ha mai accettato quel destino, e un giorno riesce a disertare. Quando simbatte in un terrificante segreto che Zola e i suoi sono disposti a tutto pur di mantenere tale, la sua fuga si trasforma in una lotta per la vita. Quello che Marco non sa che la sua famiglia non la sola a volerlo morto. Banchieri, diplomatici e alti funzionari statali sono coinvolti in una truffa insanguinata che allunga i suoi tentacoli fino alla giungla dellAfrica centrale, e temono di cadere uno dopo laltro come tessere di un gioco del domino se lui racconter quello che ha visto. Neppure Carl Mrck, alla guida della Sezione Q, disposto a lasciarsi sfuggire il ragazzino dallo sguardo ardente incrociato per caso nelle strade di Copenaghen, e insieme ai suoi assistenti - la fantasiosa Rose e il sempre pi misterioso Assad - deciso a interrompere quella fatale catena di eventi.
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This was very boring for me, I was not interested in all those chases. Lot of things got uncovered at the beginning of the book, I have lost interest quite soon.


#5 in series. Gypsy crime in Denmark. Marco was an interesting character.


The book started with the reader knowing who the killer is. Then it turns into a wild cat and mouse hunt. Very intense moments. It started with a case that confused me; I didn't know what was happening. I adore Assad and his camel proverbs. #nordicnoir

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Marco Jamison wanted to become a Danish citizen. His Uncle Zola forces him to beg and steal so Marco runs away. Carl decides to help Marco. This story was inspired by actual events. It‘s a story of honest people caught up by corruption of the times. Lots of twists keeps the pages turning! Book is a bit longer than needs to be but captivating otherwise! Looking forward to next book in the series.

#TheMarcoEffect #JussiAdlerOlsen

Tove_Reads This is my fave in the series. I liked the plot because it was a bit different 4y
EadieB @Tove_Reads I liked this one too! 4y
amywithbooks I found book 2 in the series at a used book sale, but I need to read book 1 first. It sounds good!! 4y
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EadieB @avgeyer If you live in US, I can have a copy of book 1 mailed to you. Email me your address eadieburke@comcast.net 4y
Andrew65 Need to get back to this series. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 This one was pretty good but still too long! 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Do you think they are paid by the page. 😂 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I‘m beginning to think so! 4y
amywithbooks @EadieB you are awesome, thank you!! I will email you now! 4y
EadieB @avgeyer Ok sounds good! 4y
EadieB @avgeyer You will get book 1 and someone else had book 3 so I asked them to send it to you. Keep the books or give them away as I have already read them. 4y
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Marina_h I like Assad and Carl. I like them as persons but also the dynamic between the two. 4y
EadieB I like Rose and how she took care of Carl when he hit a low point. 4y
Butterfinger I like the dynamics of Carl, Assad, and Rose. I wish it would just stay focused on them. 4y
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AnneCecilie Maybe to show us that we‘re not as different as we like to think? People are similar and it doesn‘t take much to find yourself at the other side. 4y
Marina_h I think it's the author's way of criticising parts of our society. I think some of his political views shine through and he's showing some of the things he thinks is wrong 4y
EadieB There doesn't seem to be a middle class so it's really the rich against the poor and the author does call attention to this injustice. 4y
Butterfinger @EadieB @Marina_h @AnneCecilie I thought that the author could have done a better job of portraying the impoverished, especially of the modern day slaves. Boy and the other child-soldiers were seen as villains, but it was the only way of survival. 4y
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EadieB I didn't care for Zola and the “family gang“ and was glad to see they got their comeuppance. 4y
Butterfinger Human trafficking. Awful. Just deplorable. They were Zola's slaves. 4y
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AnneCecilie I think he did the best that he could. He decides not to do anything criminal and does minor jobs instead. 4y
EadieB I was impressed with Marco and how he fared on the streets by himself. 4y
Butterfinger Totally agree with @AnneCecilie and @EadieB - He had street smarts and he had a conscience. I was disappointed that Carl did not bring him home. He wanted a family so much. 4y
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AnneCecilie It might explain how Assad got the job in the first place, but I‘m not sure we have gotten the full story. We still don‘t know how they met 4y
Marina_h Yeah it explains part of how Assad got the job and why Lars Bjørn would help him. But I don't think we know the whole story yet 4y
EadieB @Marina_h I agree with both @AnneCecilie Maybe Assad can't be trusted too! Carl: Watch your back! 4y
Butterfinger Assad is my favorite character in the series. I hope his secrets are a positive nature like helping Lars escape from prison. Although, he knows a lot of how to interrogate prisoners. He knows how to read people's body language. @Marina_h @AnneCecilie @EadieB 4y
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AnneCecilie I‘m not sure I like him. I can‘t explain why, maybe because we see him through Carl. And there‘s something in Bjørn‘s explanation that doesn‘t add up for me, we have previously been told that Department Q are granted 8 millions DKK each year, most of this is given to other departments. Why would they need someone to control the costs in Department Q? I feel like Gordon is there for other reasons 4y
Marina_h @AnneCecilie I thought he might be some sort of spy for Lars Bjørn. He might be there to help but I think he also reports back to Bjørn about what is going on 4y
AnneCecilie @Marina_h Probably, but when Carl tells Bjørn about the encounter between Rose and Gordon, nothing happens. It has no consequences for Gordon, but Rose has previously been removed for the same ting. It might be that Bjørn wants someone he can trust near Carl. 4y
EadieB I agree that Gordon is a spy for Bjorn and cannot be trusted. 4y
Butterfinger @AnneCecilie @Marina_h @Eadie I didn't like him. He caused problems with the investigation and he shared Bjorn's Iraqi secrets. 4y
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We meet Marco, a young boy, forced to steal in the streets of Copenhagen. He is a part of the clan where everyone is contributing by begging or stealing. One day, he has had enough and escapes, but not before he has heard something he shouldn‘t. That makes him a threat to the clan and suddenly everyone is looking for him.

Somehow Department Q gets involved in this, and a case of corrupt government employees and bank men.


gradcat This was my least favorite of the series. How did you think it compared to the others? Nice review! ♥️ 4y
AnneCecilie @gradcat I‘m not sure it was my least favorite, but not as strong as the last one. At times I thought it was a little too much of Marco (edited) 4y
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We will discuss these three books in May. Jussi May 3, Camilla May 10, Lars May 17. #NordicNoir Some great reads 🙂

EadieB Ok sounds good! 4y
Andrew65 Thanks 😊 4y
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My fave book in the series this far. The book is about a young boy called, Marco. He‘s part of a “family” of “Gypsies”. The leader is about to do something really bad to him, and he escapes. He hides in the woods with a corpse, a corpse that will lead him into even more trouble. Soon everyone is looking for him, including Carl Mørck. Interesting subject, we get to know more about our trio, and a new character is introduced. A bit too long ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

EadieB @Tove_Reads Reading Camilla book today and Jussi book tomorrow. 4y
EadieB Nice review! Glad to fear you enjoyed the book! 4y
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Having minor surgery this coming week and while I am hoping it resolves some pain issues, I am almost as much hoping to finish some half started and abandoned books in the 3 day recovery period. I think I have been reading this one since 2015. I raced through the first 3. I hope books 5 and beyond are more engaging like the prior in the series. Encouragement from those who habe followed the series further than I ?

Lizpixie Good luck with the surgery lovely! Sending you much love & healing vibes💕💕💕 7y
Christine11 Good luck with the surgery! 😊 7y
Libby1 I hope the surgery went well! 🌷 7y
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Love this series!

Dulcinella Me too! 7y
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Finished it! It wasn't my favourite book of the series. I like the Marco character but all the other character just fell flat for me. I would like so more background information on the characters and their motivation.

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I've got a problem. I need to finish my thesis this week. But i REALLY NEED to finish this book today.

Cinfhen Good luck 🍀 7y
Evelien @Cinfhen Thanks! 7y
Andrew65 Good luck with both! 7y
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Fantastic series of books!
Very gripping!!!

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Ready for the 5th book. I love the department Q serie. Lucky for me I still got two more books left to catch up with this serie.

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I have enjoyed Danish author Jussi Adler Olsen's novels about #internationalcrime. All of these are Department Q crime novels except Alphabet House, which is set in WWII. #feistyfeb

Sapphire I have gobbled up all the previous depth Q novels, but am half way through this one with many long pauses. Not sure why it's not pulling me in as much. The back story is longer and not much time in the dept yet with my favorite characters. I guess that is it . 8y
BeckyLeJ I love this series! One of my faves :) 8y
Texreader @Sapphire I didn't think this was one of his best. But yay for all the same characters! Love that! 8y
Texreader @BeckyLeJ Me too!! 8y
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Detective Mørck and his #bestsidekick Assad must save a gypsy boy from the boys own family in yet another Danish murder mystery. Assad is such a funny and mysterious and valuable character. I've enjoyed how his own mystery grows through the series. #booktober

slhbooks I love Assad. Rose is quite the character too📚 8y
Texreader @slhbooks Yes it was hard deciding between the two. But Assad and that tea and his prayer mat. You gotta love him! 8y
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5th book in the Department Q series, with another strong showing for Morck and Company.