#roll100 first book done. This was ultra violent and lots of twists and turns. It was ok but not amazing, a fair bit of exposition, and also some rampant sexism 🙄
To reward myself last night after my virtual desk of “papers” was all “graded”, my email inbox was cleared, my courses were all prepped & distributed for the next two weeks, my book edits were back to the editor, my house was cleanish, food was in the kitchen, & the checking account was reconciled, I picked up Sarina Bowen‘s latest. #romantsy #teachersofLitsy
So instead of the intricately plotted book, I read a grim dark romance novella. It was surprisingly good, though not free. I‘m giving up my #Kindle Unlimited #KU both because there is so much crap, but also personal financial reasons. #romantsy #grimdark #novella
I can‘t find these books on here at all, they‘ve only just been released. Two more books from #ThePigeonhole social reading platform. They seem to be very good at choosing good books! The Pumilio Child set in the Renaissance, slavery involved, and Love Bites is a collection of short stories about immigrants, misfits and the lonely. Both really good reads!
1. Raisinettes or Good & Plenty 😝
2. Not a stellar month: The Secret History
3. Indian !!!!
4. Yes, ~30
5. Will do.
@cobwebmoth Thanks for the fun tag for brown books!
I tag @Avanders @erinreads and @Robothugs for Purple books! 💜
It's a good read. Kind of detective-ish because its more about who is who and like that. Include killing scene and scarry description how the body looks like. If you don't like thriller, i won't recommended it to you, but if you love sherlock-ish thing you probably like it. Much point of view not that confusing and i think that's the plus in it specially in lots of scene
It's a book bike for the local library at a farmer's market! I love it!
Can't find this book in this list... Grrrr. Book with no name will do ;-)
#work #IT #ITSM #ServiceManagement #ITIL
How do you lighten up work reading? This and more till #Friday 🙂🙂🙂
There were things I really liked - the overall story was pretty good - but the writing was a bit of a let down and the characters were pretty one dimensional. Entertaining but not mind-blowing.