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Tears of a Tiger
Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
16 posts | 26 read | 15 to read
Three boys struggle to come to terms with the death of a friend in a drunk-driving auto accident in which all four were involved, in a story told through newspaper stories, diary entries, school announcements, telephone conversations, and classroom assignments.
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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Another day, another YA book for next year‘s planning. Now onto the sequel.

(This series is a little dark for my taste, but... I definitely can see why my students enjoy it.)

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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#BHM #BlitsyHistoryMonth
I received my package and the one I sent was delivered. Can't wait until the 28th!

Chelleo 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤩 5y
riversong153 Cutie pie 5y
S3V3N @riversong153 Google pic LOL 5y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper

Tears of a tiger is a great book.

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper

If I had a day off, I would have finished this in one sitting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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One of the few I‘m currently reading. It‘s hooked me, I might be able to finish this tonight. Lately, my thing is heavy YA novels. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤓

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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"A man shrieks in pain
Crying to the Universe.
Panic is abrupt."
Book 1 of the Hazelwood High trilogy

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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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It took me more than a month to read this, but that was my problem. Once I had a chance to devote more than 10 minutes to reading, the pages just flew by. This book should be in everyone's hand. This should have been a Netflix series. Not that POS 13 Reasons Why.

Eggs ❤️ Sharon Draper 6y
booklover76 Looks interesting. Putting a hold on it at my library 6y
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Sace @Eggs She is amazing. 6y
Sace @booklover76 I hope you enjoy it! 6y
Sace @Bookladylinda I hate 13 with a passion. 6y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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I miss Litsy. I've been reading the tagged book for over a month (I love it.) I'm still in a reading slump and this school year is kicking my butt. I love my job. Don't get me wrong. There's just not enough time in the day (and I admit it, I'm too hooked on TV right now.)

Cailey_Mac Sometimes that‘s what you need though; I remember last year there was a 4 month span that I read maybe 2-3 books, but I actually watched tv shows and had a busy social calendar. It sucks, but sometimes change from reading can help rekindle it. 6y
scripturient Don‘t be too hard on yourself. Life just gets in the way sometimes and it sucks but there‘ll come a time when you‘re back in reading mood. 😘 6y
Dragon I‘m a firm believer in mood reading. 🌸🤗🐉 6y
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Slajaunie Ditto. ☹️ 6y
rabbitprincess ♥️♥️ Hope the school year stops kicking your butt soon, and that you're watching some great TV! Reading will come back eventually. 6y
Sace @Cailey_Mac @scripturient @Dragon @Slajaunie @rabbitprincess Thank you! Eventually I might get my reading groove back. Right I just seem interested in other things. 6y
EmilyM I hear you! I have been reading the same book for a month, I started back at school, teaching, and I am teaching a new curriculum so I am EXHAUSTED every night....too exhausted to read. It makes me sad. 6y
Sace @EmilyM PREACH! I have two preps this year. One for a level I haven't taught in a decade and one for a level I taught before going digital so I am doing a TON of planning and prep for both. I'm loving it but it's time consuming and I don't have much attention left at the end of the day. 6y
Bookladylinda I totally get the hanging out in front of the TV, that happens to me too - reading will come back to you, it always does! Hang in there!!!! 🤗 6y
CoffeeK8 I know exactly what you mean, I inhaled all my books in August, knowing I‘d have no time for reading next month 6y
Reviewsbylola It happens to all of us! You‘ll be back. ❤️ 6y
Jinjer Totally get the TV distraction. I just finished bingeing all 6 seasons of Girls. 😳 6y
Sace @Bookladylinda Thanks! 6y
Sace @CoffeeK8 I they to make time but after 2 pages I'm usually asleep. 6y
Sace @Jinjer I'm hooked in a Spanish soap opera 🙄 6y
readordierachel Hang in there! You'll get your reading mojo back. Until then, nothing wrong with TV 😊 6y
Sace @readordierachel thank you! 6y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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We've had our 4th teen suicide this school year ....the kids asked me for books and stories about this (other than 13 reasons why....) the tagged book is good, but they want to read another one together.. any suggestions would be appreciated. Send some light over to this particular school community ...

mrsamandahood Those two are the ones that come to my mind about suicide. I hope it helps! I‘m so sorry to hear about your community. Such a terrible tragedy. My thoughts are with you all. (edited) 6y
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Bookgirl I‘m so sorry 😞 6y
Heideschrampf Though an obvious choice i really connected to 6y
Heideschrampf Depending on early/late teens & gender maybe Silvia Plath already? 6y
TheBookHippie @mrsamandahood thank you I'll pick these up! 6y
TheBookHippie @Heideschrampf I wondered about that one my daughter really related to that as a teen she now reads it every year .. 6y
Heideschrampf And, always, Matt Haig 6y
JoScho Oh that is devastating 😔 6y
TheBookHippie @Heideschrampf of course !!!!I think I have a copy here. My brain is a blank right now which is why I've reached out! Thanks so much. 6y
Heideschrampf @TheBookHippie i read it really late, early twenties, and i wish i'd have discovered it when i was in the throngs of teenage angst 6y
dariazeoli That‘s terrible. I‘m so sorry! 6y
Heideschrampf Have them read/watch on youtube/listen over the school speakers a rendition of 6y
Heideschrampf And an amazing TV series, too, and something i would also especially recommend to parents, too: 6y
Heideschrampf Also: big big big hugs! 🙆 6y
britt_brooke 😢 6y
SkeletonKey 😢 6y
callielafleur This is so heartbreaking. Hugs to you and your students. 6y
Caroline2 😔 I am so sorry to hear that! It's not truly a book about suicide but the self destructive nature of some of the characters really hit home when I was a teenager 6y
ShookBelf Sending love and light from the UK for you and your students 💗💗 6y
JenReadsAlot I'm so sorry. Take care.... 6y
Elizabeth2 I‘m so very sorry. Heartbreaking. 6y
Maria514626 Sending love! I‘ve heard this Matt Haig book is good. It came up in a group chat after a mutual friend took her life. I haven‘t read it yet. (edited) 6y
TheBookHippie All these are wonderful.. I'm writing a big list! Thank you all ...my daughters friend took her life at 16, 11 years ago and in dealing with kids we usually have one a year...this year seems to be tougher ...the climate of hate is trickling down, bullying is worse, the have and have nots is a bigger gap and just teen years are so rough ...the hopelessness seems to be more. I'm just grateful they reach out and ask for books to read from me. 📖💗 6y
Ddzmini 😨 so sorry to hear that suicide is always tragic not only to the family but to friends and close relationship as well sending well wishing thoughts and prayers 🙏 6y
OrangeMooseReads I‘m so sorry 😞 it is heart breaking 6y
AmberWB I am so sorry to hear this. My heart hurts for our students when they have to deal with something like this. 6y
Lesliereads 🙏🏾I, too, am sorry to hear about this. I hope that your school environment receives healing and courage. 6y
Lmstraubie So sorry 😔 6y
lauraodom The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand. 6y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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This line for Sharon Draper is the culmination of all the little boys and girls that have wanted to talk to me about her books. Well warranted, and so cool to see all the love for a deserving writer. #ncte17 #itsLITerature #teachersoflitsy

Chelleo Sharon Draper taught at my high school. I avoided her class for fear of the dreaded “Draper Paper” but thankfully had another great, but lesser known, English teacher who rapped the Canterbury Tales 😂😂😂 7y
MisterWhitaker @Chelleo sounds like you had the best of both worlds lol 7y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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This realistic fiction Corretta Scott King award winning book is another book the is perfect for literature circles in upper middle school. It is about a teenage boy who accidentally kills his best friend when drunk driving. I would use this book in my classroom to teach a lesson and educate my students about this topic. I would show them this drunk driving awareness video that is related to the topic of the book. https://youtu.be/NVJba-2WYEM

MakennaK I will use ELL 11, place language in meaningful context, to really help them understand the message of the book. I'll use UDL 9.3, develop reflection, and have my students reflect and think about the message and lesson in this beautiful book. #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Thank you for noting the fact that these books are more appropriate for middle and or high school. She is an amazing author. 11 is perfect! 7y
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Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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Tears of a Tiger is a well-written novel. The characters are quite real, although it can be hard to follow. This book is rather heavy in some parts, particularly the ending; it discusses topics such as death, grief, depression, and suicide. If readers have experienced suicidal thoughts, it's best to avoid this book for personal safety because of a depiction of suicide.
#bookworm #booknerd #bookgeek #bookfreak #booklover #bookish #books #litsy

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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This book made me super sad like this story is just a roller coater of emotions but if you really wanna understand things that happen in it you have to read Forged by Fire first then this but over and all the whole series is really good

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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This came highly recommended by one of my coworkers, so I picked it up off the shelf for some work reading!

Tears of a Tiger | Sharon M. Draper
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"Suppose it's more than just thinkin' about death in general. Suppose I told you I sometimes think about killin' myself."