I stayed up much too late playing DnD last night (and by late I mean midnight 😅) and between that and Daylight Savings Time I feel useless and unmotivated today. Since I can't focus on reading I'm playing Animal Crossing and watching UK Drag Race.
I stayed up much too late playing DnD last night (and by late I mean midnight 😅) and between that and Daylight Savings Time I feel useless and unmotivated today. Since I can't focus on reading I'm playing Animal Crossing and watching UK Drag Race.
Ru is my GuRu!! It‘s almost crowning time! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Most of the wonderful things I know, Ru has taught me! “If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen?!” 💋💅🏼💃 #dragrace #rupaulsdragrace
Absolutely love this book despite not being a proper book book, more of a photography/coffee table kind of thing. It‘s filled with page after page of gorgeous photos of the lovely RuPaul.
Filled with little insights in to her life and the humour some parts give, it‘s perfect for any time you need a little pick me up!
Loved this! Ru is fierce! This is more of what I would call a ‘coffee table book‘, full of inspirational quotes and quick short stories of her journey. It is also full of so many beautiful photos. For a quick read, I really enjoyed it! And as Ru says, If you can‘t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?‘
Can I get an Amen up in here?? 🙏❤️
Look what just arrived at the library!!!! And it's now coming home with me!!!😍😄😍😄
A great little coffee table book of inspirations. And a great way to kick off #2019!
#LitsyAtoZ 1/26
#LetterG #G
#quotes #inspiration
Reading RuPaul's new book.
Sitting and practicing just being today. Thanks Ru. The kids germs have taken me out. I can‘t concentrate enough to focus on a book. So I‘m reading about books, in People magazine. There is no way I‘m always going to wear heels though. Lol