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Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow | Jessica Townsend
Morrigan Crow is cursed. Born on an unlucky day, she is blamed for all local misfortunes, from hailstorms to heart attacks - and, worst of all, the curse means that Morrigan is doomed to die at midnight on Eventide. But as Morrigan awaits her fate, a strange and remarkable man named Jupiter North appears. Chased by black-smoke hounds and shadowy hunters on horseback, he whisks her away into the safety of a secret, magical city called Nevermoor. It's there that Morrigan discovers Jupiter has chosen her to contend for a place in the city's most prestigious organisation: the Wundrous Society. In order to join, she must compete in four difficult and dangerous trials against hundreds of other children, each boasting an extraordinary talent that sets them apart. Except for Morrigan, who doesn't seem to have any special talent at all. To stay in the safety of Nevermoor for good, Morrigan will need to find a way to pass the tests - or she'll have to leave the city to confront her deadly fate.
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Unpacked another book I‘ve wanted to reread—loved it the first time I read it but somehow never got around to continuing the series…which I surely need to do! I‘ve only ever heard great things about each of the books in the series so I‘m anticipating a great read. Now, to start again…

TheBookHippie This is forever leaving the library at school. Kids love it! 2mo
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: Wizard of Oz

Klou Nice!! 10mo
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Well this was fantastic. I can understand why it's so loved. I'll have to request the next audiobook soon.

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Started this audiobook this morning. Morrigan Crow is cursed. She is doomed to die at midnight on her 11th birthday. As she awaits her fate, a man named Jupiter North appears and whisks her away to the magical city of Nevermoor to contend for a place in the city's most prestigious organization: the Wundrous Society.

Johanna414 Love this series! 13mo
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If I had found this series when I was 10-12, I would have been fully obsessed. Even now reading it mid-30s it was very fun!
Lots of twists, crazy magic, funny & endearing characters - there‘s really nothing to dislike.
I did end up reading it slower than I thought I would, so I‘m not sure if I will continue with the series, but if you need a fun story for a middle grade kid, I think it‘s this one!

behudd @TheAromaofBooks this was my March #bookspin book! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I read this book a while back and really enjoyed it. Since then, it's turned into a series and I keep meaning to read them all! 1y
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“The journalists arrived before the coffin did.”


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Finished this up tonight and what a delightful start to a new series! I loved the magical and quirky world of Nevermoor. These characters were so fun and the mystery surrounding Morrigan was engaging to follow. Thanks for the #ALSpine rec @shortsarahrose - I felt like I was reading Harry Potter again for the first time and can't wait to continue the adventure 😊

peanutnine #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView #2023ReadySetRead MG chosen one trope / something falling on the cover @Clwojick 1y
Clwojick This is on my list for #MiddleGradeMarch - glad to see you enjoyed it! 1y
TheSpineView Well done! 1y
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shortsarahrose I had very similar feelings on this one. So magical and fun! I need to get to the second book. 1y
bthegood Sounds good - adding to my TBR - make a great day 🙂 (edited) 1y
Andrew65 Loving the cover. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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#MG #Fantasy is one of those genres that are comfort reads for me, so I expected this to be an enjoyable escape. I do not expect, however, to be as completely enchanted by the world created in this novel. It is truly wondrous. And Morrigan is an absolute delight as a protagonist. The writing and pacing is on point and the audio narration is magical. It gets compared to HP a lot, but I found this to be a stronger first book. Will definitely read on

Johanna414 I love this series sooooo much!! 2y
MelanieSolane This is definitely one of my all time favorites!! 😍😍 2y
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This was a very cute/fun middle grade fantasy adventure. It definitely has strong Harry Potter influences. A young girl believes she is to die due to a curse, but a different future awaits her. Though not wholly original in concept, still a fun read. 4⭐️

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The Trials of Morrigan Crow | Jessica Townsend
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This was fabulous on audio. It is laugh out loud funny in some places and quite intense in others. The characters are superb. I can‘t wait to see what an interesting young villain does next.

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109📚 4.5⭐️

Loved this book👏🏻 Morrigan is a wunderous protagonist!

Lovers of HP will definitely like this - lots of magic and mystery afoot!

Excited for books 2&3!📚

Nebklvr Loved Cadence too 2y
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LOVEEEE!!! This book is really great. A mix between The House in the Cerulean Sea and Harry Potter. Fun, funny, lighthearted; I loved it!

Allyneedsbooks Nathan ❤️👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼 2y
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“…boil her in a cauldron or turn her into a newt.” I‘m immediately taken to the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail 😂😂🤣

AmyG Ha! I got better! 2y
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I don‘t read a lot of middle grade books, but I throughly enjoyed this one. It hit just the spot this week.

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Does anyone else count the books you read with your children in your annual tally? My daughter and I read this one together and both adored Morrigan. This book was described as ‘Alice in wonderland meets Harry Potter‘. The was a pretty good description! We are now about to start Wundersmith…

New Kid on the Book The covers look great! 2y
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Because I am avoiding media today and I needed some happy easy reading, a trip to the library was just the ticket

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This was such a enchanting book, perfect for fans of Harry Potter and The Worst Witch.
Morrigan is cursed and escapes death at 11 years of age, but she finds herself in a magical world. A remarkable man, Jupiter North takes her under his wing and whisks her away to put her forward as a contender for a place in the Wondrous Society. Full of magic, tricks, talents and wonder - a perfect read for fans of magic and spells.

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The Trials of Morrigan Crow | Jessica Townsend
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Christmas Eve morning…reading a book in bed with a cup of tea cuddling up with Belle 🐾 💕
#metime #christmassnuggles

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Thought I‘d try a bit of middle grade and give my kindle a rest! Back to good old paperback.

Sharv_Sona That‘s a beautiful bookmark! 3y
Cupcake12 Made by my 11 y/o. Thank you 💕☺️ 3y
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I loved this book! Magical setting, magic school & a bit of a Hunger Games flavor tossed into the entrance trials. The characters are quirky & fun, the world is interesting, & a good chunk of it takes place in a hotel...another checkbox on the “things I love in books“ list. Very creative & fast moving with a lot of fun twists & turns. I did not want to put it down. A late night binge read that I'd do it all over again despite the loss of sleep.

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Despite driving almost 400 miles today, I still managed to finish the first Morrigan Crow book, and what a book it was! The characters are great and the story walks that fine line of giving you enough information to follow but still keeping you guessing, throwing you curveballs. I can wait to start the next book!

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Some nights, especially after rough news from family, I just need a purely fun, escape book and kitty snuggles.

Thank goodness Sphinx here is a good cuddle-cat, and I finally got my hands on a copy of Nevermoor, which I've been meaning to read since I bought a copy for my grand-niece last year. So far, I am definitely enjoying it and it's doing a good job of mostly distracting me from my worries.

DrexEdit Here's to distractions and snuggles. Hope things work out for you. 3y
Texreader ❤️🐈 Take care of yourself. 🤗 3y
erinreads Kitty snuggles are the best, especially when you need them most. 😻 I‘ve got my ginger boy currently snuggled with me, who looks so much like yours! 3y
Suet624 💕💕💕 3y
Leftcoastzen Hugs ! Hard times definitely get better with a few cat snuggles. 3y
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#littensdressedinblood #practicalmagic

I can‘t believe I still haven‘t read this one!

MidnightBookGirl I have not read this book either, but people keep recommending it to me and it's on my tbr! 3y
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This is book is very much Charlie and the Chocolate Factory crossed with the magical school subgenre. This was a really fun read with an intriguing world and a great cast of characters. I can‘t wait to read the sequel.

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Finished this middle grade last night. Loved it. Morrigan Crows was born on Eventide, and therefore is "cursed", blamed for every bad thing that happens locally and doomed to die at midnight on her 11th birthday. However, hours before her death, a man named Juniper North comes to her rescue, whisking her off to a magical and secret city called Nevermoor. There, Morrigan must compete in 4 challenges ?

tracey38 to become a member of the Wonderous Society or she may risk having to go back to her own world. I loved this book and can't wait to read book 2. A wonderful middle grade! 3y
Chelleo Love this series!! 3y
tracey38 @Chelleo I've been hearing such great things about it for so long. Finally got the first book and read it quickly. Now I really need to go get book 2! 😊 3y
LazyOwl So glad you enjoyed. I love this series and there is a new book coming out later this year I think. 3y
tracey38 @LazyOwl i may go after work and get book 2. 😊❤ 3y
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Morning read… 1st morning at a friends house.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟WOW! This was fantastic! I‘m always a bit hesitant to read books that everyone raves about but this one is definitely worth the praise! Great read! Yes, it‘s for children but it‘s thoroughly enjoyable for all ages. Fast paced, funny and a real page turner. I will be recommending this to everyone I meet! 😀 Harry Potter fans will love it

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A fellow Litsy user sent me the Thai editions I was searching for! 😭😭😭😭😭

BookishMarginalia That is so cool! 3y
LazyOwl Love these covers 💕 3y
Avanders 🥰🥰 3y
New Kid on the Book The covers are lovely! 2y
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Such a whimsically delightful story. I thoroughly enjoyed. A story full of magic, mayhem, and belonging. Definitely a new favourite.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I read this one a while ago & have been wanting to revisit it since there are several sequels now!! 3y
Twainy This is sitting on my coffee table with the follow up. I just read Amari so I prolly won‘t pick up another MG for awhile but it looks great!! 😁 3y
LazyOwl @TheAromaofBooks I have the next 2 books, but I saw recently book 4 is coming out soon. 3y
LazyOwl @Twainy yeah, I have to be in the right mindset for a MG book, this was an easy fun read that didn't require too much brainpower which is what I've needed lately. 3y
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Ahhhhhh! Jessica Townsend announced the title for her 4th book in her Nevermoor series over on Instagram today! 🤸🕺🤸

Anyone here that knows me well knows how much of a fan of this middlegrade series I am and this news has made my day!

The book has also been given a release window of October 2022! I can't freaking wait!


AkashaVampie @SassenachTheBookWizard i know u love this series from ur videos... did u see this? 3y
Twainy WHAAAAT?!! I just got book 3. I need a 3 book binge! 3y
SassenachTheBookWizard @AkashaVampie I did! Ready preordered from Waterstones lol 3y
AkashaVampie @SassenachTheBookWizard haha should have known that. 3y
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Questions after reading the start of a great but unfinished series:
1. Why isn't there more if it?
2. When will the next book be released?
3. WHY isn't there more if it?
4. When will it be acceptable to reread the books - do I need to wait until the next one is published?
5. REALLY! Why isn't there more of it?
6. How can any book I pick up next be even half as interesting as these?

... Guess I'm in for a little post book depression 📚 ...

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I'm late to the party, but now I understand the love! Somehow I had expected something different. Lucky for me, the second book is on sale as an ebook this month.

rabbitprincess I have that Doctor Who colouring book! 😊 3y
PickwickPlockPlock @rabbitprincess The police box is unmistakeable 😁 3y
New Kid on the Book Wow the cover is great! 2y
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One of my Facebook pages I‘m on, so many of the members are absolutely in love with this series so I decided to give it a go and see what it‘s all about. After doing book 1 the next 2 books are now on my tbr 😂
Morrigan Crow is a Cursed Child who is supposed to die, but on the night she is a strange man shows up at her home promising there is another tomorrow so long as she follows him. With nothing to lose, she does. Fun magical read.

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My goal is to collect every cover and today the Swedish editions showed up. Only one left that I know of is the Thai editions!

CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
Lucy_Anywhere If you‘re struggling, let me know. I live in Bangkok! 3y
SassenachTheBookWizard @Lucy_Anywhere omg I am! I found them on one store online but the shipping was over $100 CAD! Do you have Instagram that I can dm you on?! 3y
Lucy_Anywhere I do! I‘m bookedbylucy on Insta 3y
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Feb - 3 Mar 2021 (audiobook)
This book inevitably draws comparisons with Harry Potter - a child is treated terribly by her family and whisked away into a new world where she is valued; a banished evildoer with whom the child has some unexplained connection is spoken of in whispers; and the child finally makes new friends who are somewhat like them. Nevermoor was never going to rise to the level of HP but is entertaining if not wholly original.

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Rereading a favourite

BookishMarginalia Love it! 3y
CaroPi I want all kids to stop reading Harry Potter and start to read this 3y
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OMG Sharni, I didn‘t even notice until I went to put them on a new shelf! You must be feeling so ripped off, this is amazing! 😭 #happilyeverafterswap

thegirlwiththelibrarybag 😂 an extra surprise! 3y
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#happilyeverafterswap Part 2. I opened up my box first thing Sunday morning and was not disappointed. You have found cute goodies from my fav fandoms 😍

Lyssa131330 And thanks @Chrissyreadit! This was my first swap and I really enjoyed it 3y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍❤️Im glad you enjoyed it! 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Excellent - glad it all made it safely. 3y
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Thank you so much for my #HappilyEverAfterSwap package!! I love everything and I can wait to read these books! I do have a copy of The Hazel Wood, but I also love to bring books into my classroom that I‘ve enjoyed! This is perfect!! Now I have one to reread at home and one to loan to students! Even though I‘m going out to dinner shortly, I‘ve already begun snacking on the Kisses! Yummy!!! Thank you so much!!! @Charityann

tracey38 Looks like an amazing package! I really want to real Nevermoor as well. Love everything you got. 3y
Chrissyreadit Looks amazing!😍💕😍💕😍 (edited) 3y
KatieDid927 Cute socks! 3y
Charityann Yay! Glad you like everything!❤️😊 3y
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“Death is boring. Life is much more fun. Things happen in life all the time. Unexpected things. Things you couldn‘t possibly expect because they‘re so very... unexpected.” Jupiter North

Currently reading Nevermoor. The book has the perfect balance of being cute, and tackling serious issues.

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So happy about my early Christmas present from my mister. Listening to my audiobook to wear it in. On the hunt for a fun, colorful pillow to bring it all together.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Looks comfy! 😍 4y
LibrarianRyan Nice! 4y
Crazeedi That looks like a comfy chair! Enjoy!! 4y
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Reggie Wow, how nice! 4y
JamieArc Have you heard of Society6? They have amazing prints for everything, including throw pillows. They also support black artists and you can search for those prints. 4y
Chelleo @JamieArc Yes, I love that site and plan on browsing soon! 4y
quietjenn Looks wonderful and inviting! 4y
Bookzombie Looks like a great spot to read! 4y
Hooked_on_books This is such a cozy spot! I love it. 😍 4y
Lreads Absolutely lovely and cozy! 😍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely chair and space 👍 4y
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When you're having trouble wrapping those last two gift books because you really kind of want to read them yourself!


Sresendez12 I enjoyed The Girl Who Drank the Moon so I don‘t blame you! 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎧 2020.12.19
@riversong153 I will never second guess your book recommendations again! You were right. This is a great book! You‘ve also wrecked my TBR plans because now I must immediately start book 2 in this series! It‘s like a weird and wonderful mashup of Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, and Divergent. 😍🤩

riversong153 I‘m so glad you liked it. I listened to all 3 back to back too! 4y
Chelleo @riversong153 If they don‘t make this into a movie!!! 4y
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Starting this today on the recommendation of @riversong153 ☺️

riversong153 You‘re gonna love it! I hope 😆 4y
Chelleo @riversong153 If not, you will forever get the side-eye 😒LOL j/k 😜😂 4y
riversong153 😂😂😂 4y
Akiko13 I love that book! Hope you have fun! 4y
Chelleo @Akiko13 @riversong153 I‘m really enjoying it so far! 4y
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Take 2. So glad I finally finished this audiobook! This book was really good and I can‘t wait to read the next in the series. My audio listening time goes down in the winter when it‘s too cold to walk outside.

#WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders +16pts #TBRRead
#BookSpinBingo - Free square
#ReadYourWay - Book 6 finished (I‘ve had some timer issues, so need to figure out how long I‘ve actually read)

SpeculativeFemale Glad to hear this is good since I just purchased it for my grand niece for Christmas! 4y
TheSpineView Great job! 😊👍📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks I read this book when it first came out & really enjoyed it, but haven't gone back to read the sequels - I think there are two now! 4y
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I had so much fun reading this! The world was so magical and I enjoyed getting to know Morrigan. The mystery surrounding her and the other characters in the world of Nevermoor kept me wanting to know what happens next. There is also a reveal at the end that made me 😲😲 Lastly, Townsend works in some commentary about privilege and expectations of womanhood that I didn't expect to see in a middle grade and I appreciated it. #fantasy #middlegrade

Tracyantoon I‘m reading the 3rd book in this series now and there are definitely themes of prejudice and discrimination in this one as well that go far beyond what you would expect in a middle grade book. Great series and world building!! Love these books!! 4y
dearb00kshelves @Tracyantoon I'm glad to see those themes continue through the series! I definitely want to get the second one soon so I can catch up! 4y
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Oh thank you Jessica Townsend! This escape is absolutely what I needed to help me through a stressful week. Comfort reading at its finest.

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I'd heard good things about this book, and it didn't disappoint at all. I'm looking forward to reading the other two books. You can read my full review here: https://link.medium.com/Qdi2yzkEQab


I finished this but forgot to post. I really loved this book. I listened on audio and it was amazing. I can‘t wait to listen to the next title.