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La vita moderna
La vita moderna | Susan Vreeland
9 posts | 13 read | 16 to read
il 1880 a Parigi e Pierre-Auguste Renoir, i pennelli nella mano destra e lastuccio ereditato da Claude Monet nella sinistra, appena giunto sulla terrazza della Maison Fournaise, una locanda amata dagli artisti dove si pu mangiare, dormire o affittare una barca. Alphonsine Fournaise, la figlia del padrone della locanda, lha condotto fin l per mostrargli un tratto della Senna dove le due rive offrono un paesaggio incomparabile allo sguardo di un pittore. La blusa a righe e il costume da bagno aderente sulle sue curve procaci, Alphonsine allarga le braccia davanti alla meraviglia che si spalanca non appena scosta la tenda a righe grigie e rosso corallo. Le canoe affiancate lungo la riva spiccano sul verde scuro dellacqua. Sulla riva orientale una locanda, con i muri bianchi e il tetto di tegole rosse, illuminata dal sole pomeridiano. Pi a valle, un cantiere si allunga sul fiume circondato di barche, e qua e l si vedono case di contadini accoccolate accanto ai loro orti. In che modo Renoir potrebbe ritrarre quel magnifico luogo in cui la citt incontra la campagna? Dipingendo alla maniera degli impressionisti una scena da ballo su una delle rive? Oppure una gita in barca con poche, veloci pennellate? Non darebbe, in questo modo, ragione a mile Zola che accusa lui, Pissarro, Sisley, Caillebotte e gli altri impressionisti, di creare bozzetti ancora freschi di pittura, opere incomplete e strampalate? No, sulla terrazza della Maison Fournaise, Auguste cercher di creare il suo capolavoro, la grande opera che sogna da anni: un inno alla vie moderne, un quadro che rappresenti lebbrezza e lallegria che caratterizzano il nuovo stile di vita nelle grandi metropoli europee, Parigi innanzi tutto... Cos Susan Vreeland immagina, nelle pagine che seguono, la nascita di una delle opere fondamentali dellimpressionismo, Il pranzo dei canottieri, un quadro in cui Renoir celebra se stesso come il pittore per eccellenza della joie de vivre, del sentimento gioioso della vita. Monsieur Fournaise e la bella Alphonsine, il barone Barbier, la seducente Angle, Lestriguez, lipnotizzatore affascinato dalloccultismo, Paul Lhote, linstancabile rubacuori, Jeanne Samary, Gustave Caillebotte, il pittore che amava dipingere barche, Ellen Anurie, Maggiolo, e soprattutto Aline Charigot, la donna che avrebbe stregato Renoir, tutti i personaggi del Pranzo dei canottieri rivivono magnificamente in questo romanzo destinato a diventare un classico della narrativa dedicata allarte.
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This is one of my favorite historical fiction novels - the author put a lot of research into who each actual person is in the painting, as well as many details about Renoir.
It‘s hard to see, but there is a #BeverageOnTheCover ! Lol. It‘s next to the woman‘s elbow on the table in the foreground. I thought this challenge was going to be a lot easier!
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

OriginalCyn620 I see the beverage! 😄 4y
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So my aunt was inspired by the #LitsyPostcardExchange (except she doesn't smartphone) so she sent me this card from D.C. after I sent her and my mum to the Phillips Collection. I want to thank you all for being an inspiration. @Tiffy_Reads especially for organizing this. If you're curious, tagged book is fiction about this painting.

DivineDiana I‘m curious! Stacked! 7y
vlwelser @DivineDiana ☺ I love books about art. Hers are some of my favorites. 7y
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This is one of my absolute favorite art historical fiction books!! #giveawayhistorical @Liberty

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Enjoying my vacation reading on the porch ☀️

Zelma What a lovely spot! 😍 7y
Mtroiano @Zelma it's perfect! I wish I could live here! 7y
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Three books from my TBR shelf that qualify for red, white and blue. Not really feeling the holiday today, but I am grateful that the freedom to own/borrow books and being able to read what I want still exists in this country (at least for now). #redwhiteblue #jubilantjuly #sizzlinsummerbooks

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Read this last summer and thoroughly loved it. I want to spend my Sunday on a terrace overlooking the Siene. @RealLifeReading #bodyofwater #maybookflowers
Just realized I'm a day ahead. 😏 No wonder I couldn't find anybody's #bodyofwater post.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Lol, no worries! It's lovely! Love the colors on the cover! 7y
Emiller Absolutely loved this book!!! ❤️📚❤️ 7y
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I meant for these to be all fiction but I threw in a few more nonfiction that I found. What I realized while looking for these is that I buy a bunch of fiction art books and don't read them! I I have four by Susan Vreeland and have not read one. And 3 are signed by her (to me! Lol). Must get that! #artrelatedbooks #seasonsreadings2016

LeahBergen @Cinfhen Yep. It's on mine, too. I posted it today and reminded myself that I owned it! 8y
lynneamch Oh my goodness. How did I not know about Luncheon of the Boating Party? It is the only art print I have hanging in my house. Thank you Littens. 😊 8y
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lynneamch @Cinfhen how did you get to insert a link to a book in your comment? 8y
Bookish_B @lynneamch when you go to write a comment there is a little gray ribbon (?) icon and a skull and a crossbones icon just below the dialogue box. Click on the ribbon. Type in the name of the book and it will link it. The skull and crossbones is used for spoilers. 8y
Bookish_B @lynneamch 👍🏼😊 8y
lynneamch Thanks @Bookish_B I've been able to figure out a lot by clicking around but I think the skull & crossbones scared me off. 😨😕😃 8y
Cinfhen @Bookish_B thanks for answering @lynneamch question in a more timely fashion 😉and you did an awesome job of explaining 😊 8y
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I love all of Susan Vreeland's books. She really knows how to write art historical fiction. #artrelatedbooks.
Of course Joey had to get in the picture 😻

LeahBergen Joey! ❤️ 8y
MyNamesParadise What a beautiful boy!!! 8y
SharonGoforth 😻😻 8y
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PenguinInFlight I love her books as well! And what a handsome kitty. 😻 8y
Faibka Sweetie! 😻 8y
Tanner Joey! ❤️🐱 8y
Branwen Love that cover! And your sweet kitty! ♡ 8y
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