This is the question of the day in one of my Facebook groups, but I wanted to hear from all of you. In your opinion, who is the most evil character from a book?
My answer is in the comments.
This is the question of the day in one of my Facebook groups, but I wanted to hear from all of you. In your opinion, who is the most evil character from a book?
My answer is in the comments.
This was not the solid source I hoped, but has a lot to offer, especially this summary:
1. calling people evil is lazy
2. all brains are a bit sadistic
3. we are all capable of murder
4. our creepiness radars suck
5. technology can amplify dangerousness
6. sexual deviance is pretty common
7. all monsters are human
8. money distracts from harm
9. culture cannot excuse cruelty
10. we MUST speak of the unspeakable
I‘ll start this on my way to work this morning.
Where do you fall on the spectrum? I'm a mix of Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil 😁
Are people born evil or is evil thrust upon them? Is it brain anomalies, nature, nurture, chemical imbalances that affect a convicted murderer or serial killer? Author Julia Shaw explores all this in the psychology and history of evil and deviance. Careful, some of it might be too close to home. Now excuse me while I wear my eyepatch, stroke my cat and plot global domination. Muhahaha!
Evil: The Science Behind Humanity‘s Dark Side was informative and entertaining. This is my first book by Dr. Julia Shaw and her writing pulls me in. There is a great mix of science (a lot of science), pop culture, and personal stories that makes this book one of my favorites of the year. At some points it is funny but she definitely knows when to reign it in when talking about sensitive subjects.