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West | Edith Pattou
When a sudden storm destroys Charles' ship and he is presumed dead, Rose believes something sinister is at work and she sets off on a perilous journey, with the fate of the entire world at stake.
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West | Edith Pattou
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West is the sequel to East, both were really good. It is YA fantasy, set in a pretty well thought out world with various mythologies influencing the story. I really like the wind-magic system, and I also enjoy the "hero in need of rescuing" flip, usually it's the damsel in distress but not with these books! I would love to see these be made into a movie ?

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West | Edith Pattou
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Working on West today by Edith Pattou! #west #edithpattou #fastreader

West | Edith Pattou
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5/5)

This was a solid sequel to Pattou‘s “East”, however I feel like it failed to be as a good as the first book. In general, I wasn‘t a fan of Charles‘ memory loss storyline, and I was disappointed that Sib and Neddy‘s story was rushed with plot holes and a lack of context. I wish we had more of an epilogue, and as always, I wish there was a map so we could visualize the characters‘ journeys.

West | Edith Pattou
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The plot to West closely resembles East, but in a good, familiar way. Obviously, she has changed everything up and added the perspective of Rose's ward, Estelle. I can understand some people thought the plot was too closely resembled. Charles goes missing, Rose has to drop everything and go find him. Again, the plot was fast paced but I think that if it wasn't, it wouldn't be as engaging to me.

West | Edith Pattou
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Thank you, @Megabooks for this lovely #25Etsy giveaway!! Etsy is one of my favorite sites 😊 My favorite summer read was West by Edith Pattou! It's a sequel to her book, East, which is a retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon! I can't recommend it enough!

Megabooks Cool!! Thanks for entering!! 5y
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West | Edith Pattou
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Coming thirteen years after Edith Pattou‘s East, West is a beautiful continuation of her retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Pattou is a master world builder. You can‘t help but feel the wind playing in your hair and the crunch of snow under your feet. Rose is a few years older in West, but time hasn‘t diminished her bravery and determination to rescue the people she loves. I highly recommend this duology!

wordslinger42 I can't WAIT to read this book!! I just read East last year & was so excited when I found out she had written this! 5y
Clockworkbee East of the Sun, West of the Moon has always been my favorite fairy tale, so East was an instant favorite for me! I squealed with joy when I saw the cover and realized she had written a sequel! Have you read Juliet Marillier‘s Beautiful? It starts up at the end of the story but the main character is the troll princess. I found it really enjoyable! 5y
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West | Edith Pattou
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🐩 All-time favorite show: Gilmore Girls
🎄🎉 Holiday plans: Christmas & New Year celebrations with my family
🐉I'd love recommendations for: fantasy
😪 At 6 AM, I'm sleeping
📚 My most-wanted item: the tagged book!

Zelma Book rec that is middle grade but so smart and fun 6y
wordslinger42 @Zelma I've read that one & enjoyed it! I actually read middle grade fantasy all the time 😊 6y
wanderinglynn Fantasy: Pat Rothfuss‘s Name of the Wind, Peter V. Brett‘s Demon Cycle series, Katherine Kerr‘s Deverry series, everything by Robin Hobb, and my all-time fave, David Eddings (who introduced a middle schooler me to the awesome world of epic fantasy books). 6y
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tealwish I am rewatching Gilmore Girls!! Still so good! 6y
Doughtah :D i loved this one to bits, its a bit short, but just follow it along even if ur a bit confused in the beginning, its def one of the most magical books ive ever read: 6y
wordslinger42 @wanderinglynn @BookwormAHN @Doughtah Thank you so much for all the great recommendations!!! 6y
wordslinger42 @tealwish I know!! I just finished re-watching it not that long ago and I never get tired of it! 6y
tealwish @wordslinger42 I love middle grade fantasy too. Have you read Nevermoor? 6y
wordslinger42 @tealwish No, I haven't! Who's the author? 6y
tealwish @wordslinger42 My daughter who is 11 and I loved it! 6y
wordslinger42 @tealwish I'm excited to read it! 😄 6y
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West | Edith Pattou
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AHHHHHH!!!!! My most beloved book as a child that has maintained it's magic through these 15 years just got a sequel. I can't believe it. My heart is stuttering and I can't breathe from excitement.